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Immigration版 - 签证板的人太少了,发这里问: H1b 或 O 签证批了之后
问一个485材料准备中出现的问题中国护照丢了,上面的F1 Visa怎么办?
H1B 出差去韩国H1B visa stamp
EAD AP批了about H1b visa stamp
H1B visa pending入境用APplease help advise: about first H1b visa stamp
H1B 和AP入境以及EAD485pending用H1B入关个人经历
H1B 申请change of status 或consular process2013 年H1B Visa和劳工绿卡申请分析报告
请教大家:提交i-140会不会影响h1b签证申请?谢谢!H4->H1B, H1B approved with I-797B form, 人在美国,一定要离境再申请签证入境,才能拿到I-94stamping 吗?
H4使用485的EAD后,出境回美的问题J1 visa (two year role does not apply) 需要waiver才能申请
话题: 797a话题: visa话题: status话题: h1b话题: uscis
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1244
H1b 或 O 签证被USCIS批了之后 (在OPT过期日期之前批的)
可以不用passport上的 visa stemp
发帖数: 1244
发帖数: 1322
It depends on whether you receive I-797A or I-797B
If I-797A, it means that you have changed your status in the U.S., no need
for another visa. I-797A should provide a new I-94 card with the same number
as the old one, replacing the old one.
If I-797B, it means that there are some concerns, (e.g. un-waived J-1 => O1,
or out of status in a previous status, etc), that you must leave the US and
return with a valid visa.

【在 H*H 的大作中提到】
: H1b 或 O 签证被USCIS批了之后 (在OPT过期日期之前批的)
: 可以不用passport上的 visa stemp
: 就是说不去美国使馆签证
: 直接工作吗?
: 谢谢

发帖数: 1244
我是从 F-1 到 OPT 到 O
这种情况我得到 I-797A还是 B阿? 我填表得时候没有填 I-797


【在 s******4 的大作中提到】
: It depends on whether you receive I-797A or I-797B
: If I-797A, it means that you have changed your status in the U.S., no need
: for another visa. I-797A should provide a new I-94 card with the same number
: as the old one, replacing the old one.
: If I-797B, it means that there are some concerns, (e.g. un-waived J-1 => O1,
: or out of status in a previous status, etc), that you must leave the US and
: return with a valid visa.

发帖数: 1322
If you ve maintained your status well, I think it should be fine that you
get I-797A.
But please do note that USCIS or your employer do make mistakes. It would
not be surprising that they might issue I-797B instead of I-797A.
You need to distinguish "visa stamp" and "status". You enter with an F-1
visa stamp, you gain F-1 status. You then change your status to O-1, as long
as you don't leave US, you don't need a visa stamp at all. Visa stamp is
only needed when you return to US after a trip abroad.
That being said, next time you travel to China, just go to the Embassy/
Consulate to apply an O-1 visa. There is no harm at all for changing status
in the U.S.. However, you should remember to bring all relavent materials. I
don't quite know about O-1, but I do know about H-1b. You need to bring
copis of LCA, I-129, etc. Before last year the original I-797A is needed for
visa interview, but the policy has changed that only copis of I-797A with
original 'receipt' is required for visa interview and at POE.


【在 H*H 的大作中提到】
: 我是从 F-1 到 OPT 到 O
: 从来没有J-1过。
: 这种情况我得到 I-797A还是 B阿? 我填表得时候没有填 I-797
: 还有就是如果不去使馆签证,直接工作,对今后回中国再去美国得使馆签证有没有影响?
: number
: O1,
: and

发帖数: 1244


【在 s******4 的大作中提到】
: If you ve maintained your status well, I think it should be fine that you
: get I-797A.
: But please do note that USCIS or your employer do make mistakes. It would
: not be surprising that they might issue I-797B instead of I-797A.
: You need to distinguish "visa stamp" and "status". You enter with an F-1
: visa stamp, you gain F-1 status. You then change your status to O-1, as long
: as you don't leave US, you don't need a visa stamp at all. Visa stamp is
: only needed when you return to US after a trip abroad.
: That being said, next time you travel to China, just go to the Embassy/
: Consulate to apply an O-1 visa. There is no harm at all for changing status

发帖数: 1322
thx ha,, i green yesterday (i had a post lah)
is there any baozi ah~ I don't have any baozi to give to those who congrats
me ah 5555

【在 H*H 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢阿,还是这儿的人热心
: 祝你早日绿
: long
: status

发帖数: 1244
是USCIS还是 employer?
大家的H1B或是O被USCIS批了之后,拿到得是什么? 是一个approval notice 吗? 然


【在 s******4 的大作中提到】
: If you ve maintained your status well, I think it should be fine that you
: get I-797A.
: But please do note that USCIS or your employer do make mistakes. It would
: not be surprising that they might issue I-797B instead of I-797A.
: You need to distinguish "visa stamp" and "status". You enter with an F-1
: visa stamp, you gain F-1 status. You then change your status to O-1, as long
: as you don't leave US, you don't need a visa stamp at all. Visa stamp is
: only needed when you return to US after a trip abroad.
: That being said, next time you travel to China, just go to the Embassy/
: Consulate to apply an O-1 visa. There is no harm at all for changing status

发帖数: 1322
USCIS issues I-797 to the petitioner (your employer).
I 797A contains three parts.
The top part is the approval notice, which is the property of your employer
and they should keep it. In case you need it for visa interview /driving
license etc, you need to sign out and return to them after using it.
The lower portion contains two parts. The left part if the so-called "
original receipt" which you should keep carefully. It should accompany the
copy of the top part whenever you use it.
The lower right part is a new I-94 which should have the same I-94 number.
you should to one of the following
(1) throw your old I-94 into trash and stamp the new I94 on your passport
(2) stamp your new I-94 on top of your old I-94. I did that because I feel
it is good to keep all documents.
You don't need to give the notice to HR. You do need to visit the HR office
to get the original lower portion and promise you will take good care of it.

【在 H*H 的大作中提到】
: 还有一事不明,
: 到底谁给发I-797?
: 是USCIS还是 employer?
: 大家的H1B或是O被USCIS批了之后,拿到得是什么? 是一个approval notice 吗? 然
: 后是不是把这个notice交给HR?
: 还是有别的什么手续。
: long
: status

发帖数: 394
yes, 从h1b或者o签证的生效日期开始,你就可以开工啦。

【在 H*H 的大作中提到】
: H1b 或 O 签证被USCIS批了之后 (在OPT过期日期之前批的)
: 可以不用passport上的 visa stemp
: 就是说不去美国使馆签证
: 直接工作吗?
: 谢谢

发帖数: 1244
baozi sent, contrats again :)


【在 s******4 的大作中提到】
: thx ha,, i green yesterday (i had a post lah)
: is there any baozi ah~ I don't have any baozi to give to those who congrats
: me ah 5555

1 (共1页)
J1 visa (two year role does not apply) 需要waiver才能申请H1B 和AP入境以及EAD
申请绿卡期间回国H1B 申请change of status 或consular process
请问关于延期过的H1B I797 Petition和Visa StampH4使用485的EAD后,出境回美的问题
问一个485材料准备中出现的问题中国护照丢了,上面的F1 Visa怎么办?
H1B 出差去韩国H1B visa stamp
EAD AP批了about H1b visa stamp
H1B visa pending入境用APplease help advise: about first H1b visa stamp
话题: 797a话题: visa话题: status话题: h1b话题: uscis