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Indiana版 - Looking for a house keeper
诚征女性室友一名,3BR Townhouse(带车库),五月可入住Re: 推荐Progressive or State Farm agents
West Lafayette House出租。Re: 去purdue坐什么车啊 (转载)
16/7-17/7招租75K在west lafayette,IN 如何?
look for car pool to Madison WI on Thursday Aug 5thRe: 在这儿或者Chicago or Indianapolis有没有
Looking for a roommatenew ppmm in hairman
Looking for a Ride to Chicago (转载)7.30 downtown lafayette, Dance in the street.
Re: 请问在west lafayette怎么往别的国家汇款买车归来,推荐一个Auto Service Shop
最近lafayette新开了什么好餐馆吗?Global Festival: TODAY!!!
话题: looking话题: house话题: clean话题: keeper话题: someone
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 119
I am looking for someone to clean my house on a weekly basis, 2-3 hours per
week. Location is in West Lafayette, a few minutes drive from campus.
Responsibilities include:vacuum carpet (whole house), clean 2.5 bathrooms,
and clean kitchen (including counter tops, stove and floor).
Prefer someone with experience (recommendation from previous employer is
desired) and can work long term. 价格从优.
If interested, please email to c***********[email protected], leave your name and
phone number. I will contact y
1 (共1页)
Global Festival: TODAY!!!Looking for a roommate
静夜Looking for a Ride to Chicago (转载)
Donation for Lei HeRe: 请问在west lafayette怎么往别的国家汇款
回普大(二)- King Buffet最近lafayette新开了什么好餐馆吗?
诚征女性室友一名,3BR Townhouse(带车库),五月可入住Re: 推荐Progressive or State Farm agents
West Lafayette House出租。Re: 去purdue坐什么车啊 (转载)
16/7-17/7招租75K在west lafayette,IN 如何?
look for car pool to Madison WI on Thursday Aug 5thRe: 在这儿或者Chicago or Indianapolis有没有
话题: looking话题: house话题: clean话题: keeper话题: someone