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Investment版 - Water Post 02/24/09
Fidelity 有啥推荐的巴菲特:買黃金不如買伯克希爾股票
你们401k现在存什么?YTD 12/19/08
Berkshire portfolio down 25%YTD 12/26/08
1 more ticket available to Berkshire Hathaway Annual meetingYTD Showoff (03/13/09)
Berkshire Profit on Goldman Sachs Passes $2 Billion (zz)感觉中国股市还是要比美国股市好做一点
Is Warran Buffett playing evil?YTD Showoff (08/07/09)
Buffett是怎么成为亿万富翁的?YTD Showoff (12/04/09)
投资研究笔记(4) - 读芒格:价值投资的认识论与方法论Stock vs. Investment版show off风格比较
话题: ytd话题: arbitrage话题: chairman话题: should话题: voting
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 30533
BRK.A YTD -22.26%
BRK.B YTD -26.23%
Long BRK.B and short BRK.A to earn 4% in several days!
发帖数: 868
You have enough cash to buy BRK.A?

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Arbitrage机会来了!
: BRK.A YTD -22.26%
: BRK.B YTD -26.23%
: Long BRK.B and short BRK.A to earn 4% in several days!

发帖数: 30533
no. I am proposing to rich guys.

【在 s**********n 的大作中提到】
: You have enough cash to buy BRK.A?
发帖数: 460

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Arbitrage机会来了!
: BRK.A YTD -22.26%
: BRK.B YTD -26.23%
: Long BRK.B and short BRK.A to earn 4% in several days!

发帖数: 30533
//sigh, already no chance leh,
BRK.A +5.82% today, BRK.B +8.6% today.

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Arbitrage机会来了!
: BRK.A YTD -22.26%
: BRK.B YTD -26.23%
: Long BRK.B and short BRK.A to earn 4% in several days!

发帖数: 160
I did it yesterday. But the slippage is quite large during the trading day.
So, always have a large account and keep cash handy to snap "handy" profit..
发帖数: 864
BRK.B is historically 1-2% lower than BRK.A because it does not have voting
rights etc. You can convert BRK.A into 30 BRK.B shares but you can not
convert it back.
By the way, Berkshire will issue its earning report and the chairman's
letter before the end of this week. I bet the earning would be terrible but
it would be again interesting to read its chairman's letter.

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Arbitrage机会来了!
: BRK.A YTD -22.26%
: BRK.B YTD -26.23%
: Long BRK.B and short BRK.A to earn 4% in several days!

发帖数: 30533
I did a calculation, since inception, BRK.B's yearly return is about 0.8%
lower than BRK.A. The past 5 years they are almost the same.


【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】
: BRK.B is historically 1-2% lower than BRK.A because it does not have voting
: rights etc. You can convert BRK.A into 30 BRK.B shares but you can not
: convert it back.
: By the way, Berkshire will issue its earning report and the chairman's
: letter before the end of this week. I bet the earning would be terrible but
: it would be again interesting to read its chairman's letter.

发帖数: 864
I didn't mean that their return should be different. I am just saying that
BRK.B should offers a discount to BRK.A, it is normal to expect that
although the discount should be less than 2%. Buffett himself said in his
chairman's letter in 1999 that "We will favor purchase of the B shares if
they are selling at more than a 2% discount to the A."

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: I did a calculation, since inception, BRK.B's yearly return is about 0.8%
: lower than BRK.A. The past 5 years they are almost the same.
: voting
: but

发帖数: 460
Can't agree more, the more I read this chairman, the more I understand
investment. The sad thing is that it seems he won't write a book about
investing and business himself. Though decades ago he planned to write a
book later in his life, but seems it's just a plan.


【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】
: BRK.B is historically 1-2% lower than BRK.A because it does not have voting
: rights etc. You can convert BRK.A into 30 BRK.B shares but you can not
: convert it back.
: By the way, Berkshire will issue its earning report and the chairman's
: letter before the end of this week. I bet the earning would be terrible but
: it would be again interesting to read its chairman's letter.

发帖数: 30533
En, I agree there should be a reason for that.
But from an engineering point of view, since I claimed this arbitrage
at around 10:45 am 02/24/09, BRK.B has already outperformed BRK.A by
On the YTD chart, BRK.B still lags BRK.A by about 2.3%. There should
still be some room for the arbitrage to continue.

【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】
: I didn't mean that their return should be different. I am just saying that
: BRK.B should offers a discount to BRK.A, it is normal to expect that
: although the discount should be less than 2%. Buffett himself said in his
: chairman's letter in 1999 that "We will favor purchase of the B shares if
: they are selling at more than a 2% discount to the A."
: http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/final1999pdf.pdf

发帖数: 30533
haha, BRK.B -4% today, BRK.A only -1.7%.

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: En, I agree there should be a reason for that.
: But from an engineering point of view, since I claimed this arbitrage
: at around 10:45 am 02/24/09, BRK.B has already outperformed BRK.A by
: 3.6%.
: On the YTD chart, BRK.B still lags BRK.A by about 2.3%. There should
: still be some room for the arbitrage to continue.

1 (共1页)
Stock vs. Investment版show off风格比较Berkshire Profit on Goldman Sachs Passes $2 Billion (zz)
大家对今天的经济数据怎么看?Is Warran Buffett playing evil?
Buffett all in lehBuffett是怎么成为亿万富翁的?
YTD Showoff (11/06/09)投资研究笔记(4) - 读芒格:价值投资的认识论与方法论
Fidelity 有啥推荐的巴菲特:買黃金不如買伯克希爾股票
你们401k现在存什么?YTD 12/19/08
Berkshire portfolio down 25%YTD 12/26/08
1 more ticket available to Berkshire Hathaway Annual meetingYTD Showoff (03/13/09)
话题: ytd话题: arbitrage话题: chairman话题: should话题: voting