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GunsAndGears版 - kelvinchufei 封 creation 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
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kelvinchufei 封 GCfighter 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 gutshot 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
kelvinchufei 封 coldsteel 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 xmfdrspeech 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
law discussionkelvinchufei 封 Neil777 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
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kelvinchufei 封 qilikala888 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 DVD209 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
话题: intruder话题: law话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8706
【 以下文字转载自 Notice 讨论区 】
发信人: deliver (自动发信系统), 信区:
标 题: kelvinchufei 封 creation 在 GunsAndGears 版
发信站: BBS 未名空间站自动发信系统 (Sun Jan 22 02:07:00 2012)
由于 creation 在 GunsAndGears 版的 违反版规第三条,鼓吹暴力 行为,
被暂时取消在本版的发文权力 1 天。
发信人: creation (努力自由泳50m/45sec !), 信区: GunsAndGears
标 题: Re: 菜鸟买枪求科普(家里被入室抢劫)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 22 02:02:48 2012, 美东)
if u are the LZ\'s wife , you would think differently.
it\'s wiser to kill the bastard and face trial/ rig the scene to make the
trial easier for you (placing knives in his hands etc) than to
be possibly killed/raped by the intruder.
kill EVERY intruder, don\'t leave any live tongues, then it\'s up to
you to make the story
Sun Jan 22 02:06:59 2012
发帖数: 4534
What he's trying to convince people to commit is not just sheer stupidity,
but also a felony. This guy should be banned from here forever.
发帖数: 9475
我是上完CCW课后, 觉得自己之前的有些想法很蠢, 并且是违法的。
为自卫买枪时心情一定要先平静下来。 不管是否将来真想携枪, 如果当地允许(上
CCW课), 为保护自己, 我建议可能时都去上CCW的课。
发帖数: 11154
“rig the scene to make the trial easier” 那就不是自卫而是谋杀了。这种不负
发帖数: 4965
you can save the stupidity for urself when you get an invasion
and try to "VERIFY" that the intruder can be "classified as violent", and
contemplate what your case comes out, after the intruder shoots you, or does
anything to your family.
it's very 2B of you to presemtuously claim how to keep calm and hope the
fxxxed up laws will save you in those situations, while you have never been
that situation. in this country, only you save yourself, never trust ur life
to another person, police, or government, DA.

【在 S**********s 的大作中提到】
: What he's trying to convince people to commit is not just sheer stupidity,
: but also a felony. This guy should be banned from here forever.

发帖数: 4965
what I want to say is,
the top priority is my life, my family's lives. I don't believe in religion,
but as religious people put it, God gave us our lives, nobody is to take it
. if someone enters my house in burglary, I am not giving it any guess "oh..
.. maybe, maybe he's not violent, let's observe and talk to him and see, ",
I am going to assume the worst from him since he already forfeited what God
(for religious people) or Law gave him

【在 f*********n 的大作中提到】
: “rig the scene to make the trial easier” 那就不是自卫而是谋杀了。这种不负
: 责任的言论在本版没有市场。
: 本版的新手请注意了,有枪不是解决所有问题的方式;唯一可以动用枪是自己或者他人
: 的生命受到直接而且严重的威胁。枪也不是玩具,买枪和用枪前请先建立起对枪的尊重
: 和拥枪的道德。

发帖数: 4965
as to the scene and trial,
you have to admit that in many places the law does not make sense (many
states do not have Castle doctrine). put it another way, same acts are legal
/righteous in some states, then become illegal in other states. so are you
going to entrust your familie's lives to some archaic / vague variations in
some words that some people (who are the same citizens of the country, not
any higher than you) put down ? do you value your families's lives more or
value the law more? your families' lives are the same across state to state,
but laws vary state to state, so you should re-evaluate how much you go
out to protect your family? if you believe the top priority of your own
family, law is a tool to be used towards that end------- including lawyers.

【在 f*********n 的大作中提到】
: “rig the scene to make the trial easier” 那就不是自卫而是谋杀了。这种不负
: 责任的言论在本版没有市场。
: 本版的新手请注意了,有枪不是解决所有问题的方式;唯一可以动用枪是自己或者他人
: 的生命受到直接而且严重的威胁。枪也不是玩具,买枪和用枪前请先建立起对枪的尊重
: 和拥枪的道德。

发帖数: 2428
Say what you want on the Internet, but be aware there is always someone
watching. Say you are lucky by shooting an intruder today, but what you said
here yesterday could be used to against you. There are words only mean to
be understood, but don't mean to be discussed.
So please, shut up!
发帖数: 413
发帖数: 1266
If every gun owner has the same exact point of view, gun will be banned from
the country soon. And it is better so.You can use firearm to protect
yourself and your families but only and only when you and their lives are
threatened. I am not saying you should not do so but point of view and
attitude you promote here especially with so many to be gun owners and new
gun owners, it is very dangerous.It is like you saying everyone should get
death sentence when they commit a crime no matter how small it is.The gun is
only used to protect only when you have to but not need to.
kelvinchufei 封 popmit 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 hanchi2010 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
kelvinchufei 封 woyeye 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 WingCafe 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
kelvinchufei 封 qilikala888 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 gutshot 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
发帖数: 4965
as long as people here "understand" it's good,
I just feel that some people create too much confusion for new people.
the recent reported case in that posting, police said "___of course__ ok to
shoot". I just want people to use your own brain, evaluate your own
philosophy, do your own research on laws to see how to best protect you.


【在 c**********d 的大作中提到】
: Say what you want on the Internet, but be aware there is always someone
: watching. Say you are lucky by shooting an intruder today, but what you said
: here yesterday could be used to against you. There are words only mean to
: be understood, but don't mean to be discussed.
: So please, shut up!

发帖数: 11154
To creation (努力自由泳50m/45sec !):
You are entitled to your opinions and beliefs, but you are not entitled to
spread any misinformation that's illegal in any way, shape, or form on this
board. If you believe laws are unfair, idiotic, or draconian, you have the
freedom of moving to destinations of your desire, or the freedom to
participate in the processes of changing the law; you however, do not have
the freedom to preach illegal activities here.
This is the end of discussion. You are welcome to post threads that conform
to the board rules; any other posts is to cease immediately.
发帖数: 4965
I agree what you said,
but see it this way: what is the law? the law is a compromise between
citizens to reach for a maintainable, stable state of the whole society, it'
s to maximize the long term interests of the collective society.
but is it to maximize your interests (here I confine that strictly to your
safety and lives of ur family). no. how are you going to weigh the
possibility that the intruder is non-violent vs vioment, against your family
's lives? only you can maximize your interests, by using whatever tools
available, law, lawyers, guns.


【在 d*****h 的大作中提到】
: If every gun owner has the same exact point of view, gun will be banned from
: the country soon. And it is better so.You can use firearm to protect
: yourself and your families but only and only when you and their lives are
: threatened. I am not saying you should not do so but point of view and
: attitude you promote here especially with so many to be gun owners and new
: gun owners, it is very dangerous.It is like you saying everyone should get
: death sentence when they commit a crime no matter how small it is.The gun is
: only used to protect only when you have to but not need to.

发帖数: 11154
Guess I didn't make myself clear, so I'll take the time and repeat it one
more time:
End of discussion! If you don't like the law, change it or leave it, but
until the law is changed, any comment that's illegal or in violation of the
law is to cease immediately.
发帖数: 2428

Well, you are one of the some. It takes brain to understand what is the
right thing to do. You point of view is actually more confusing, and
dangerous. Being conservative goes a long way. You think you can out smart
CIS? Look at the Simpson case.

【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: I agree what you said,
: but see it this way: what is the law? the law is a compromise between
: citizens to reach for a maintainable, stable state of the whole society, it'
: s to maximize the long term interests of the collective society.
: but is it to maximize your interests (here I confine that strictly to your
: safety and lives of ur family). no. how are you going to weigh the
: possibility that the intruder is non-violent vs vioment, against your family
: 's lives? only you can maximize your interests, by using whatever tools
: available, law, lawyers, guns.

发帖数: 21328
simple. if you want to do something against the law, you got to keep it to
yourself. don't advocate it publicly.


【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: I agree what you said,
: but see it this way: what is the law? the law is a compromise between
: citizens to reach for a maintainable, stable state of the whole society, it'
: s to maximize the long term interests of the collective society.
: but is it to maximize your interests (here I confine that strictly to your
: safety and lives of ur family). no. how are you going to weigh the
: possibility that the intruder is non-violent vs vioment, against your family
: 's lives? only you can maximize your interests, by using whatever tools
: available, law, lawyers, guns.

发帖数: 1266
It is well said from above from others. No more comment.


【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: I agree what you said,
: but see it this way: what is the law? the law is a compromise between
: citizens to reach for a maintainable, stable state of the whole society, it'
: s to maximize the long term interests of the collective society.
: but is it to maximize your interests (here I confine that strictly to your
: safety and lives of ur family). no. how are you going to weigh the
: possibility that the intruder is non-violent vs vioment, against your family
: 's lives? only you can maximize your interests, by using whatever tools
: available, law, lawyers, guns.

发帖数: 4534
Thank you, Mr. Internet Expert, the idea of turning justified homicide into
first degree murder is just absolutely fucking brilliant.
I will shoot the intruder if needed, you can take my word on that; but if I
shot in self defense, I'll show the cops EXACTLY what happened and take my
chances at court if I have to.
I was properly trained in the military, and I've been in a few situations
that require proper judgement, from drills to real life situations; you can
take that stupidity back and shovel it.


【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: you can save the stupidity for urself when you get an invasion
: and try to "VERIFY" that the intruder can be "classified as violent", and
: contemplate what your case comes out, after the intruder shoots you, or does
: anything to your family.
: it's very 2B of you to presemtuously claim how to keep calm and hope the
: fxxxed up laws will save you in those situations, while you have never been
: that situation. in this country, only you save yourself, never trust ur life
: to another person, police, or government, DA.

发帖数: 15836
That's the right way to be a man!


【在 S**********s 的大作中提到】
: Thank you, Mr. Internet Expert, the idea of turning justified homicide into
: first degree murder is just absolutely fucking brilliant.
: I will shoot the intruder if needed, you can take my word on that; but if I
: shot in self defense, I'll show the cops EXACTLY what happened and take my
: chances at court if I have to.
: I was properly trained in the military, and I've been in a few situations
: that require proper judgement, from drills to real life situations; you can
: take that stupidity back and shovel it.
: does

发帖数: 2508
没错。Truth is the best answer (in most cases anyways).

【在 C*******d 的大作中提到】
: That's the right way to be a man!
: 中国有句古话:聪明反被聪明误。自己的谎言如果一个地方被发现漏洞,基本上就把自
: 己从一个非常正常的家防变成杀人了,傻瓜才会这么去做。
: into
: I
: can

发帖数: 15836

【在 h*********2 的大作中提到】
: 没错。Truth is the best answer (in most cases anyways).
1 (共1页)
kelvinchufei 封 DVD209 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)law discussion
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Resident kills burglar at NW Houston apartmentskelvinchufei 封 qilikala888 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
kelvinchufei 封 vankie 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 hanchi2010 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
kelvinchufei 封 jawcn 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 WingCafe 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
kelvinchufei 封 GCfighter 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 gutshot 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
kelvinchufei 封 coldsteel 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)kelvinchufei 封 xmfdrspeech 在 GunsAndGears 版 (转载)
话题: intruder话题: law话题: your