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Immigration版 - 请问是先写好推荐信还是先联系好推荐人啊?谢谢
请问petition letter关于律师改推荐信,求建议,谢谢!
drafting 推荐信?律师拖着不改推荐信怎么办?
Any one used lawyer Andrew Fair recently got approved for Eb1A恳请大家评估可行性. Thanks a lot!
推荐信需要一开始就附上letter draft吗?Damn, just submit one second author paper by myself.
Should I push my lawyer?律师帮你review RL drafts大约要多久?
How long did you guys spend on writting recommendation letter? (EB1A)这样的推荐人还能用吗?
一封推荐信等了2月。。。还在等eb1b 要找律师帮写推荐信draft吗
话题: letters话题: draft话题: he话题: him话题: drafts
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 199
发帖数: 455

【在 c********n 的大作中提到】
: 打算开始写draft,但是不假设好具体推荐人不知道怎么吹,有的引过paper,有的邀请
: review.
: 又怕现在联系好了,过一个月和律师改好draft别人又不记得了,尤其是独立的,大家都
: 是怎么做的?

发帖数: 6523
My experience or lesson is that I asked for the permissions first and then
drafted the letters based on their point of view. It took me more than two
months to draft the letters as we needed to look at all the letters
altogether. When I sent out the drafts finally, there was one person who
didn't respond back, and I decided to move on from him. Some other nicer
persons still responded and of course they remembered my emails. I am still
waiting for a couple of letters that the references said that they were on a
trip, etc, and they'd look at the drafts later.
So there is a chance that they may not respond after a while, but perhaps
this may happen even if they get a draft immediately but they don't like the
I can understand that it feels natural and relieving if we can immediately
provide a draft before they change their minds. Now with the experience of
having drafted a few letters, there aren't much more I need to say, and I
will get a couple more letters by revising the existing draft that was not
If you like, you could first write your contributions or achievements, and
then distribute them into several drafts when the references agree.

【在 c********n 的大作中提到】
: 打算开始写draft,但是不假设好具体推荐人不知道怎么吹,有的引过paper,有的邀请
: review.
: 又怕现在联系好了,过一个月和律师改好draft别人又不记得了,尤其是独立的,大家都
: 是怎么做的?

发帖数: 6523

The letters from the people who cited your paper and could explain how your
paper helped or inspired his/her research is especially useful.
The letters from the people who invited you for review can boast about your
reputation, that's also helpful. It could be a very good combo letter of
both reference and review verification mentioning the strict criteria to
select the reviewers, etc.
Keep trying until you get enough letters. If we want a success, we need to
double our failure rate. :-)
Frankly speaking, when that independent person, who used to chat very
friendly when I first contacted him, didn't respond back after I sent him
the draft, I felt so crushed and defeated, as if being betrayed. Well, they
do what they want to do, which is out of our control, and we only need to
mind our own business, and do what we need to do.

【在 c********n 的大作中提到】
: 打算开始写draft,但是不假设好具体推荐人不知道怎么吹,有的引过paper,有的邀请
: review.
: 又怕现在联系好了,过一个月和律师改好draft别人又不记得了,尤其是独立的,大家都
: 是怎么做的?

发帖数: 924


【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: 请review.
: The letters from the people who cited your paper and could explain how your
: paper helped or inspired his/her research is especially useful.
: The letters from the people who invited you for review can boast about your
: reputation, that's also helpful. It could be a very good combo letter of
: both reference and review verification mentioning the strict criteria to
: select the reviewers, etc.
: 都是怎么做的?
: Keep trying until you get enough letters. If we want a success, we need to

发帖数: 4894


【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: My experience or lesson is that I asked for the permissions first and then
: drafted the letters based on their point of view. It took me more than two
: months to draft the letters as we needed to look at all the letters
: altogether. When I sent out the drafts finally, there was one person who
: didn't respond back, and I decided to move on from him. Some other nicer
: persons still responded and of course they remembered my emails. I am still
: waiting for a couple of letters that the references said that they were on a
: trip, etc, and they'd look at the drafts later.
: So there is a chance that they may not respond after a while, but perhaps
: this may happen even if they get a draft immediately but they don't like the

发帖数: 6523
Ah, an update from that reference who didn't respond earlier!
Yesterday morning I emailed him thinking that it would be my last email to
him. The email was in a tone that if he chose not to sign the letter, I'd be
perfectly okay with it. I tried to apologize why it took me so long to send
him the draft, and perhaps the draft content was not what he's liking, but
I didn't meant to be offensive in any way, etc. I then wished him the best
in his future endeavors.
Well, this morning I got a response from him! He said that he was on travel
and he had very limited internet access, etc. He's still totally
understanding and he said that he's be happy to still sign the letter and I
didn't have to worry about it. He just wanted me to get the green card ASAP.
Of course, due to his travel, he would check the draft in a week or so.
I am so happy now, for his understanding, and for perhaps my persistent
trying to keep him in check. I emailed him three times, once a week.
During this process, I highly recommend us focusing on what we want, rather
than what we don't want.
The book "Your Heart's Desire: Instructions for Creating the Life You Really
Want" by Sonia Choquette is a very good guidance for this principle.
Take myself for example, at the beginning, I worried whether the references
would still like to sign the letters, and my worries kept me in anxiety and
making up sad stories, since only one person responded in the first week. In
the second week after I sent out the drafts, I read that book, and I sent
out reminder emails and tried to remember how the references had kindly
agreed to help, etc, to expect them to still respond to me. It seemed to
work as of now. I'll update you all when I get all letters signed. :-)

drafted the letters based on their point of view. It took me more than two
months to draft the letters as we needed to look at all the letters
altogether. When I sent out the drafts finally, there was one person who
didn't respond back, and I decided to move on from him.

【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: My experience or lesson is that I asked for the permissions first and then
: drafted the letters based on their point of view. It took me more than two
: months to draft the letters as we needed to look at all the letters
: altogether. When I sent out the drafts finally, there was one person who
: didn't respond back, and I decided to move on from him. Some other nicer
: persons still responded and of course they remembered my emails. I am still
: waiting for a couple of letters that the references said that they were on a
: trip, etc, and they'd look at the drafts later.
: So there is a chance that they may not respond after a while, but perhaps
: this may happen even if they get a draft immediately but they don't like the

发帖数: 199
多谢宝贵意见,很有帮助,不光是准备推荐信,整个过程都需要follow your heart!


【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Ah, an update from that reference who didn't respond earlier!
: Yesterday morning I emailed him thinking that it would be my last email to
: him. The email was in a tone that if he chose not to sign the letter, I'd be
: perfectly okay with it. I tried to apologize why it took me so long to send
: him the draft, and perhaps the draft content was not what he's liking, but
: I didn't meant to be offensive in any way, etc. I then wished him the best
: in his future endeavors.
: Well, this morning I got a response from him! He said that he was on travel
: and he had very limited internet access, etc. He's still totally
: understanding and he said that he's be happy to still sign the letter and I

发帖数: 444


【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Ah, an update from that reference who didn't respond earlier!
: Yesterday morning I emailed him thinking that it would be my last email to
: him. The email was in a tone that if he chose not to sign the letter, I'd be
: perfectly okay with it. I tried to apologize why it took me so long to send
: him the draft, and perhaps the draft content was not what he's liking, but
: I didn't meant to be offensive in any way, etc. I then wished him the best
: in his future endeavors.
: Well, this morning I got a response from him! He said that he was on travel
: and he had very limited internet access, etc. He's still totally
: understanding and he said that he's be happy to still sign the letter and I

1 (共1页)
eb1b 要找律师帮写推荐信draft吗推荐信需要一开始就附上letter draft吗?
eb1, 4500刀,不包括pp,和帮写推荐信,价格如何?Should I push my lawyer?
请教:EB1B学校给办,想请律师帮助写推荐信的问题How long did you guys spend on writting recommendation letter? (EB1A)
EB1/NIW 律师的作用一封推荐信等了2月。。。还在等
请问petition letter关于律师改推荐信,求建议,谢谢!
drafting 推荐信?律师拖着不改推荐信怎么办?
Any one used lawyer Andrew Fair recently got approved for Eb1A恳请大家评估可行性. Thanks a lot!
话题: letters话题: draft话题: he话题: him话题: drafts