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Investment版 - 现在好像随便买都可以赚钱
next bubbleIt's very wrong to say market is a random process (转载)
[ZT]Insiders Tripping Over Each Other To Buy那些金融产品是反向运动的?
BDIY at 1 year lowThe Mythical Recovery [3]
漫漫熊市来到了Return/risk/time calculator
Housing bubble 2.0?美国经济现状及股市中期操作策略(3)
7 年真实401K投资成果[合集] 炒股小心得 (转载)
Vanguard Small Cap Value ETF 怎么样?Will President Obama lead U.S. out of recession?
话题: up话题: however话题: recession话题: bond话题: market
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 129
所以要buy dip, 直到哪天跌300点, 牛市就到头了.
发帖数: 1962
wrong board. stock board please.

【在 p******b 的大作中提到】
: 所以要buy dip, 直到哪天跌300点, 牛市就到头了.
发帖数: 864
Yes, gold is up, oil is up, equity is up and even bond is up...only dollar
is dropping.
I'm not surprised about anything above except the healthy appetite of US
treasury auction this week. Maybe there is just too much money chasing after
the limited investment options right now.

【在 p******b 的大作中提到】
: 所以要buy dip, 直到哪天跌300点, 牛市就到头了.
发帖数: 1342
CNNMoney: Insiders sell like there's no tomorrow

【在 p******b 的大作中提到】
: 所以要buy dip, 直到哪天跌300点, 牛市就到头了.
发帖数: 1962
Whatever, market is not going to drop ... not now ...
Almost every trader who has more than one year experience is bearish, while
everyday the headline is some very encouraging news that one country or
another is heading out of recession. All the words I see are short, short,
short. Market ends a green today and they start dreaming a red tomorrow. I
have never seen market can go down under such kind of sentiment.
And you all see how strong market is.

【在 m*****u 的大作中提到】
: CNNMoney: Insiders sell like there's no tomorrow
: http://money.cnn.com/2009/09/10/news/economy/insider.sales/index.htm

发帖数: 1063
so the recession is over or not?


【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Whatever, market is not going to drop ... not now ...
: Almost every trader who has more than one year experience is bearish, while
: everyday the headline is some very encouraging news that one country or
: another is heading out of recession. All the words I see are short, short,
: short. Market ends a green today and they start dreaming a red tomorrow. I
: have never seen market can go down under such kind of sentiment.
: And you all see how strong market is.

发帖数: 864
My point of view is that "technically" speaking, the recession is obviously
over, which one can forecast even a few months ago.
But I predict the "jobless recovery" will be the media's catch-phrase by the
end of the year or earlier next year. After all, whether the GDP is up one
quarter or not is really meaningless if you talk about real economy. I do
believe however there will be recovery and bull market, only its length is
shorter by historical standard and the debt will finally weigh in. They

【在 f****t 的大作中提到】
: so the recession is over or not?
: while

发帖数: 1219
The stock price is directly related to the profit of the company. If
American don't spend as much as they did, there will be no reason that the
company's profit will improve.
Yes, there is too much money in the market for investment to boost the price
of all investment tools. However, these prices go up and down quickly. I
need to see CPI does increase to confirm the recession is over.


【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】
: My point of view is that "technically" speaking, the recession is obviously
: over, which one can forecast even a few months ago.
: But I predict the "jobless recovery" will be the media's catch-phrase by the
: end of the year or earlier next year. After all, whether the GDP is up one
: quarter or not is really meaningless if you talk about real economy. I do
: believe however there will be recovery and bull market, only its length is
: shorter by historical standard and the debt will finally weigh in. They

发帖数: 1063
assuming u r right, then how to take advantage of the coming government bond
in dotcom bubble, tech stocks up
in housing bubble, house and real estate up
in government bond bubble, what up?


【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】
: My point of view is that "technically" speaking, the recession is obviously
: over, which one can forecast even a few months ago.
: But I predict the "jobless recovery" will be the media's catch-phrase by the
: end of the year or earlier next year. After all, whether the GDP is up one
: quarter or not is really meaningless if you talk about real economy. I do
: believe however there will be recovery and bull market, only its length is
: shorter by historical standard and the debt will finally weigh in. They

发帖数: 460


【在 f****t 的大作中提到】
: assuming u r right, then how to take advantage of the coming government bond
: bubble?
: in dotcom bubble, tech stocks up
: in housing bubble, house and real estate up
: in government bond bubble, what up?
: obviously
: the
: one
: are

7 年真实401K投资成果It's very wrong to say market is a random process (转载)
Vanguard Small Cap Value ETF 怎么样?The Mythical Recovery [3]
发帖数: 864
The profit of the company is not directly related with its revenue. An
average company's revenue is down at alarming rate, however many
are able to keep profit up. This is due to a combination of cost cutting
and cheap credit. Many companies should get much higher credit
interest rate now if it can be priced according to their risks. However,
the government is printing the money to support them. No wonder
all the banks can make record profit recently. But with the government's
cheap credit, it i

【在 p********t 的大作中提到】
: The stock price is directly related to the profit of the company. If
: American don't spend as much as they did, there will be no reason that the
: company's profit will improve.
: Yes, there is too much money in the market for investment to boost the price
: of all investment tools. However, these prices go up and down quickly. I
: need to see CPI does increase to confirm the recession is over.
: obviously
: the
: one

发帖数: 864

Everything. If the cost of money is low, making money is certainly easy.

【在 f****t 的大作中提到】
: assuming u r right, then how to take advantage of the coming government bond
: bubble?
: in dotcom bubble, tech stocks up
: in housing bubble, house and real estate up
: in government bond bubble, what up?
: obviously
: the
: one
: are

发帖数: 864
Also, I am not saying that the revenue will not go up. I spent the long
weekend at the outlet, it is packed like a zoo although the discount is
already not as steep as end of last year. It is un-American to delay the
buying of a house, a new car, all the latest electronic gadget and all
the fashions. It is just not their nature. So there will be some pend-up
demand in the near future...with the general America learning that
the recession is over. However, that is unsustainable just like the

【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】
: The profit of the company is not directly related with its revenue. An
: average company's revenue is down at alarming rate, however many
: are able to keep profit up. This is due to a combination of cost cutting
: and cheap credit. Many companies should get much higher credit
: interest rate now if it can be priced according to their risks. However,
: the government is printing the money to support them. No wonder
: all the banks can make record profit recently. But with the government's
: cheap credit, it i

发帖数: 1125
Maybe corporates, especially HY bonds.
I haven't seen year better than this yr for corp bond investors.


【在 f****t 的大作中提到】
: assuming u r right, then how to take advantage of the coming government bond
: bubble?
: in dotcom bubble, tech stocks up
: in housing bubble, house and real estate up
: in government bond bubble, what up?
: obviously
: the
: one
: are

发帖数: 158
this is indeed worrisome. for generations, americans have spent beyond their
means. the u.s. is the only country where 70% of gdp comes from consumer
spending. but this can not last. the indebtedness of this country can only
go up exponentially, if the law of compounding holds. and when things blow
up, it will be ugly.
i won't be surprised if it happens in my lifetime that the dollar looses its
status as the world currency.

【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】
: Also, I am not saying that the revenue will not go up. I spent the long
: weekend at the outlet, it is packed like a zoo although the discount is
: already not as steep as end of last year. It is un-American to delay the
: buying of a house, a new car, all the latest electronic gadget and all
: the fashions. It is just not their nature. So there will be some pend-up
: demand in the near future...with the general America learning that
: the recession is over. However, that is unsustainable just like the
: cash

发帖数: 1063
so we don't need to do anything to take advantage this coming bubble, and
money will fall like crazy to us?

【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】
: Also, I am not saying that the revenue will not go up. I spent the long
: weekend at the outlet, it is packed like a zoo although the discount is
: already not as steep as end of last year. It is un-American to delay the
: buying of a house, a new car, all the latest electronic gadget and all
: the fashions. It is just not their nature. So there will be some pend-up
: demand in the near future...with the general America learning that
: the recession is over. However, that is unsustainable just like the
: cash

发帖数: 1063
I think the risk is not low right now for them.
during the previous bubbles, the risk is very low to take advantage of the

【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: Maybe corporates, especially HY bonds.
: I haven't seen year better than this yr for corp bond investors.
: bond

发帖数: 1962
What are you talking about?

【在 f****t 的大作中提到】
: I think the risk is not low right now for them.
: during the previous bubbles, the risk is very low to take advantage of the
: bubbles.

发帖数: 1063
i mean, in those previous bubbles, if you catch them at the right time, the
risk was low (just like you said, 撒豆成金)
right now, I think the HY bonds have high risk (am I right?)

【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: What are you talking about?
发帖数: 1063
reasons, please. thanks

【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: Maybe corporates, especially HY bonds.
: I haven't seen year better than this yr for corp bond investors.
: bond

1 (共1页)
Will President Obama lead U.S. out of recession?Housing bubble 2.0?
各种货币的购买力比较7 年真实401K投资成果
从UCLA听经济学家讨论会回来, 有点吓到 (转载)现在大家401k都什么配置?
[合集] Nobel Winner Stiglitz: U.S. Facing Long Recession (转载)Vanguard Small Cap Value ETF 怎么样?
next bubbleIt's very wrong to say market is a random process (转载)
[ZT]Insiders Tripping Over Each Other To Buy那些金融产品是反向运动的?
BDIY at 1 year lowThe Mythical Recovery [3]
漫漫熊市来到了Return/risk/time calculator
话题: up话题: however话题: recession话题: bond话题: market