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Investment版 - Buy and hold? (ZT)
有没有买high yield bond 作长期投资的,不知道怎么样人民币升值如何能降低中国的inflation?
YTD Showoff (05/07/10)长线投资应该怎样HEDGE风险?
Buy and Hold! (ZT)401K请教
我想申请板副若你有401(K)在你的前雇主,你应尽快转到你IRA accou
[LINK]Interview - Eugene Fama, 2006买房的时候从自己的401K借钱合算吗?
Make money in 2010: Your investmentsFidelity IRA investment help
請教一下sharebuilder的Buy Stock for $4 with automatic investing適不適合我EB5 investment projects
话题: buy话题: hold话题: market话题: blips话题: good
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20
As we approach the end of one of the worst years in history of the stock
market there will be a lot of discussion of what investors should do. One
piece of advice that we have heard throughout this debacle and will continue
to hear is to "stay the course." No matter what happens in the market,
there will always be proponents of "buy and hold" investing.
The whole idea behind 'buy and hold' is that if you can find some really
good stocks the inevitable bear markets will just be minor blips as you
发帖数: 1649
I think it is all about balance... and risk control... It is a simple game..
发帖数: 460
My 2 cents.
It's good to buy and hold when things are cheap (bear market). And, it's
good to sell and watch movies when things are expensive (bull market).
The ultimate rule for investment is not 50 bagger or 100 fold, rather it is
don't lose money (or purchasing power) over the time. I never saw a saver
has an unhappy ending because of the slower result, I only saw ignorants
have unhappy ending because they lose their hard earned money by buying when
things are expensive and selling when things

【在 p*******k 的大作中提到】
: As we approach the end of one of the worst years in history of the stock
: market there will be a lot of discussion of what investors should do. One
: piece of advice that we have heard throughout this debacle and will continue
: to hear is to "stay the course." No matter what happens in the market,
: there will always be proponents of "buy and hold" investing.
: The whole idea behind 'buy and hold' is that if you can find some really
: good stocks the inevitable bear markets will just be minor blips as you

发帖数: 20
I just posted another side of the story. Please do your own due diligence.
发帖数: 30533
I still don't see anybody agrees with my "standard deviation" theory,
i.e., as long as volatility over positive yield ratio is low, buy and
hold is good. Vise versa, //sigh.
Right now is one of the best times for trading to beat buying-and-


【在 p*******k 的大作中提到】
: As we approach the end of one of the worst years in history of the stock
: market there will be a lot of discussion of what investors should do. One
: piece of advice that we have heard throughout this debacle and will continue
: to hear is to "stay the course." No matter what happens in the market,
: there will always be proponents of "buy and hold" investing.
: The whole idea behind 'buy and hold' is that if you can find some really
: good stocks the inevitable bear markets will just be minor blips as you

1 (共1页)
EB5 investment projects[LINK]Interview - Eugene Fama, 2006
为什么在 first trade 买基金要收手续费?选择broker
gld vs gdxMake money in 2010: Your investments
ZT someone's opinion to commodity and UNG (转载)請教一下sharebuilder的Buy Stock for $4 with automatic investing適不適合我
有没有买high yield bond 作长期投资的,不知道怎么样人民币升值如何能降低中国的inflation?
YTD Showoff (05/07/10)长线投资应该怎样HEDGE风险?
Buy and Hold! (ZT)401K请教
我想申请板副若你有401(K)在你的前雇主,你应尽快转到你IRA accou
话题: buy话题: hold话题: market话题: blips话题: good