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GunsAndGears版 - Charles Barkley: Jury Was Right to Acquit Zimmerman (转载)
George zimmerman not guilty如果有人破坏你车
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Jury finds George Zimmerman not guiltyCharles Daly Special Purpose Semiauto Shotgun
德州买枪驾照地址和账单地址不一样可以么?死人不会说话 Travyvon案件的事实其实已经比较清楚了 (转载)
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话题: zimmerman话题: people话题: right话题: acquit话题: jury
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【 以下文字转载自 Basketball 讨论区 】
发信人: StarVenus (参商*极品磨工), 信区: Basketball
标 题: Charles Barkley: Jury Was Right to Acquit Zimmerman (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 21 11:06:41 2013, 美东)
发信人: StarVenus (参商*极品磨工), 信区: USANews
标 题: Charles Barkley: Jury Was Right to Acquit Zimmerman
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 21 11:04:59 2013, 美东)
Charles Barkley: Jury Was Right to Acquit Zimmerman
Thu 18 Jul 13 | 03:22 PM ET
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any thoughts on the george zimmerman verdict. i agree with the verdict. i'm
sorry that young kid got killed. but they didn't have enough evidence to
charge them. something clearly went wrong that night. clearly something went
wrong. i feel bad for anyone losing a kid. but if you looked at the case
and you don't make it -- there was racial profiling, no question about it.
but something happened that changed the dynamic of that night. and i know --
that's probably not a popular opinion among most people. but looking at the
evidence i agree with the verdict. i feel bad because i don't like when
race gets out in the media. i don't think media has a pure heart, as i call
it. very few people have a pure heart when it comes to race. racism is wrong
in any, shape, form. a lot of black people are racist too. i think
sometimes when people talk about racism, they say only white people are
racist. but i think black people are too. i don't think the media has clean
hand. i'm sorry the young kid got killed but judging by the evidence, i don'
t think that guy should have went to jail the rest of his life. something
happened bad. i like what the juror said, they both should have walked away.
and if there is a shadow of a doubt, there is a shadow of a doubt. mr.
zimmerman wab wrong to -- he was racial profiling. trayvon martin, god rest
his soul, he did flip the switch and start beating the hell out of mr.
zimmerman. the main thing, i feel bad, it gives every black and white person
who is racist the platform to base their ignorance. i watched this trial
closely. i watch these people are television talking about it. a lot of
people have a hidden agenda. they want their racist views, whether they are
white or black -- the biassed comes out. it does. we all lost. and i feel
bad for his parents. you don't ever want to see anybody lose a kid.
1 (共1页)
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George zimmerman not guilty如果有人破坏你车
NBA球星巴克里谈Zimmerman verdict (转载)有没有华人家防上庭的案例?
Zimmerman helps rescue Florida highway crash victims (转载)Slain student called 911, but no one came in time
Jury finds George Zimmerman not guiltyCharles Daly Special Purpose Semiauto Shotgun
话题: zimmerman话题: people话题: right话题: acquit话题: jury