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Headline版 - 女博士被人推下几十级台阶 男子自首称"想听尖叫"
80后情侣举行低碳婚礼 租16辆自行车迎亲(组图)北京30余学生群殴1死3伤 行凶者持刀3次扎人
长江干堤挖出特大白蚁巢穴 最大直径达1米(图)台导演大曝女星陪客内幕:当众脱得精光(图)
贤妻出差留高标准家庭作业 家六条难倒甩手丈夫(图)中国19岁留学生坠楼而亡 抵达美国学校仅四天(图)
武汉:"汉版"大黄鸭充气下水 尺寸小于原版(图)“好姐妹”偷拍换衣裸照 初一女生被胁迫卖淫
武汉男子取280元得2800 到银行还钱遭吼:你什么意思原配不满老公出轨买凶杀小三:打残千元打死万元
老人助癌症老伴沉江自杀 判4年监外执行(图)男子怀疑妻子出轨割掉其双耳 不解气再砍伤情敌
70岁老人送患癌老伴沉江 被判故意杀人获刑4年(图)女子向情夫炫耀新姘头遭掐死 裸尸留在卫生间(图)
男子欲跳楼众人劝说无效 好友用大闸蟹诱其放弃三亚女子向情夫炫耀新姘头被掐死 裸尸留卫生间(图)
话题: he话题: caning话题: strokes话题: trestle话题: prison
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 42149
发帖数: 11530
Besides prison term, Singaporean style canning is good this guy.
How 'bout 20 strokes.
"dministration procedure[edit]
Caning is, in practice, always ordered in addition to a jail sentence and
never as a punishment by itself. It is administered in an enclosed area in
the prison out of the view of the public and other inmates.[8] A medical
officer and the Superintendent of Prisons are required to be present at
every caning session.[38]
The offender is not told in advance when he will be caned; he is notified
only on the day his sentence is to be carried out.[39] Offenders often
undergo a lot of psychological distress as a result of being put into such
uncertainty.[34] On the day itself, the medical officer examines him by
measuring his blood pressure and other physical conditions to check whether
he is medically fit for the caning. If he is certified fit, he proceeds to
receive his punishment; if he is certified unfit, he is sent back to the
court for the sentence to be remitted or converted to additional time in
prison. A prison officer confirms with him the number of strokes he has been
sentenced to.[40]
In practice, the offender is required to strip completely naked for the
caning. Once he has removed his clothes, he is restrained in a large wooden
trestle based on the British dual-purpose prison flogging frame. He stands
barefooted on the trestle base and bends over a padded horizontal crossbar
on one side of the trestle, with the crossbar adjusted to around his waist
level. His feet are tied to a lower crossbar on the same side by restraining
ankle cuffs made of leather, while his hands are secured to another
horizontal crossbar on the other side by wrist cuffs of similar design; his
hands can hold on to the crossbar. After he is secured to the trestle in a
bent-over position at an angle of close to 90° at the hip, protective
padding is tied around his lower back to protect the vulnerable kidney and
lower spine area from any strokes that might land off-target.[37][41] The
punishment is administered on his bare buttocks[42] to minimise the risk of
any injury to bones and organs.[8] He is not gagged.[37]
The caning officer carefully positions himself beside the trestle and takes
aim with the cane. The Director of Prisons explained in a 1974 press
conference, "Correct positioning is critically important. If he is too near
the prisoner, the tip of the cane will fall beyond the buttocks and the
force of the stroke will cause the unsupported tip to dip and bend the cane
and thus reduce the effect of the stroke. If he is too far, the stroke will
only cover part of the buttocks." Strokes are delivered at intervals of
about 30 seconds.[33] The caning officer is required to exert as much
strength as he can muster for each stroke.[37] The offender receives all the
strokes in a single caning session – not in instalments.[6] According to
anecdotal evidence, if the sentence involves a large number of strokes (say,
six or more), two or more officers will take turns to cane the offender to
ensure that the later strokes are as equally forceful as the earlier ones.[
During the caning, if the medical officer certifies that the offender is not
in a fit state of health to undergo the rest of the punishment, the caning
must be stopped.[3] The offender will then be sent back to the court for the
remaining number of strokes to be remitted or converted to a prison term of
no more than 12 months, in addition to the original prison term he was
sentenced to.[44]"
1 (共1页)
三亚女子向情夫炫耀新姘头被掐死 裸尸留卫生间(图)武汉男子取280元得2800 到银行还钱遭吼:你什么意思
上海:陪酒女子受“500元喝一杯酒”诱惑醉亡老人助癌症老伴沉江自杀 判4年监外执行(图)
陪酒女受高额奖励诱惑醉亡 喝一杯酒可拿500元70岁老人送患癌老伴沉江 被判故意杀人获刑4年(图)
陕西矿工偷5000枚雷管私卖案 DNA对比结果出现罕见误差男子欲跳楼众人劝说无效 好友用大闸蟹诱其放弃
80后情侣举行低碳婚礼 租16辆自行车迎亲(组图)北京30余学生群殴1死3伤 行凶者持刀3次扎人
长江干堤挖出特大白蚁巢穴 最大直径达1米(图)台导演大曝女星陪客内幕:当众脱得精光(图)
贤妻出差留高标准家庭作业 家六条难倒甩手丈夫(图)中国19岁留学生坠楼而亡 抵达美国学校仅四天(图)
武汉:"汉版"大黄鸭充气下水 尺寸小于原版(图)“好姐妹”偷拍换衣裸照 初一女生被胁迫卖淫
话题: he话题: caning话题: strokes话题: trestle话题: prison