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Immigration版 - EE方向审稿(面容识别)
转让机器学习论文审稿: LLE and Hybrid Kernel Function这里有在读博士或博后准备申请的吗?大家进来交流交流
求审稿机会。Computer science/Computer engineeringEB1B claim 问题求教
看几个AAO Appeal的失败案例PP NOID received today, need help!!! 求回复模板!!!
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RFE received on Wed, sent by TSC 1113请各位帮忙看看EB-1b的可能性
谁想review Computer Vision/Pattern Recognition/machine learning 的 journal papers?international recognition?
Invention Recognition Award可以claim不?RFE from NSC today
总共8次review4个journalRFE, international recognition
话题: 2dpca话题: kernel话题: based话题: stages话题: smile
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 32
"Efficient Kernel-based 2DPCA for Smile Stages Recognition"
Recently, an approach called two-dimensional principal component analysis
(2DPCA) has been proposed for smile stages representation and recognition.
The essence of 2DPCA is that it computes the eigenvectors of the so-called
image covariance matrix without matrix-to-vector conversion so the size of
the image covariance matrix are much smaller, easier to evaluate covariance
matrix, computation cost is reduced and the performance is also improved
than traditional PCA. In an effort to improve and perfect the performance of
smile stages recognition, in this paper, we propose efficient Kernel based
2DPCA concepts. The Kernelization of 2DPCA can be benefit to develop the
nonlinear structures in the input data. This paper discusses comparison of
standard Kernel based 2DPCA and efficient Kernel based 2DPCA for smile
stages recognition. The results of experiments show that Kernel based 2DPCA
achieve better performance in comparison with the other approaches. While
the use of efficient Kernel based 2DPCA can speed up the training procedure
of standard Kernel based 2DPCA thus the algorithm can achieve much more
computational efficiency and remarkably save the memory consuming compared
to the standard Kernel based 2DPCA.
1 (共1页)
RFE, international recognitionRFE received on Wed, sent by TSC 1113
International Recognition谁想review Computer Vision/Pattern Recognition/machine learning 的 journal papers?
写推荐信的本领域大牛必须是美国人么?Invention Recognition Award可以claim不?
转让机器学习论文审稿: LLE and Hybrid Kernel Function这里有在读博士或博后准备申请的吗?大家进来交流交流
求审稿机会。Computer science/Computer engineeringEB1B claim 问题求教
看几个AAO Appeal的失败案例PP NOID received today, need help!!! 求回复模板!!!
请教:如何回复RFE 中对 judge other people's work的要求?请教推荐信的措辞
话题: 2dpca话题: kernel话题: based话题: stages话题: smile