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Immigration版 - 贡献RFE模板: EB1a TSC PP RFE approved
攒人品,发EB1A PL模板引用怎么列出来?
NSC 0002 NOID,求大神们指教!citation 要不要用彩笔highlight?
EB1a approve后PL分享引用必须制作列表吗?
怎么准备那个details of significance of journalGoogle Scholar中的他引
PhD in EE Eb1a 求评估Google Scholar 引用问题
引用的文章需要给impact factor吗找到个google scholar没收录的引用,咋办
话题: my话题: exhibit话题: xxx话题: field话题: journals
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 106
背景:materials science
现职:national lab
三无,claimed 老三样
PD 9/30/11, TSC
PP 1/30/12
RFE 2/7/12
Response 3/15/12
Approved 3/30/12
March 12, 2012
US Department of Homeland Security
Citizenship and Immigration Services
Petition: Form I-140
File Number: SRC-
Classification Sought: 203(b)(1)(A) Aliens of Extraordinary Ability
Dear Officer:
Thank you very much for your careful review of my application package. I
greatly appreciate your professional attitude and the detailed review
comments. Upon your request, I have enclosed additional evidence besides the
original submitted documents to support my application in the category of
an alien of extraordinary ability in sciences under section 203(b)(1)(A) of
the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Please find attached the following documentation in this package:
1) A copy of RFE letter;
2) A detailed response to the request and comments;
3) Exhibit list; and
4) Supporting documents including both the additional and the original
Shall you need additional information, please contact me at your earliest
convenience. Your thoughtful consideration on my petition is greatly
The officer first commented that my “record contains documentation that the
beneficiary will continue to work in his field of expertise” and “the
record contains documentation that the beneficiary’s entry will
substantially benefit prospectively the United States”. And then the
officer used a two-part analysis to determine my qualifications.
In the following sections, I will first discuss my qualifications in
response to the comments on the ten criteria required for this
classification (203(b)(1)(A) Aliens of Extraordinary Ability). I will prove
that I meet three of the ten criteria:
iv) Participation as a judge of the work of others in my field of
v) Original scientific and scholarly contributions of major significance in
my field, and
vi) Authorship of scholarly articles in major publications in my field of
Furthermore, I will demonstrate I have sustained national or international
acclaim, and I am one of that small percentage who has risen to the very top
of the field of endeavor.
First, I will respond to the officer’s comments on the ten criteria
required for this classification.
(i) Regarding documentation of the beneficiary’s receipt of lesser
nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in
the field of endeavor, the officer commented that “no evidence has been
provided for this criterion”.
Response: I agree with the officer’s comment and I do not claim that I
meet this criterion.
(ii) Regarding documentation of the beneficiary’s membership in
associations in the field for which classification is sought, the officer
commented that “this criterion has not been met because the evidence does
not show that the associations require outstanding achievements of its
members” and suggested to submit “the section of the association’s
constitution or bylaws which discuss the criteria for membership for the
beneficiary’s level of membership in the association”.
The officer further commented that “this criterion has not been met because
the evidence does not show that the basis for granting memberships in the
submitted associations was the beneficiary’s outstanding achievements in
the field of endeavor as judged by recognized national or international
experts in the field” and suggested to submit “information to establish
that the individuals who review prospective members’ applications are
recognized as national or international experts in their disciplines or
fields” and “the section of the association’s constitution or bylaws
which discuss the qualifications required of the reviewers on the review
panel of the association”.
Response: I agree with the officer’s comments and appreciate the
suggestions. However, I did not claim meeting this criterion in the original
petition, nor intend to claim that I meet this criterion in the current
(iii) Regarding published material about the beneficiary in professional or
major trade publications or other major media, the officer commented that “
no evidence has been provided for this criterion”.
Response: I agree with the officer’s comment and I do not claim that I
meet this criterion.
(iv) Regarding evidence of the beneficiary’s participation, either
individually or on a panel, as a judge of the work of others in the same or
an allied field of specialization for which classification is sought, the
officer commented that “the plain language of this criterion appears to
have been met”.
Response: I appreciate the officer’s effort in reviewing my initial
submitted evidence and welcome the conclusion that I have met this criterion
(v) Regarding evidence of the beneficiary’s original scientific, scholarly,
artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance
in the field, the officer commented that “the criterion has not been met
because the evidence submitted does not show that the beneficiary’s
contribution are considered to be of major significance in the field of
endeavor”, and suggested to submit the following documents:
• Objective documentary evidence of the significance of the
beneficiary’s contribution to the field;
• Documentary evidence that people throughout the field currently
consider the beneficiary’s work import;
• Testimony and/or support letter from experts which discuss the
beneficiary’s contributions of major significance;
• Evidence that the beneficiary’s major significant contribution(s
) has provoked widespread public commentary in the field or has been widely
cited; and
• Evidence of the beneficiary’s work has being implemented by
Response: I appreciate the officer’s effort in reviewing my initial
submitted documents and I will discuss in detail my significant original
contributions in the area of materials research.
1) I have made significant original contributions in three areas related to
xxx research, which have been well documented in my publications [Exhibit A1
a) Ceramic materials for biomedical engineering applications
I am the first scientist in the world to have expanded the arena of xxx by
adapting a novel xxx technology. The findings of this research are
highlighted on the cover page of xxx (Vol. x, Issue x, 2005) [Exhibit A2]. I
am also the first researcher to have evaluated the xxx using a new
technology – xxx. My contribution is of considerable importance to better
understand the xxx and to the design and fabrication of xxx.
b) Thermoelectric materials for waste energy harvesting
I am the first in the xxx community to have designed and completed a
systematic study of xxx materials on their thermomechanical behavior in
relation to their composition and temperature. Moreover, I have developed a
new processing method that can generate materials three times stronger than
those using conventional methods. My creative research greatly advanced the
understanding of xxx materials for advancing their better design. This
research is first of its kind and key to the improvement of energy
efficiency through thermoelectricity.
c) Evaluation of energy-related materials
I am the first in the world to have applied a new fracture mechanics
technique – xxx, to evaluate the fracture properties of composite materials
for wind turbine blades. I have also invented a novel technology – xxx, to
investigate structure materials used in geothermal power plants. Moreover,
I have discovered a new approach that can enhance the electrical contact
conductivity and improve the efficiency and reliability of electrical power
2) I have made significant original scientific contribution to the materials
research community as demonstrated by a large number of citations on my
work by researchers around the globe.
To date, I have a total of 32 research articles published or accepted for
publication in peer reviewed and national/international conference
proceedings [Exhibit A1]. My original work has been heavily cited by
researchers from more than 50 institutes in more than 20 countries across 5
continents (North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa) (Figure 1).
The worldwide distribution of scientists who cited my work is clear evidence
that my research has received both national and international recognition.
By Jan. 2012, the citation numbers of my articles are 134 times as retrieved
from ISI Web of Science [Exhibit A3] and 147 times as retrieved from
Elsevier SciVerse Scopus [Exhibits A4], which increased respectively from
120 times and 122 times when my initial petition was submitted in Sep. 2011.
The fact that my work has been cited over a hundred times and the citation
numbers continue to increase rapidly not only demonstrates my significant
contribution has been greatly acclaimed by researchers around the world, but
also indicates my work will continue to make significant contributions in
my field.
Among the sources that cited my articles are many prestigious and respected
journals across the world, such as Laser Physics Letters (No. 1 among 61
journals in Instruments and Instrumentation), Journal of The European
Ceramic Society (No. 1 among 25 journals in Ceramics Materials Science),
Biomaterials (No. 2 among 69 journals in Biomedical Engineering), Journal of
Alloys and Compounds (No. 5 among 74 journals in Metallurgy and
Metallurgical Engineering), Advanced Functional Materials (No. 10 among 222
journals in Multidisciplinary Materials Science). The fact that my
publications have been cited by these top-ranked and high-impact journals
evidently demonstrates the significant impact of my research.
Figure 1. The wide span of geographical distribution of the citations my
work has received.
When citing my original work on applying xxx in studying bioceramics, xxx
from United States commented that our results …
When citing my original research on the porosity effect on Young’s modulus,
xxx and coworkers from India utilized the equation I have developed to
analyze their own experimental data and commented that this equation ...
3) My original contribution in the field of materials research has been
highly acclaimed by experts from universities, research laboratories, and
In addition to the support letters from xxx, xxx, xxx, and xxx as noted by
the officer, my original contribution to materials research has also been
recognized by many other experts in my field. For example,
• Citation from additional recommendation letter #1 [Exhibit B1].
• Citation from additional recommendation letter #2 [Exhibit B2].
• Citation from additional recommendation letter #3 [Exhibit B3].
• Citation from additional recommendation letter #4 [Exhibit B4].
• Citation from additional recommendation letter #5 [Exhibit B5].
• Citation from additional recommendation letter #6 [Exhibit B6].
• Citation from additional recommendation letter #7 [Exhibit B7].
Moreover, my research work has received many acclaims from journal reviewers
. For example:
• An anonymous reviewer commented on my paper published in xxx,
that “the manuscript presents results that will be of interest to a wide
audience in the materials science & engineering community;”
• An anonymous reviewer commented on my paper published in xxx,
that “the paper contains high quality data collected with great care on
well characterized samples … it should be a valuable addition to the
literature on physical properties of thermoelectric materials;”
• For my paper published in xxx, an anonymous reviewer suggested “
the paper contains interesting and important data … My field of research is
the development of thermoelectric materials for power generation
applications so I have a strong interest in the xxx compounds.”
These remarkable comments from worldwide researchers, journal editors, and
peer reviewers strongly evidence my high quality scientific research is of
major significance in the field of materials research.
4) My original and creative ideas have supported the development of research
programs sponsored by the US government agencies and private sectors.
Another strong evidence of my significant contribution in my field is the
research programs that I have helped developed. I am a principal
investigator or co-principal investigator of eight (8) projects sponsored by
xxx, xxx, and private sectors. Below is a list of my funded projects:
• Projects 1 – 8 (year, title, funding agency, PIs)
In summary, I have made outstanding achievements in researching and
developing advanced materials with critical energy and biomedical
applications. My work has been widely cited and has received both national
and international acclaim from experts in universities, national
laboratories, and private sectors. My creative research has further
contributed to the launching and development of many additional innovative
research programs funded by US government agencies and private sectors.
Therefore, I believe I have made original scientific and scholarly
contribution of major significance in my filed and I meet this criterion.
(vi) Regarding evidence of the beneficiary’s authorship of scholarly
articles in the field, in professional or major trade publications or other
major media, the officer commented that “the plain language of this
criterion appears to have been met”.
Response: I appreciate the officer’s effort in reviewing my initial
submitted evidence and welcome the conclusion that I have met this criterion
(vii) Regarding evidence of the display of the beneficiary’s work in the
field of artistic exhibitions or showcases, the officer commented that “no
evidence has been provided for this criterion”.
Response: I agree with the officer’s comment and I do not claim that I
meet this criterion.
(viii) Regarding evidence that the beneficiary has performed in a leading or
critical role for organizations or establishments that have a distinguished
reputation, the officer commented that “no evidence has been provided for
this criterion”.
Response: I agree with the officer’s comment and I do not claim that I
meet this criterion.
(ix) Regarding evidence that the beneficiary has commanded a high salary of
other significantly high remuneration for services in relation to others in
the field, the officer commented that “no evidence has been provided for
this criterion”.
Response: I agree with the officer’s comment and I do not claim that I
meet this criterion.
(x) Regarding evidence of the beneficiary’s commercial success in the
performing arts, the officer commented that “no evidence has been provided
for this criterion”.
Response: I agree with the officer’s comment and I do not claim that I
meet this criterion.
The above discussion and the evidence presented clearly prove that I meet
three of the ten criteria required for the classification currently sought (
203(b)(1)(A) Aliens of Extraordinary Ability):
• Participation as a judge of the work of others in my field of
• Original scientific and scholarly contributions of major
significance in my field, and
• Authorship of scholarly articles in major publications in my
field of specialization.
Next, I will demonstrate I have sustained national and international acclaim
, and I am one of that small percentage who has risen to the very top of the
field of endeavor.
1) My research has been continuously published and cited in top journals in
my field.
As an outstanding researcher, I have published 32 high-quality publications
in major materials research journals and technical conference proceedings [
Exhibits A1]. My articles are published in the most prestigious journals
with worldwide circulation. Table 1 presents the ISI Impact Factor and
rankings of selected journals that published my work.
According to the Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index published by The
Chronicle of Higher Education in 2007, the journal publication per faculty
of the top 1 university in Materials Science and Engineering among total of
375 universities that offer Ph.D. degrees was 21.24 [Exhibit A5]. In
contrast, I have 22 peer reviewed journals articles, which indicates my
publication record is ranked at the very top among professors from all major
universities in the US.
Table 1. Impact Factors and rankings of selected scientific journals that
have published my articles.
Journal Title ISI Impact Factor Ranking Percentage

Source: ISI Web of Science Journal Citation Reports.
In addition, my articles are frequently cited by top-ranked and high-impact
journals (Table 2), which further demonstrates the excellence of my research
Table 2. Selected journals in which my work has been cited.
Journal Title Impact Factor Ranking Percentage

Source: ISI Web of Science Journal Citation Reports.
I would also like to point out that since my initial petition was submitted
(9/30/2011) I have published four (4) ADDITIONAL articles in high-quality
peer reviewed journals [Exhibit A6]. The fact that the continuous
publication of my research in top scientific journals is strong evidence of
my sustained national and international acclaim.
2) I have been continuously invited by top journals in my field to review
and judge other scientists’ work.
Due to my sustained national and international reputation in the field of
materials research, I have been continuously invited by top journals to
serve as a reviewer. Prof. xxx, editor of xxx, testified that reviewers for
this journal “are chosen among the top material scientists from around the
world” with “established reputation within their respective areas and
credible records of publication” [Exhibit B6]. Prof. xxx, Editor of xxx,
also commented on my review contribution that “your review was excellent,
which puts your review in the top 20% of those we receive” [Exhibit B7]. Dr
. xxx, Editor-in-Chief of xxx, testified that peer reviewers of this journal
were “top scientists in ceramic engineering from around the world” [
Exhibit B8].
Many of the journals I have served as a reviewer are top-ranked in the
respective field. For example, I was invited four (4) times to review
manuscripts for xxx which is ranked 1st among 74 journals in the field of
xxx. The impact factor and ranking of selected journals I have reviewed are
summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Selected scientific journals for which I have served as a peer
Journal Title Impact Factor Ranking Percentage

Source: ISI Web of Science Journal Citation Reports.
Furthermore, since the submission of my initial petition on Sep. 30 2011, I
have been invited and completed seven (7) ADDITIONAL reviews for peer
reviewed journals [Exhibit C], which is clear evidence of my sustained
national/international acclaim.
3) My outstanding achievements in materials research has been constantly
acclaimed by national and international experts in my field.
• Acclaim from a recommendation letter [Exhibit B1].
• Acclaim from a recommendation letter [Exhibit B2].
• Acclaim from a recommendation letter [Exhibit B3].
• Acclaim from a recommendation letter [Exhibit B4].
• Acclaim from a recommendation letter [Exhibit B5].
• Acclaim from a recommendation letter [Exhibit B9].
• Acclaim from a recommendation letter [Exhibit B10].
In summary, my outstanding contribution in materials research has placed me
among the top scientists in my field. My work has been appraised by many
experts in my field and my research work has been constantly published and
cited in top journals with national and international reputation.
Furthermore, due to my sustained acclaim, I have been continuously invited
to judge other’s work in top-ranked international journals.
Based upon the evidence hereby submitted, I clearly qualify for
classification as an alien of extraordinary ability in the sciences under §
203(b)(1)(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Therefore, I
respectfully request your favorable adjudication of this instant petition.
Your kind consideration of this application is deeply appreciated. Should
you have any question, please feel free to contact me at your earliest
Exhibit A. Evidence of scholarly publications and citations
A.1 Updated list of my journal articles and conference papers.
A.2 Photocopy of the cover page of the xxx.
A.3 Updated citation report of my publications from ISI Web of Science
Abstracts of my presentations at international and national technical
A.4 Updated citation report of my publications from Elsevier SciVerse
A.5 Top Research Universities Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index
published by the Chronicle of Higher Education.
A.6 Copies of the first page of my recent journal publications (since
Sep. 2011).
Exhibit B. Letters of testimony
B.1 Witness letter from xxx CTO and Vice Chairman of xxx.
B.2 Witness letter from xxx.
B.3 Copy of the witness letter from xxx (also included in the original
B.4 Copy of the witness letter from xxx (also included in the original
B.5 Witness letter from xxx, President of xxx.
B.6 Copy of the witness letter from xxx, Editor of xxx (also included in
the original petition).
B.7 Witness letter from xxx, Editor of xxx.
B.8 Copy of the witness letter from xxx (also included in the original
B.9 Copy of the witness letter from xxx (also included in the original
B.10 Copy of the witness letter from xxx (also included in the original
Exhibit C. Evidence of participation in judging other scientists’ work –
invitation and thank-you letters from the journals for which I have served
as a peer reviewer (since Sep. 2011).
发帖数: 371
cong & zan!
发帖数: 151
Huge Congrats!
发帖数: 7139
cong and thx for sharing!

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: 潜水多年,收益良多。可惜没有包子,权将RFE回信贡献出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 背景:materials science
: 美国工科~50大学PH.D
: 现职:national lab
: 文章/引用:见下文
: 三无,claimed 老三样
: PD 9/30/11, TSC
: PP 1/30/12
: RFE 2/7/12

发帖数: 4863
huge cong~
thanks a lot

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: 潜水多年,收益良多。可惜没有包子,权将RFE回信贡献出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 背景:materials science
: 美国工科~50大学PH.D
: 现职:national lab
: 文章/引用:见下文
: 三无,claimed 老三样
: PD 9/30/11, TSC
: PP 1/30/12
: RFE 2/7/12

发帖数: 3951
发帖数: 95
thanks for sharing!

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: 潜水多年,收益良多。可惜没有包子,权将RFE回信贡献出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 背景:materials science
: 美国工科~50大学PH.D
: 现职:national lab
: 文章/引用:见下文
: 三无,claimed 老三样
: PD 9/30/11, TSC
: PP 1/30/12
: RFE 2/7/12

发帖数: 1303
发帖数: 2473
Thanks a lot!

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: 潜水多年,收益良多。可惜没有包子,权将RFE回信贡献出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 背景:materials science
: 美国工科~50大学PH.D
: 现职:national lab
: 文章/引用:见下文
: 三无,claimed 老三样
: PD 9/30/11, TSC
: PP 1/30/12
: RFE 2/7/12

发帖数: 1123
cong! thanks for sharing.

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: 潜水多年,收益良多。可惜没有包子,权将RFE回信贡献出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 背景:materials science
: 美国工科~50大学PH.D
: 现职:national lab
: 文章/引用:见下文
: 三无,claimed 老三样
: PD 9/30/11, TSC
: PP 1/30/12
: RFE 2/7/12

PhD in EE Eb1a 求评估引用怎么列出来?
请教写PLcitation 要不要用彩笔highlight?
引用的文章需要给impact factor吗引用必须制作列表吗?
发帖数: 694
thanks a lot
发帖数: 1352
many thanks.cong.
发帖数: 3243
发帖数: 24532
cong, thanks for sharing.

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: 潜水多年,收益良多。可惜没有包子,权将RFE回信贡献出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 背景:materials science
: 美国工科~50大学PH.D
: 现职:national lab
: 文章/引用:见下文
: 三无,claimed 老三样
: PD 9/30/11, TSC
: PP 1/30/12
: RFE 2/7/12

发帖数: 289
发帖数: 164
thanks for sharing!

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: 潜水多年,收益良多。可惜没有包子,权将RFE回信贡献出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 背景:materials science
: 美国工科~50大学PH.D
: 现职:national lab
: 文章/引用:见下文
: 三无,claimed 老三样
: PD 9/30/11, TSC
: PP 1/30/12
: RFE 2/7/12

发帖数: 7494
thanks。 COng
发帖数: 245
Thanks! Con!
发帖数: 1889
Thanks for sharing!
发帖数: 1410
Google Scholar中的他引找到个google scholar没收录的引用,咋办
Google Scholar 引用问题Google scholar是不是坏了?
发帖数: 4354
发帖数: 76
发帖数: 15245
发帖数: 1017
发帖数: 8870
cong and thx for sharing
发帖数: 9977

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: 潜水多年,收益良多。可惜没有包子,权将RFE回信贡献出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 背景:materials science
: 美国工科~50大学PH.D
: 现职:national lab
: 文章/引用:见下文
: 三无,claimed 老三样
: PD 9/30/11, TSC
: PP 1/30/12
: RFE 2/7/12

发帖数: 19
hepful information, Huge thanks!
I wish I had some baozi
发帖数: 4
thanks a lot for your contribution. I hope it will help many.

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: 潜水多年,收益良多。可惜没有包子,权将RFE回信贡献出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 背景:materials science
: 美国工科~50大学PH.D
: 现职:national lab
: 文章/引用:见下文
: 三无,claimed 老三样
: PD 9/30/11, TSC
: PP 1/30/12
: RFE 2/7/12

发帖数: 515
1 (共1页)
找到个google scholar没收录的引用,咋办怎么准备那个details of significance of journal
Google scholar是不是坏了?PhD in EE Eb1a 求评估
查citation用的ISI 是哪个网站?请教写PL
!关于paper的ranking,EB1A申请中的技术问题请教 !引用的文章需要给impact factor吗
攒人品,发EB1A PL模板引用怎么列出来?
NSC 0002 NOID,求大神们指教!citation 要不要用彩笔highlight?
EB1a approve后PL分享引用必须制作列表吗?
话题: my话题: exhibit话题: xxx话题: field话题: journals