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Investment版 - talking about strategy?
CEG的股价真搞笑[合集] what is the short side ETF of XHB?
Constellation的股价简直就是搞笑Mid-term Very Bullish
biajee, arbitrige chance 来了[合集] Anyone interested in wells fargo (WFC)
Water Post 02/24/09大家的Roth IRA放哪个broker那里?
突破200日线不足以构成反转c split
[合集] Question about wash sale rule银行国家化?
求建议:第一次投资 (转载)Wells Fargo的 preferred share 很诱人啊 (转载)
2XETF 也可以稳定赚钱美利坚子民的生活水平迅速贫困化
话题: short话题: sso话题: about话题: strategy话题: sds
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 160
Why don't we start a discussion on strategy and "qie cuo":
I used the following ones current:
1) risk arbitrage (CEG for example)
2) statistical arbitrage (for example BRK.A and BRK.B)
3) sell way out of money put (for example, sell 7.5$ and 10$, two month away
put of WFC when WFC was crashed close 10$ and below 10$)
4) Macro analysis (long SRS or short URE, short SSO)
5) take adavantage of leveage slippage (short SDS and short SSO
How about you? I am willing to elaborate my stra
发帖数: 30533
1) Set a target, e.g., S&P.
2) Create the portfolio so that it shows similar performance as the
target. At least 20% cash required.
3) If performance is lower than the target, reduce cash level.
4) If performance is higher than the target, raise cash level to
5) Adjust the portfolio if performance does not track the target
any more. (Different curve.)
6) Repeat 3-5.


【在 u*****n 的大作中提到】
: Why don't we start a discussion on strategy and "qie cuo":
: I used the following ones current:
: 1) risk arbitrage (CEG for example)
: 2) statistical arbitrage (for example BRK.A and BRK.B)
: 3) sell way out of money put (for example, sell 7.5$ and 10$, two month away
: put of WFC when WFC was crashed close 10$ and below 10$)
: 4) Macro analysis (long SRS or short URE, short SSO)
: 5) take adavantage of leveage slippage (short SDS and short SSO
: simuatenously)
: How about you? I am willing to elaborate my stra

发帖数: 460
I only did 1) three times.


【在 u*****n 的大作中提到】
: Why don't we start a discussion on strategy and "qie cuo":
: I used the following ones current:
: 1) risk arbitrage (CEG for example)
: 2) statistical arbitrage (for example BRK.A and BRK.B)
: 3) sell way out of money put (for example, sell 7.5$ and 10$, two month away
: put of WFC when WFC was crashed close 10$ and below 10$)
: 4) Macro analysis (long SRS or short URE, short SSO)
: 5) take adavantage of leveage slippage (short SDS and short SSO
: simuatenously)
: How about you? I am willing to elaborate my stra

发帖数: 30533
基本上大多数2x ETF pair的图如果放到一起,1 yr return通常都是-40%,

【在 u*****n 的大作中提到】
: Why don't we start a discussion on strategy and "qie cuo":
: I used the following ones current:
: 1) risk arbitrage (CEG for example)
: 2) statistical arbitrage (for example BRK.A and BRK.B)
: 3) sell way out of money put (for example, sell 7.5$ and 10$, two month away
: put of WFC when WFC was crashed close 10$ and below 10$)
: 4) Macro analysis (long SRS or short URE, short SSO)
: 5) take adavantage of leveage slippage (short SDS and short SSO
: simuatenously)
: How about you? I am willing to elaborate my stra

发帖数: 160
1, 2 are obvious to many of you, I suppose.
5 is probably known to your guys as well. The problem is it is hard to find
SDS to short) SSO is abundent.
I will elaborate the other three when I get back home.
发帖数: 887
1. asset allocation
2. annual rebalance
3. gambling with less than 20% total portfolio
发帖数: 160
I did not see much fee for shorting. I opened the two short position ($
20000 on each side) cost about 25$ on each trans (including the 10$
commission), I remembered. Then, 20$ for closing the two positions for
commission. That's it. I think I got about 5-6% (maybe less) in two to three
months (earned about 1200$). But this is really free money (close to free, I mean).

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: 这个到底能赚多少?
: 基本上大多数2x ETF pair的图如果放到一起,1 yr return通常都是-40%,
: -50%什么的。两个都short似乎是稳赚阿,呵呵。1年费用大概有多少?

发帖数: 120
margin cost?

, I mean).

【在 u*****n 的大作中提到】
: I did not see much fee for shorting. I opened the two short position ($
: 20000 on each side) cost about 25$ on each trans (including the 10$
: commission), I remembered. Then, 20$ for closing the two positions for
: commission. That's it. I think I got about 5-6% (maybe less) in two to three
: months (earned about 1200$). But this is really free money (close to free, I mean).

发帖数: 160
I wasn't aware "margin cost".

【在 n****b 的大作中提到】
: margin cost?
: three
: , I mean).

发帖数: 34805
You are probably going to pay 10% for a year.

【在 u*****n 的大作中提到】
: I wasn't aware "margin cost".
发帖数: 160
Suppose my account has 30000$. I long 20000$ SSO and short 20000$ SDS. Do I
have to pay "margin interests"?

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: You are probably going to pay 10% for a year.
发帖数: 160
By the way, fidelity (I use) has margin rate about 7-8% for <500000$
发帖数: 62
I long commodities,oil producers, yuan, chinese stocks, short us longterm
treasury and short nasdaq.
发帖数: 34805
I think you'll pay margin interest on 20K, and get interest paid
on 20K at the same time. Your long position doesn't matter.


【在 u*****n 的大作中提到】
: Suppose my account has 30000$. I long 20000$ SSO and short 20000$ SDS. Do I
: have to pay "margin interests"?

1 (共1页)
[合集] 投资讨论(2)--如何挑选值得投资的股票[合集] Question about wash sale rule
Who are the top20 banks for stress test? (转载)求建议:第一次投资 (转载)
原创IRA选择总结申请包子2XETF 也可以稳定赚钱
CEG的股价真搞笑[合集] what is the short side ETF of XHB?
Constellation的股价简直就是搞笑Mid-term Very Bullish
biajee, arbitrige chance 来了[合集] Anyone interested in wells fargo (WFC)
Water Post 02/24/09大家的Roth IRA放哪个broker那里?
话题: short话题: sso话题: about话题: strategy话题: sds