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Investment版 - ROTH excess contribution problem
conversion of non-deductible IRA to Roth IRARoth IRA convertion is no brainer if you haven't max out 401K
再问一个back door ira的问题关于 Roth IRA 和 non deductible IRA
backdoor Roth IRA的一个问题 (转载)Roth IRA 现在放满的话, 如果年底前公司 (转载)
请教,在roth ira错放了钱怎么办?backdoor roth 的问题。
请教excess roth IRA contribution recharacterize (转载)悲剧...Roth IRA 超了怎么办
注意back door Roth 对大部人不可行!Roth IRA 的钱取出来有罚金吗? (转载)
请教8606form的年份定义:关于IRA conversion换工作,以前401怎么处理?
怎么backdoor Roth会影响报税?急问 roth ira
话题: roth话题: ira话题: year话题: problem
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2964
Some unexpected income near the year-end pretty much eliminated, or at least
reduced, our permitted ROTH contribution for the year 2011. since we
already contributed to ROTH for the year 2011, we get a problem which need
to be corrected. It is certainly a good problem to have but a problem all
the same.
It appears to us the best practice is to recharacterize our excess 2011 ROTH
contribution to non-deductible IRA, am I right? In order to do that, each
of us need to open a new IRA account, transfers the excessive portion plus
earnings attributable to that portion to the new IRA account. If I make a
ROTH conversion on my non-deductible IRA later this year, it will counted as
year 2012 conversion, right?
Your comments are appreciated.
发帖数: 12623
Yes, you are correct. I am not sure how exactly to do a recharacterization;
but your current IRA broker should be able to do it easily for you.
It will count as a year 2012 conversion, since it is year 2012 now. However,
(assuming you do not have other traditional IRAs) you will only be taxed on
the earnings in the IRA since it was opened (which should not be much); not
the principal, since it is non-deductible.
Another option is instead of recharacterizing, to simply take out the Roth
IRA entirely (which you are allowed to do; it will count as if you never
opened it) and open a traditional IRA now for year 2011, then do the
conversion immediately. This way (again assuming you do not have other
traditional IRAs) there is guaranteed to be no tax. Which option is better
depends on your situation.
1 (共1页)
急问 roth ira请教excess roth IRA contribution recharacterize (转载)
急,求救:roth ira收入超了注意back door Roth 对大部人不可行!
因为换工作收入超过ROTH IRA限额怎么处理请教8606form的年份定义:关于IRA conversion
roth conversion怎么backdoor Roth会影响报税?
conversion of non-deductible IRA to Roth IRARoth IRA convertion is no brainer if you haven't max out 401K
再问一个back door ira的问题关于 Roth IRA 和 non deductible IRA
backdoor Roth IRA的一个问题 (转载)Roth IRA 现在放满的话, 如果年底前公司 (转载)
请教,在roth ira错放了钱怎么办?backdoor roth 的问题。
话题: roth话题: ira话题: year话题: problem