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Investment版 - 什么时候买Obama 的my Ira
[correction] buy-and-hold taxable vs traditional IRAHow to cash out retirement plans?
Why we need IRA?问问IRA 的问题
为什么Roth IRA里买的Ishare给我寄了K-1 formold 401K Convert to Roth
[转载] Re: Need help on Roth IRA也问roth ira
[合集] 投了401K和roth IRA,过几年海归了怎么办?请教:max 401 k还是Roth IRA
How to change Vanguard Roth IRA account to a brokerage account401K 转到 Roth IRA ?
Roth IRA新手请教一些投资问题
亏了,才知道存ROTH IRA有TAX CREDITIRA 还是 Roth IRA? (转载)
话题: ira话题: retirement话题: obama话题: treasury话题: wage
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 890
发帖数: 1980
Obama must be a genius. A negative real-return retirement account to lower
the treasury rate for the riches.
MyRA is a ROTH account without the ability to invest in the stock market.
Lower income worker will be better off to invest in IRA (with immediate tax
benefit) and the convert to ROTH later on. Higher income worker cannot
contribute anyway. So what exact was the point?

【在 I**********2 的大作中提到】
: Haha
发帖数: 3557
the point is to make an impression that he cares for your retirement. acting
is what politicians do.


【在 p********r 的大作中提到】
: Obama must be a genius. A negative real-return retirement account to lower
: the treasury rate for the riches.
: MyRA is a ROTH account without the ability to invest in the stock market.
: Lower income worker will be better off to invest in IRA (with immediate tax
: benefit) and the convert to ROTH later on. Higher income worker cannot
: contribute anyway. So what exact was the point?

发帖数: 2964
The details are not out yet, but if this one is something like a stable
value funds and accrue interest based on perpetual 10-yrs Treasury then in
itself may not be bad. OTOH, I am not interested on letting pols to get
their hands on more retirement money.


【在 p********r 的大作中提到】
: Obama must be a genius. A negative real-return retirement account to lower
: the treasury rate for the riches.
: MyRA is a ROTH account without the ability to invest in the stock market.
: Lower income worker will be better off to invest in IRA (with immediate tax
: benefit) and the convert to ROTH later on. Higher income worker cannot
: contribute anyway. So what exact was the point?

发帖数: 558
Devil is in the detail. We have to wait and see. It is an idea that has been
around for quite sometime. Something called R bond has been talked about by
the treasury. The good thing is to have an automatic mechanism for low wage
worker or people who don't have access to employer sponsored plans to
easily setup an saving account without having to deal with minimums and
management fees associated with IRA. The big problem is whether low wage
workers actually have the extra money to put away. They need to have some
sort of incentives to encourage them to save. We can look at our northern
neighbor : the Canadians have something called RESPs, where government
contribute certain percentage to citizens or residents if they put away
money for children's education. But then of course Canada is a socialist
country. we are proudly not.
发帖数: 2964
If the pols are really interested in helping the working folks to fund their
retirement, they could easily make one simple change, that is, every person
with earned income can put, say, $51,000 to tax-deferred vehicles. The
vehicles can be 401(k), 403(b), 457, IRA, SEP-IRA, Solo 401(k), or whatever
and combination, the source can come from employer and/or employee
contribution, but the total is capped. It can solve a lot of complains on
employers sponsored retirement plans, in particular, bad funds and high fees.


【在 D*****t 的大作中提到】
: Devil is in the detail. We have to wait and see. It is an idea that has been
: around for quite sometime. Something called R bond has been talked about by
: the treasury. The good thing is to have an automatic mechanism for low wage
: worker or people who don't have access to employer sponsored plans to
: easily setup an saving account without having to deal with minimums and
: management fees associated with IRA. The big problem is whether low wage
: workers actually have the extra money to put away. They need to have some
: sort of incentives to encourage them to save. We can look at our northern
: neighbor : the Canadians have something called RESPs, where government
: contribute certain percentage to citizens or residents if they put away

1 (共1页)
IRA 还是 Roth IRA? (转载)[合集] 投了401K和roth IRA,过几年海归了怎么办?
离开公司后401K问题How to change Vanguard Roth IRA account to a brokerage account
如果上班的公司没有任何退休计划,自己是否就只能开TRADITIOANAL IRA?Roth IRA
Vanguard的Roth IRA可以换投资么?换什么好呢?亏了,才知道存ROTH IRA有TAX CREDIT
[correction] buy-and-hold taxable vs traditional IRAHow to cash out retirement plans?
Why we need IRA?问问IRA 的问题
为什么Roth IRA里买的Ishare给我寄了K-1 formold 401K Convert to Roth
[转载] Re: Need help on Roth IRA也问roth ira
话题: ira话题: retirement话题: obama话题: treasury话题: wage