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Investment版 - 求建议:第一次投资 (转载)
[合集] 除了short SPY,还有什么安全简单的做空美股的方法?2XETF 也可以稳定赚钱
[合集] Question about wash sale ruleTax efficient index fund needed, help!
ProShares Launches new ETFs on Small Cap Indexes买指数基金是expense ratio越低越好吗?
ETF比较: VTI vs SCHB2009第二季度总结
[合集] 打算长期持有,现在买C,合适吗?如果citi不倒的话,是不是早晚请问Scottrade有什么好的follow S&P 500的Index Fund吗?
Fidelity开个Roth IRA买那个ETF好Roth IRA 里面的钱怎么投资,是不是买个fund就不用管了?
Mutual Fund / ETF 或者其他FUND会破产吗?新手问Roth ira,s是MF+ETF, 还是MF only
large cap value是风险最低的股票etf么?单亲妈妈求教理财
话题: ultra话题: proshares话题: etf话题: nysearca话题: risk
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 849
【 以下文字转载自 pennystock 俱乐部 】
发信人: DreamingBird (DreamingBird), 信区: pennystock
标 题: 求建议:第一次投资
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 5 20:35:26 2011, 美东)
Goal: Expected return above 3% in the next 1-2 years after broker fee, tax
and inflation adjusted. Small risk.
1. Do not want to trade too frequently. Turnover less than 20% per year
2. I prefer index ETF(Large size) over individual stocks, because 1.
commission fee. 2. Not so much time in analyzing stock by stock. 3. less
risk. 4. liquidity
3. For the umemployment rate, I guess the us economic will be better.
4. The investment will not exceed $5000 and use little leverage
As a conclusion, I will bet on:
ProShares Ultra S&P500 (NYSEArca: SSO ) 49.41
ProShares Ultra Dow30 (NYSEArca: DDM ) 55.78
Welcome to comments! Thanks.
发帖数: 1962
My comment is that if you want to hold index for long-term, don't
use Ultra ETF, buy ordinary ETF on margin instead.
Ultra ETF is not for long-term holding. They are bad designed products
only good for day-traders.

【在 D**********d 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 pennystock 俱乐部 】
: 发信人: DreamingBird (DreamingBird), 信区: pennystock
: 标 题: 求建议:第一次投资
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 5 20:35:26 2011, 美东)
: Goal: Expected return above 3% in the next 1-2 years after broker fee, tax
: and inflation adjusted. Small risk.
: 1. Do not want to trade too frequently. Turnover less than 20% per year
: 2. I prefer index ETF(Large size) over individual stocks, because 1.
: commission fee. 2. Not so much time in analyzing stock by stock. 3. less
: risk. 4. liquidity

发帖数: 6301
He wants small risk and guess the us economic will be better.
Then why he bet on ProShares Ultra, which is a high leverage short?
1 (共1页)
单亲妈妈求教理财[合集] 打算长期持有,现在买C,合适吗?如果citi不倒的话,是不是早晚
How good is your 401KFidelity开个Roth IRA买那个ETF好
现在重仓买入SP500的ETF是不是好选择?Mutual Fund / ETF 或者其他FUND会破产吗?
Law Firm Files Action in ProShares' UltraShort S&P 500 Fundlarge cap value是风险最低的股票etf么?
[合集] 除了short SPY,还有什么安全简单的做空美股的方法?2XETF 也可以稳定赚钱
[合集] Question about wash sale ruleTax efficient index fund needed, help!
ProShares Launches new ETFs on Small Cap Indexes买指数基金是expense ratio越低越好吗?
ETF比较: VTI vs SCHB2009第二季度总结
话题: ultra话题: proshares话题: etf话题: nysearca话题: risk