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Investment版 - 非citizen的遗产税这么坑爹?
美国富人不用付遗产税 (转载)** Be Very CAREFUL With VUL & WFG **
退休帐号all cash了有人知道IUL吗?
KennyD之纯Indexing世界鄂尔多斯人民加入炒房大军: 很少比炒房子更划算的买卖 (转载)
[合集] 聪明的人还是太多,很好退休帐户再投多少钱合适?
[合集] a question for indexers美国有做个人资产管理财富规划传承的么? (转载)
不同家的index fund的区别?以国内父母名义购买投资房
有谁研究过Small-cap Index ?有人能告诉我到底储蓄分红型的终身寿险能避税么?
话题: states话题: united话题: estate话题: tax话题: citizens
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 199
超过6万就要交遗产税?spouse 不是citizen的也不能免。怎么破??高人怎么解决的
Estate Planning for Non US Citizens
Persons who are not United States citizens, such as nonresident aliens and
greencard holders, face a challenging United States estate tax planning
environment when they invest in United States assets. Instead of the $5,250,
000 (exemption amount for 2013 that is indexed to inflation), to which
United States citizens and permanent residents are entitled, a nonresident
alien is entitled to an exemption of only $60,000 for their United States
property. Permanent residents of the United States, while entitled to the
entire estate tax exemption for the United States estate tax (which is
indexed for inflation and is $5.25 million for 2013), are subject to United
States estate tax on their worldwide assets, including assets held in the
home country. Both nonresident aliens and greencard holders may also be
subject to estate tax in their country of citizenship. 
发帖数: 1684
Only applies to tangible properties situated in USA. 海外成立个公司来hold.


【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】
: 超过6万就要交遗产税?spouse 不是citizen的也不能免。怎么破??高人怎么解决的
: 这个问题呀??
: Estate Planning for Non US Citizens
: Persons who are not United States citizens, such as nonresident aliens and
: greencard holders, face a challenging United States estate tax planning
: environment when they invest in United States assets. Instead of the $5,250,
: 000 (exemption amount for 2013 that is indexed to inflation), to which
: United States citizens and permanent residents are entitled, a nonresident
: alien is entitled to an exemption of only $60,000 for their United States
: property. Permanent residents of the United States, while entitled to the

发帖数: 3809
"Permanent residents of the United States ... are subject to United States
estate tax on their worldwide assets"
Isn't this the case for US citizens as well?


【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】
: 超过6万就要交遗产税?spouse 不是citizen的也不能免。怎么破??高人怎么解决的
: 这个问题呀??
: Estate Planning for Non US Citizens
: Persons who are not United States citizens, such as nonresident aliens and
: greencard holders, face a challenging United States estate tax planning
: environment when they invest in United States assets. Instead of the $5,250,
: 000 (exemption amount for 2013 that is indexed to inflation), to which
: United States citizens and permanent residents are entitled, a nonresident
: alien is entitled to an exemption of only $60,000 for their United States
: property. Permanent residents of the United States, while entitled to the

发帖数: 204
google GRAT

【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】
: 超过6万就要交遗产税?spouse 不是citizen的也不能免。怎么破??高人怎么解决的
: 这个问题呀??
: Estate Planning for Non US Citizens
: Persons who are not United States citizens, such as nonresident aliens and
: greencard holders, face a challenging United States estate tax planning
: environment when they invest in United States assets. Instead of the $5,250,
: 000 (exemption amount for 2013 that is indexed to inflation), to which
: United States citizens and permanent residents are entitled, a nonresident
: alien is entitled to an exemption of only $60,000 for their United States
: property. Permanent residents of the United States, while entitled to the

发帖数: 2761


【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】
: 超过6万就要交遗产税?spouse 不是citizen的也不能免。怎么破??高人怎么解决的
: 这个问题呀??
: Estate Planning for Non US Citizens
: Persons who are not United States citizens, such as nonresident aliens and
: greencard holders, face a challenging United States estate tax planning
: environment when they invest in United States assets. Instead of the $5,250,
: 000 (exemption amount for 2013 that is indexed to inflation), to which
: United States citizens and permanent residents are entitled, a nonresident
: alien is entitled to an exemption of only $60,000 for their United States
: property. Permanent residents of the United States, while entitled to the

发帖数: 134
nonresident alien,呆满180天不就是resident alien了吗
1 (共1页)
有人能告诉我到底储蓄分红型的终身寿险能避税么?[合集] a question for indexers
弱问:要是妈妈想给我一笔钱,我该如何避税?不同家的index fund的区别?
房子该放在谁的名下??有谁研究过Small-cap Index ?
美国富人不用付遗产税 (转载)** Be Very CAREFUL With VUL & WFG **
退休帐号all cash了有人知道IUL吗?
KennyD之纯Indexing世界鄂尔多斯人民加入炒房大军: 很少比炒房子更划算的买卖 (转载)
[合集] 聪明的人还是太多,很好退休帐户再投多少钱合适?
话题: states话题: united话题: estate话题: tax话题: citizens