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Immigration版 - 关于485 pending和h1b gap的一些问题
485身份问题NSC EB1B-140 RD NOID by 0214
求485 pending期间合法居留的文件又一个悲催的EB1b 0214 NOID
!!!绿卡问题!!!TSC EB1A 140 PP DIY 上午11点批准,感谢版主和各位
Alien Number变了今晚打算efile NIW I-140 了, 有问题再请教
方舟子原来是中国共产党党员 (转载)[移民版活动]3月10日,回答问题,吃大包子喽
EB1a DIY 必做功课[合集] [移民版活动]3月10日,回答问题,吃大包子喽
[email protected] 这个Email有用是不是绿了?请教有经验的同学
话题: adjustment话题: status话题: alien话题: h1b话题: petition
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 214
有几个485 pending 和h1b gap的问题想请教一下。
问题1: 如果我在485 pending期间出现h1b gap, 会被认为有身份问题吗?gap期间我
理解是485的AOS合法滞留。找到后面的工作以后 h1b transfer通过了我再开始工作,
问题2:如果140 rfe了,但是h1b在失效6个月以内file 485,这样会有任何问题么?是
说file 485之前有180天的OOS grace period。所以只要我file 485了即使没有工作也
可以一直保持身份合法直到找到工作transfer h1b之后重新开始工作?
我理解如果后来没有工作的话 EVL可能会出现问题。现在的问题就是为了以防万一以后
发帖数: 68029
没有合法身份不能file 485.H1b 一般来说没有grace period.

【在 w********s 的大作中提到】
: 大家好,
: 有几个485 pending 和h1b gap的问题想请教一下。
: 问题1: 如果我在485 pending期间出现h1b gap, 会被认为有身份问题吗?gap期间我
: 理解是485的AOS合法滞留。找到后面的工作以后 h1b transfer通过了我再开始工作,
: 所以这样不会启动EAD。这样理解正确么?身份会有问题么?
: 问题2:如果140 rfe了,但是h1b在失效6个月以内file 485,这样会有任何问题么?是
: 说file 485之前有180天的OOS grace period。所以只要我file 485了即使没有工作也
: 可以一直保持身份合法直到找到工作transfer h1b之后重新开始工作?
: 我理解如果后来没有工作的话 EVL可能会出现问题。现在的问题就是为了以防万一以后
: 出现意外有最好的措施补救。

发帖数: 214
律师跟我说OOS 180天以内都可以file 485的。我之前也听其他人说过。难道规定改了
发帖数: 214
245(k) Forgives Brief Status Violations When Filing I-485
The exception in INA Section 245(k) permits individuals to obtain approval
of the adjustment of status to permanent residence in most employment-based
green card categories, even if the applicant has been out of status, worked
without authorization, or otherwise violated the terms and conditions of the
admission IF the aggregate period of such violations does not exceed 180
days. This provision does not, however, cure all immigration violations,
such as entry without inspection or any of the various grounds of
inadmissibility that otherwise would prevent adjustment of status.
Nonetheless, INA Section 245(k) can be an extremely helpful provision, as
many applicants have brief periods of inadvertent violations due to
misunderstandings of the law and other mistakes made along the way in the
years that usually precede the I-485 filing stage.
发帖数: 68029
这个说的是在fill 485之前吧。Fill的时候要有status.


【在 w********s 的大作中提到】
: 纠正一下二楼:
: 245(k) Forgives Brief Status Violations When Filing I-485
: The exception in INA Section 245(k) permits individuals to obtain approval
: of the adjustment of status to permanent residence in most employment-based
: green card categories, even if the applicant has been out of status, worked
: without authorization, or otherwise violated the terms and conditions of the
: admission IF the aggregate period of such violations does not exceed 180
: days. This provision does not, however, cure all immigration violations,
: such as entry without inspection or any of the various grounds of
: inadmissibility that otherwise would prevent adjustment of status.

发帖数: 214
没有哪句话说是file的时候必须有status。 而且那不是一样么?半年内有工作的任何
发帖数: 214
To be eligible for adjustment of status, an alien must meet the following
The alien must be physically present in the United States. If the alien does
not reside in the United States, he/she cannot adjust status in the U.S.
and must go through immigrant visa processing at a U.S. consulate abroad
The alien's immigration petition must have been approved. This criterion is
only applicable to those who file a family-based immigration petition (Form
I-130). However, an alien who is the immediate relative of a U.S. citizen
may file an adjustment of status application along with the immigration
petition (Form I-130) filed by the U.S. citizen on his or her behalf. For
details on who qualifies as Immediate Relative of a U.S. Citizen, please
click here.
In addition to this, an I-485 adjustment of status application can be filed
concurrently with an I-140 employment-based immigration petition (EB-1 andEB
-2), if visa numbers are available. For more information on this, please
click here.
Petitions are subject to the numerical annual quota for immigrant visas.
For these aliens, they may only file their adjustment of status applications
once the cut-off dates published monthly by the State Department pass the
priority dates of their initial immigration petition or the immigrant visa
number for the category is current. For information on Priority Date and Cut
-Off Date, please click here; for the latest Visa Bulletin, please click
The alien must not have entered the United States illegally. Aliens must
have been inspected and lawfully admitted into the U.S. The USCIS considers
that you have been "inspected" when you present yourself to an immigration
officer at a U.S. port of entry. You are considered admitted when an officer
informs you of such and you are allowed to enter the U.S. As a rule, your I
-94 and/or the Immigration and Naturalization Stamp in your passport is an
indication that you have been admitted legally.
No change in circumstances. A change in circumstances could detrimentally
alter an alien's eligibility for adjustment of status.
Family-Based Situations and Examples:
A U.S. citizen mother petitions for her unmarried 20 year old son, an
immediate relative not subject to visa quotas. However, before the
adjustment application is approved, the mother unfortunately dies, and the
son is thereby no longer qualified as an immediate relative of a U.S.
An elderly legal permanent resident father petitions for his alien child,
but before the adjustment is approved, the father dies. The child no longer
qualifies for adjustment.
A legal permanent resident father files a family immigration petition for
his 19-year-old alien daughter. The family visa petition had been approved,
but while the adjustment was still pending, she gets married. In this
situation, the daughter no longer qualifies for adjustment because she is no
longer the unmarried child of a legal permanent resident.
Marriage-Based Situations and Examples:
The U.S. citizen wife petitions for her alien husband as an immediate
relative. However, before the adjustment is approved, they divorce. The
petition will be denied and he will not be able to adjust his status.
The U.S. citizen wife petitions for her alien husband as an immediate
relative. However, before the adjustment is approved, they legally separate.
The petition may still be approved, but the USCIS will consider the
separation as a factor when they determine whether or not the marriage is
valid and not merely a “sham” marriage.
A U.S. citizen marries an alien wife. However, before he can file an
immigration petition for his wife, he dies. The alien wife can still qualify
as an immediate relative for adjustment of status if she and her deceased
citizen husband have been married for at least two years and they were not
legally separated at the time of her husband's death. However, she will have
to file an immediate relative visa petition within two years after the date
of death and must still be unmarried at the time.
Employment-based Examples:
An outstanding researcher petitioned for permanent residence under EB-1 (b)
status, but before the petition was approved, his employer withdrew his
research position offer. His petition will be rejected by the USCIS because
a job offer is required for an EB-1(b).
An alien is granted a National Interest Waiver and later applies for
adjustment of status. However, after being granted the National Interest
Waiver, the alien decides she no longer wants to work in her previous
research field and decides to take a new job in an unrelated field. The
USCIS might deny her adjustment because she is no longer working in her
previous research field.
If an adjustment is based on an Eb-1 (b), Outstanding Researcher petition,
or any employment-based visa petition that requires a Labor Certification,
the alien must work for the petitioning employer for 180 days after the I-
485 has been filed. Otherwise, the USCIS may deny the adjustment application.
Aliens that meet the above listed criteria are not automatically eligible
for adjustment of status. Aliens will not be able to adjust their status in
the U.S. if they are statutorily bared from adjustment. Statutory bars to
adjustment include:
Unauthorized Employment, Unlawful Status or Failure to Maintain Status --
Aliens who have engaged in unauthorized employment, or who were not in
lawful status at the time of filing the adjustment application, or who have
failed to continuously maintain status for even a single day since their
entry into the United States are barred from adjustment of status.
Exceptions -- This rule has several exceptions, which include:
Immediate relatives (spouses, parents and unmarried children under 21-years
of age) of U.S. citizens are still eligible to adjust their status;
Violation of status that is in effect a "technical violation" which is not
due to the alien's own fault. These "technical violations" include an
individual or organization's failure to act on behalf of the alien where
such inaction directly contributed to the violation of the alien's legal
status; the USCIS' failure to act in a timely manner on an application
properly filed by the alien; or the alien's physical disability to request a
legal status on a timely basis;
Employment-based immigrants who have been out of status no more than 180
days in the U.S. are still eligible to adjust; or
The 245(i) exception is available for those that qualify. For more
information regarding 245(i), please click here.
- See more at: http://www.hooyou.com/i-485/eligible.html#sthash.4FkpHAdF.dpuf
发帖数: 1402
发帖数: 214
可以file 485, 参见7楼
Employment-based immigrants who have been out of status no more than 180
days in the U.S. are still eligible to adjust; - See more at: http://www.hooyou.com/i-485/eligible.html#sthash.EgGHOA2A.dpuf
发帖数: 1265
485 pending时候是可以合法留在美国的。。。这不是问题。。问题是H1B transfer是
从一个有效的H1B transfer到另一个有效的H1B。。。如果都OOS了H1B已经失效了怎么
transfer。。。而且没有有效的VISA Status怎么找工作。。如果使用了485 EAD到时候
另外file 485的时候要求填写当前的VISA status。。。。
发帖数: 1265
你的问题比较简单。。如果还没有file 140就CC 140+485。。。如果你现在已经是140

【在 k*****r 的大作中提到】
: 跟楼主有同样问题…我去年没有抽中h1,今年不知道也能不能中…opt在9月到期,到期
: 时候140如果过了不能file485了吗

发帖数: 214

file 485 如果当前OOS就如实说呗,反正245(k)也都是允许的.
找工作当然没问题。让公司reinstate H1B呗,反正不用抽签。

【在 l********a 的大作中提到】
: 485 pending时候是可以合法留在美国的。。。这不是问题。。问题是H1B transfer是
: 从一个有效的H1B transfer到另一个有效的H1B。。。如果都OOS了H1B已经失效了怎么
: transfer。。。而且没有有效的VISA Status怎么找工作。。如果使用了485 EAD到时候
: 也是重新转H1B而不是transfer。。。
: 另外file 485的时候要求填写当前的VISA status。。。。

发帖数: 1265
不太明白reinstate H1B是什么意思。。是说H1B失效了然后靠着485pending的身份在不
用EAD即使新雇主给办H1B也要办个新的吧??这个reinstate H1B是有什么限制条件吧
还有即使可以在OOS的时候file 485日后肯定会被RFE质疑H1B gap的。。。希望那个245

【在 w********s 的大作中提到】
: file 485 如果当前OOS就如实说呗,反正245(k)也都是允许的.
: 找工作当然没问题。让公司reinstate H1B呗,反正不用抽签。
: 当然跟transfer有点区别。但是本质上对公司和申请人来说是一样的。
: 如果没用EAD的话那H1B还是保得住

发帖数: 1402


【在 l********a 的大作中提到】
: 你的问题比较简单。。如果还没有file 140就CC 140+485。。。如果你现在已经是140
: pending了就尽快提交485。。。这样可以在你OPT到期之前(假设你的OPT已经不能再延
: 期)拿到EAD卡。。如果你今年抽中H1B了那就直接转成H1B身份不用使用EAD。。如果不
: 幸没有抽到到了OPT到期之后可以使用EAD卡继续工作。。。但是要注意一旦使用了485
: EAD如果140不幸被拒了485也会马上被拒EAD立即失效。。。希望楼主H1B中签吧。。

1 (共1页)
是不是绿了?请教有经验的同学Alien Number变了
终于收到绿卡了方舟子原来是中国共产党党员 (转载)
485材料准备EB1a DIY 必做功课
485 file以后还需要找到工作保持opt身份吗?[email protected] 这个Email有用
485身份问题NSC EB1B-140 RD NOID by 0214
求485 pending期间合法居留的文件又一个悲催的EB1b 0214 NOID
!!!绿卡问题!!!TSC EB1A 140 PP DIY 上午11点批准,感谢版主和各位
话题: adjustment话题: status话题: alien话题: h1b话题: petition