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HongKong版 - 现在香港的投行,律所,私募的市场怎么样?
忽然四年-之外How is this hotel in HongKong? Please advise!
有没人在愉景湾买房子啊Pacific Place是不是太古广场?
Hong Kong's tailor这里有没有从美国回香港发展的?
一个NEU教授20年前写的在香港做faculty(CS)How to go to Shenzhen airport
关于菲佣住房面积的对话Question about cable TV
Sheraton Hotel 附近的便宜宾馆Is Chicago still in Hong Kong?????
话题: china话题: hk话题: kong话题: hong话题: bubble
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 454
发帖数: 1520
so so.
I guess after the Chinese bubble bursts, HK will follow China's ecomony. HK
may still have one or two years' good time.
Now the real estate price goes up everyday, but no people is buying. it is
like the scene before the bubble will get burst.

【在 L***z 的大作中提到】
: 我早前估计长期的发展不会太好,但不知大家现在过的怎么样?
发帖数: 9274
发帖数: 454
As to the real estate market, I heard quite some rich people from the
mainland are making purchase. I said long time ago that I don't have very
optimistic view on HK's future in general--but it looks like if the central
government is determined to let HK continue to be a "special" zone (meaning,
rich and powerful get special treatment), probably there will be an economy
specialy designed for them. For e.g., instead of forcing the rich Chinese
emigrate to other countries, how about let Hong Kong
发帖数: 1520
Those rich people have no other good places to put their money. HK will be
in the same politic system o China after 37-38 years. If one people buy one
apartment in west Kowloon or Island with 1 billion HK dollar, you could
divide 1 billion by 38 years and the house value will depreciate by this way
. After 38 years, HK real estate price should be in the same level as
mainland market.
Now it is a crazy world. too much money was issued by Chinese goverment.
Also those moeny are poured into the poc

【在 L***z 的大作中提到】
: As to the real estate market, I heard quite some rich people from the
: mainland are making purchase. I said long time ago that I don't have very
: optimistic view on HK's future in general--but it looks like if the central
: government is determined to let HK continue to be a "special" zone (meaning,
: rich and powerful get special treatment), probably there will be an economy
: specialy designed for them. For e.g., instead of forcing the rich Chinese
: emigrate to other countries, how about let Hong Kong

发帖数: 577
I believe HK still has great potential going forward. China is still in an
infant stage in terms of professional business such as investment banking,
law business and private equity investments but it is quickly catching up.
China needs to and is moving to free up more restrictions on financing and
other security activities. China needs to and is moving to free up more
financings to private sectors. China needs to and is moving to build its
own professional society. In all those aspects, HK
发帖数: 1520
It is not in the infant stage, it is in the last stage of the bubble. And
the bubble will burst soon. get time and watch the movie "wall street". The
movie reminds me all my lost money due to the subprime loan bubble.
发帖数: 454
Are you in the IB industry? I can hardly believe any invest banker will say
that China needs Hong Kong to showcase its investment banking. I've heard
many senior bankers say that if it's not for the low income tax and the
Renminbi issues, they will be out of Hong Kong long time ago.
Actually, what do you need these bankers for? The most skillful banker I've
ever seen is a managing director who has just jumped boat to UBS. His most
skillful work is to kiss his clients or potential clients' ass. I

【在 q******j 的大作中提到】
: I believe HK still has great potential going forward. China is still in an
: infant stage in terms of professional business such as investment banking,
: law business and private equity investments but it is quickly catching up.
: China needs to and is moving to free up more restrictions on financing and
: other security activities. China needs to and is moving to free up more
: financings to private sectors. China needs to and is moving to build its
: own professional society. In all those aspects, HK

发帖数: 406
你说得是Wei Cai吧?说他most skillful banker言过其实了吧?另外IBD有什么skill?
run excel model, ppt? 估计这skill就是你说得kiss the ass of clients and 监管


【在 L***z 的大作中提到】
: Are you in the IB industry? I can hardly believe any invest banker will say
: that China needs Hong Kong to showcase its investment banking. I've heard
: many senior bankers say that if it's not for the low income tax and the
: Renminbi issues, they will be out of Hong Kong long time ago.
: Actually, what do you need these bankers for? The most skillful banker I've
: ever seen is a managing director who has just jumped boat to UBS. His most
: skillful work is to kiss his clients or potential clients' ass. I

发帖数: 577
Bubble will burst and will form again. In terms of professional society,
China is still at the infant stage. The structure is over simplified which
cannot afford feeding too many professionals. China does not have a large
bond market, China does not have a large market of loan origination for
private sectors, China does not have secondary market for loans or debt
securities, China does not have derrivatives, China's bankruptcy cases can
be counted by fingers ...... China does have limited exp
发帖数: 577
The I-bankers themselves may not like Hong Kong for long hours, for humid
weather, for small apartment, for any other personal reasons but it does not
matter. The investors, the private equity firms, the commercial companies
and the banks like Hong Kong because it has an established professional
society and legal system. They could have reasonable expectations from the
business decisions they make. They have transaction precedents and
litigation precedents to guide them on future deals. They
发帖数: 454
You stated my points.


【在 h**b 的大作中提到】
: 你说得是Wei Cai吧?说他most skillful banker言过其实了吧?另外IBD有什么skill?
: run excel model, ppt? 估计这skill就是你说得kiss the ass of clients and 监管
: 部门。
: say
: ve

1 (共1页)
Is Chicago still in Hong Kong?????一个NEU教授20年前写的在香港做faculty(CS)
申请hong kong版斑竹要不要去香港?
提問: 9-10月會有超過20日在香港的人入來畫只龜关于菲佣住房面积的对话
想学香港话Sheraton Hotel 附近的便宜宾馆
忽然四年-之外How is this hotel in HongKong? Please advise!
有没人在愉景湾买房子啊Pacific Place是不是太古广场?
Hong Kong's tailor这里有没有从美国回香港发展的?
话题: china话题: hk话题: kong话题: hong话题: bubble