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I140版 - 求助!NIW 拿到了RFE
EB1b RFE Help求 ETA-750B 填表说明
I-140填表问题, EB1B DIY (转载)办身份要花多少钱?
NIW rfe 求助EB1B 的一些问题
EB2 I-140 RFE 求助。非常感谢任何帮助NIW checklist
ETA-750B 干嘛用?求助,在线等,有包子, 关于140的填写!!!!
From F1 to H-1B, 紧急求问!!!!!!!NIW, referral requesting ETA-750B or ETA-9089 parts J,K,L
急弱问一下!!!关于填写 ETA-750B
话题: petitioner话题: must话题: establish话题: interest
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 72
请大家帮我看看。我觉得缺的是1.两三封独立推荐信和最后的那个表格。 2. 学位证书
copy.我当时寄的就是photo copy.难道还要寄原件吗?求大神解惑。另外回复信应该强
The petitioner/beneficiary must establish that the national interest would
not be served if the petitioner/beneficiary was required to obtain a labor
certificate for the proposed employment. Documentation submitted by the
petitioner/beneficiary include:
Several letters of support/recommendation
Publications in which the petitioner/beneficiary authored or co-authored
Educational degree documents
Manu of the support/recommendation letters are from individuals who know the
petitioner/beneficiary and have knowledge of her work. Additionally, the
letters are general in nature and describe duties that are inherent to the
field. The letters do not demonstrate that the beneficiary’s past work has
resulted in findings of major significance or that the beneficiary is more
skilled than others who perform the same work or similar work. Please submit
evidence to establish that the beneficiary’s past record justifies
projections of future benefit to the nation.
The petitioner must persuasively demonstrate that the national interest
would be adversely affected if a labor certification were required. The
petitioner must demonstrate that it would be contrary to the national
interest to potentially deprive the prospective employer of the beneficiary
’s services by making the position available to U.S. workers.
The petitioner must establish that the beneficiary has a past record of
specific prior achievement with some degree of influence on the field as a
whole. The beneficiary’s previous influence on the field as a whole must
justify projections of future benefit to the national interest. The
petitioner must establish, in some capacity, the beneficiary’s ability to
serve the national interest to a substantially greater extent than the
majority of others in the field. For example, the petitioner may submit
copies of the beneficiary’s patents and copyrights; grant proposals; peer
reviewed articles; performance evaluations for the last five to ten years;
work that has been evaluated in independent journals; and awards for work in
the field. Any awards for work in the field of awards given, the frequency
of the award, the criteria for granting the award, and the number of
individuals eligible to compete for the award.
The petitioner must establish that the beneficiary’s skills or background
are unique and innovative and serve the national interest. If the
beneficiary possesses any special skills, knowledge or abilities that could
not be articulated on an application for labor certification, the petitioner
must submit evidence to demonstrate these special skills, knowledge or
Also, please submit Form ETA-750B, “statement of qualifications of alien,”
or form ETA-9089, “application for permanent employment certification,”
parts J, K and L.
发帖数: 87
发帖数: 72
另外是diy的。 那现在我最重要的就是在找两封独立的信就ok了吧?多谢!

【在 h****1 的大作中提到】
: 你原来没交独立推荐信吗?另外推荐信要加强的rfe里都说了啊。你是DIY的吗?可以找
: 律师给看看要怎么改。

发帖数: 5337
1 (共1页)
关于填写 ETA-750B友情指导办绿卡
关于6年到期后的H1B延期和H1B转L1签证的问题 (转载) ETA-750B 干嘛用?
帮LP的NIW求评估,跪求大家帮忙。。。From F1 to H-1B, 紧急求问!!!!!!!
急问关于E-file 140急弱问一下!!!
EB1b RFE Help求 ETA-750B 填表说明
I-140填表问题, EB1B DIY (转载)办身份要花多少钱?
NIW rfe 求助EB1B 的一些问题
EB2 I-140 RFE 求助。非常感谢任何帮助NIW checklist
话题: petitioner话题: must话题: establish话题: interest