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Investment版 - 现在要抛pimco 的total return fund 吗?
Gross left PIMCO to join Janus没有人看好PIMCO Total Return Instl (PTTRX)这个fund吗?
有人长期拥有 PTTRX 吗?又了解PIMCO Income Fund 吗?
有谁对bill gross有研究?401K选择,新手求助
Gross says"never" short U.S. Treasuries zzNeed suggestion on 401K
请推荐个Fidelity的MF帮忙看看retirement 基金选择
401K求建议投资漫谈(1)--- 如何选择一个好的基金
债市看差,401k里需要扔掉PIMCO么?401 fund pick请帮忙选一下
话题: bill话题: pimco话题: fund话题: pttrx话题: total
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 345
发帖数: 2964
FWIW, I liquidated my PTTRX last Friday when news broke out, part of the
proceeding went to a math PhD dropout and art collector ... while stay put
in Dan Ivascyn's funds. Should have done it long time ago, always not sure
if anyone can manage a fund with more than $200B. Bill's ouster sealed the
deal for me.
Considering to direct some cash to Bill's fund at Janus sometime in the
coming months.
发帖数: 1519
In my opinion, if you didn't sell pimco total return fund in the past a few
years after so many negative stories coming out between Gross and other
executives, it's a little too late to sell now over some panic action. The
fund is probably better off without Gross, considering his age and the
dysfunction in the management...
发帖数: 2964
Well, PTTRX over the last three years is ahead of benchmark, and the
negative stories only broke out earlier this year. Frankly I did not miss Mo
, he is a very smart guy obviously, but his MM track record is dismal. I
happen to think often times a great organization is lead by a driven and
visionary A-hole, so I did not consider Mo's resignation as negative, great
organizations most time are not church chores.
I'd agree right now PIMCO as a company will be better off without Bill than
without other senior MMs, it is obviously that either him or others, and he
is 70 years old. If it happened 20 years ago, Bill would win this internal
battle without question, or more likely nobody internally would challenge
him. The fact that Bill recently made some bad calls and Dan appears to be
right, and Dan is 25 years younger than Bill, seal the deal.
发帖数: 1519
I'd think it's actually not a bad idea to just stick to PTTRX and let
Ivascyn manage the money. His track record is quite convincing and he's, as
you said, 25 years younger.
发帖数: 2964
7-year outstanding bond investment public record is obviously very good, but
I won't put him in the same league as Bill and selected few just yet,
especially when he need to navigate a monster (PTTRX). To make things more
challenging, this monster is supposed to be pretty different than his PIMIX/
PDI. I would jump ship if Gundlach was thrust into PTTRX, even though I
consider him to be as close to Gross's equal as you can get.
1 (共1页)
401 fund pick请帮忙选一下帮忙看看401K投资基金选择
各位高手,有没有5%-7% return的基金可以推荐?债市看差,401k里需要扔掉PIMCO么?
Gross left PIMCO to join Janus没有人看好PIMCO Total Return Instl (PTTRX)这个fund吗?
有人长期拥有 PTTRX 吗?又了解PIMCO Income Fund 吗?
有谁对bill gross有研究?401K选择,新手求助
Gross says"never" short U.S. Treasuries zzNeed suggestion on 401K
话题: bill话题: pimco话题: fund话题: pttrx话题: total