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Headline版 - Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo
致华尔街日报记者的公开信(中英文)从“Guo”改为“Kwok” 细节暴露了郭文贵在美身份
中国众学者愤起 唿吁解散铁道部《星战7》导演曾为《谁陷害兔子罗杰2》写剧本
薄熙来视察学校 女老师打扮的像空姐(图)Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo
相关检控机制缺失 加拿大失窃艺术品黑市猖獗Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo
台医生性侵友邦伯利兹多名高官夫人 光盘外泄(图)Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo
网友:警方发布通缉令 证明韩建国可能已安全到家Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo
麻省理工中国籍美女留学生陈尸公寓 死因不明(图)Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo
麻省理工28岁中国女留学生陈尸公寓 死因不明(图)Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo
话题: guo话题: qu话题: china话题: us话题: wengui
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 25
Qu Long says Guo Wengui used connections to get him sent to prison
A former business partner of fugitive billionaire Guo Wengui on Wednesday
urged the US government to deport Guo to China, a week ahead of US President
Donald Trump's visit to China.
Trump is set to visit China from November 8 to 10.
Qu Long, a former executive director of the Beijing Zhengquan Real Estate
Company, a company Guo owns, was acquitted of all charges by the High People
's Court of Hebei Province in September after six years in jail. He claims
at a press conference in Beijing that Guo framed him.
Qu said the falling out between the two men started with the acquisition of
the Tianjin Huatai Company. In 2008, Guo purchased 70 percent of the shares
of Tianjin Huatai but transferred shares to Qu to avoid legal problems. But
after learning that the legal disputes had ended, Guo wanted the company
back despite Qu's efforts and investment, and with one project worth over 10
billion yuan ($1.5 billion).
Qu claimed Guo fabricated evidence and accused him of ties to the mafia and
underground weapons activities. Guo also ordered his subordinates to report
Qu to the Beijing police for fraud, but the case was rejected.
Qu was eventually placed under the custody of the Chengde police after
former Deputy Minister of State Security Ma Jian called Zhang Yue, former
secretary of the Communist Party of China's Hebei provincial committee for
political and legal affairs.
Qu was subsequently tried and sentenced to 15 years in jail in 2012 for duty
-related embezzlement.
Both Ma and Zhang were later removed from their posts and placed under
"My family and I are miserable because Guo Wengui framed me. I can only have
my innocence if Guo is punished … So I am asking my media friends from all
over the world to help me appeal to the US government to deport Guo to
China as soon as possible," Qu said.
Qu added he will soon press charges against Guo.
He told reporters that if Guo is not returned to China, he will definitely
file charges against him in the US.
Qu said Guo lied about knowing senior officials in his Twitter videos and
that the high-level officials linked to Guo, such as Ma and Zhang, had
already fallen.
"I believe my case is a very unique one. I was framed by Guo and some bad
officers in the judical system. I was transferred to multiple locations but
managed to stay healthy. China's legal system is sound," Qu told the Global
Guo fled China in 2014 and now lives in New York. The Interpol has issued a
red notice for Guo,who is believed to be involved in several corruption
Newspaper headline: Partner wants fugitive billionaire returned
1 (共1页)
Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo台医生性侵友邦伯利兹多名高官夫人 光盘外泄(图)
Qu Long says Guo Wengui网友:警方发布通缉令 证明韩建国可能已安全到家
Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo麻省理工中国籍美女留学生陈尸公寓 死因不明(图)
爱尔兰航空起诉郭文贵麻省理工28岁中国女留学生陈尸公寓 死因不明(图)
致华尔街日报记者的公开信(中英文)从“Guo”改为“Kwok” 细节暴露了郭文贵在美身份
中国众学者愤起 唿吁解散铁道部《星战7》导演曾为《谁陷害兔子罗杰2》写剧本
薄熙来视察学校 女老师打扮的像空姐(图)Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo
相关检控机制缺失 加拿大失窃艺术品黑市猖獗Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo
话题: guo话题: qu话题: china话题: us话题: wengui