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Internet版 - help: ssh client on solaris
VPN connection problem? (转载)请帮忙解决无线网的问题
the easiest way of connecting two laptop高手指教:网络连接问题
请教我的CABLE MODEM为什么上不了网求救:无线网连不上了
How to connect 2 computers in to 1 DSL modem?DSL internet connection 问题求助
A question about connecting a linux server to the internet through directTV DSL问一下internet,ATT DSL, U-verse or Charter?
[转载] Re: [转载] 解决了! Re: [转载] Yahoo SBC DSL + RAT&T DSL
两台电脑互相访问a question about the connection of cable/router
Can I use DSL from home?Please help, problem with cable intenet
话题: connection话题: ssh话题: solaris话题: client话题: message
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 951
I just moved into a new place and got a new home connection via Pac Bell
DSL. but I have problems when try to use ssh on my workstation at home to
connection to the school.
after issue my username and password, I can see the welcome message, but there
is no prompt at all. after a while, I got the following message:
Diconnected; connection lost (Connection closed.)
warning ssh2[419]: number of forwarded channels still open, forked to
background to wait for completion.
I used to use the same w
1 (共1页)
Please help, problem with cable intenetA question about connecting a linux server to the internet through directTV DSL
connect cell phone to laptop (Tmobile)[转载] Re: [转载] 解决了! Re: [转载] Yahoo SBC DSL + R
Need help: internet doesn't work两台电脑互相访问
家里另外一台机器上不了网了Can I use DSL from home?
VPN connection problem? (转载)请帮忙解决无线网的问题
the easiest way of connecting two laptop高手指教:网络连接问题
请教我的CABLE MODEM为什么上不了网求救:无线网连不上了
How to connect 2 computers in to 1 DSL modem?DSL internet connection 问题求助
话题: connection话题: ssh话题: solaris话题: client话题: message