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500伪币求指导:最近想拿出闲钱的一部分来买Vanguard ETFs~~Share your current asset allocation plan?
这两支International ETF是不是接近完美?大家帮忙评价Wealthfront给出的Investment Mix
ETF股票指数基金介绍 (转载)谁知道为啥最近VEA跌那么厉害?
菜鸟问一下fidelity Roth Ira 买什么那位能推荐两个vanguard的etf
做了个stock ETF portfolio请指教Long term investment portfolio求评价
fidelity ETF组合-求推荐有没有人用WealthFront?
话题: em话题: exposure话题: etf话题: vwo话题: china
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 266
想买一个EM 的 ETF. 这个貌似是费用最低的 但是亚洲的比重占63.99!!中国占了26.
1% 我怎么觉得一点也不diversify啊 另外这个包含A 股 我本来觉得是好事 毕竟多了
一个exposure 但国内股市manipulation 太严重 没有合理的disclosure 和market
regulation. 买一点点buy and hold 没啥问题 但是这个etf 那么集中在中国还是很害怕
大家怎么看 能推荐一个个更好的em etf吗?
发帖数: 7517
I think the current 26% weight on China is from H-shares.
发帖数: 76
I use EEMV, DGS and actively managed funds to get EM exposure.
发帖数: 266
thanks eemv has a similar concentration but with vol control, which is

【在 c**l 的大作中提到】
: I use EEMV, DGS and actively managed funds to get EM exposure.
发帖数: 229
You cannot avoid significant China/Asia exposure because funds are allocated
more or less by
country/region's % of World GDP.
That said, IEMG (ishare core em etf) tracks MSCI EM IMI index which doesn't
include A-share. ER 0
.18%. It *almost* has total market exposure, tracking ~1900 out of ~2700
stocks in EM countries, vs VWO's ~1100 stocks... Good balance of expense and


【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: 想买一个EM 的 ETF. 这个貌似是费用最低的 但是亚洲的比重占63.99!!中国占了26.
: 1% 我怎么觉得一点也不diversify啊 另外这个包含A 股 我本来觉得是好事 毕竟多了
: 一个exposure 但国内股市manipulation 太严重 没有合理的disclosure 和market
: regulation. 买一点点buy and hold 没啥问题 但是这个etf 那么集中在中国还是很害怕
: 大家怎么看 能推荐一个个更好的em etf吗?

发帖数: 1519
I would say the allocation to Asia/China is reasonable, considering its
size vs. other emerging (in other words, crappy) markets. The problem is
many, myself included, believe it's toxic asset and want to avoid it. At the
end of the day, it's a personal decision. If you don't feel comfortable, it
won't really do any good, especially during difficult times when you need
to be patient.
Same can be said about index investing in general. When you are essentially
holding thousands of stocks, I don't believe you like each one of them. How
to deal with it is a decision that only you can make.
发帖数: 266
the issue is that a lot of chinese already have some exposure to china and
asia market. believe it or not, like the apartment your parents live in and
their retirement fund. that is why i want to avoid over exposure by
investing in em etf.
i think i probably should just avoid all em etf if they are all cap weighted
with 60% in asia. i will just invest in OAKIX for international exposure


【在 w***n 的大作中提到】
: I would say the allocation to Asia/China is reasonable, considering its
: size vs. other emerging (in other words, crappy) markets. The problem is
: many, myself included, believe it's toxic asset and want to avoid it. At the
: end of the day, it's a personal decision. If you don't feel comfortable, it
: won't really do any good, especially during difficult times when you need
: to be patient.
: Same can be said about index investing in general. When you are essentially
: holding thousands of stocks, I don't believe you like each one of them. How
: to deal with it is a decision that only you can make.

发帖数: 1519
How do you like VXUS/VEU, or better, VEA?


【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: the issue is that a lot of chinese already have some exposure to china and
: asia market. believe it or not, like the apartment your parents live in and
: their retirement fund. that is why i want to avoid over exposure by
: investing in em etf.
: i think i probably should just avoid all em etf if they are all cap weighted
: with 60% in asia. i will just invest in OAKIX for international exposure
: the
: it
: essentially

发帖数: 278
那话怎么说来着one man's trash is another's treasure. one man's toxic waste
is another man's potpourri.
anyway, I have expressed similar concerns over the china weighting in EM
indices. The problem is in the near future they will not only increase china
exposure from 25% to 50% but also start to include the toxic a-share. The
FTSE EM index, which is the benchmark for VWO, has already started doing
this. MSCI EEM has not decided to follow but it's just a matter of when. I
am quite comfortable with the current EM indices which has a quarter in the
H-shares, but feel uneasy with the coming changes. I am in the process of
reducing my EM exposure and will slowly move to developed markets and gold
miners. This is probably against buy-and-hold philosophy, but I am doing it


【在 w***n 的大作中提到】
: I would say the allocation to Asia/China is reasonable, considering its
: size vs. other emerging (in other words, crappy) markets. The problem is
: many, myself included, believe it's toxic asset and want to avoid it. At the
: end of the day, it's a personal decision. If you don't feel comfortable, it
: won't really do any good, especially during difficult times when you need
: to be patient.
: Same can be said about index investing in general. When you are essentially
: holding thousands of stocks, I don't believe you like each one of them. How
: to deal with it is a decision that only you can make.

发帖数: 76
Question is other EM may not be any less "toxic" than A-share.
[在 MinaHarker (Ms Harker) 的大作中提到:]
:那话怎么说来着one man's trash is another's treasure. one man's
toxic waste
:is another man's potpourri.
做了个stock ETF portfolio请指教Share your current asset allocation plan?
fidelity ETF组合-求推荐大家帮忙评价Wealthfront给出的Investment Mix
发帖数: 278
you are totally right. I am fine with the current toxic-ness in my portfolio
, but don't want more. As a result I am reducing my EM exposure, but will
not eliminate it.

【在 c**l 的大作中提到】
: Question is other EM may not be any less "toxic" than A-share.
: [在 MinaHarker (Ms Harker) 的大作中提到:]
: :那话怎么说来着one man's trash is another's treasure. one man's
: toxic waste
: :is another man's potpourri.
: :...........

发帖数: 266
Thanks for the recommendation, i think VXUS would work best for my portfolio
, as it has small cap exposure and limited EM exposure (20%). The expense
ratio is low as well. I think VEA would overlap with my existing holdings
in OAKIX, but thanks for mentioning this as the expense is so low!!
I probably would not buy any index-tracked ETF due to the concentration in
Asia. An alternative is to buy some actively managed ones. I somehow
believe that actively managed fund tends to perform better in international
market and EM given the expertise involved. Although i feel that i do not
have the risk appetite to invest in actively managed EM funds....

【在 w***n 的大作中提到】
: How do you like VXUS/VEU, or better, VEA?
: and
: weighted

发帖数: 1519
If you are already holding OAKIX and don't intend to switch, you may want to
consider adding a bit of VSS and/or VWO to the point that you feel
My own risk appetite is a bit different. I don't want anything to do with EM
, nor intl SC indices. VEA serves my need better. I believe those giant,
multi-national companies in US/Europe already give me enough exposure to
China's economy (at least, it's not the ridiculous stock market there).


【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for the recommendation, i think VXUS would work best for my portfolio
: , as it has small cap exposure and limited EM exposure (20%). The expense
: ratio is low as well. I think VEA would overlap with my existing holdings
: in OAKIX, but thanks for mentioning this as the expense is so low!!
: I probably would not buy any index-tracked ETF due to the concentration in
: Asia. An alternative is to buy some actively managed ones. I somehow
: believe that actively managed fund tends to perform better in international
: market and EM given the expertise involved. Although i feel that i do not
: have the risk appetite to invest in actively managed EM funds....

发帖数: 76
I do not like EMU, I am sort of convinced EMU is Japan 2.0.
[在 wltsn (waterfall) 的大作中提到:]
:If you are already holding OAKIX and don't intend to switch, you may
want to consider adding a bit of VSS and/or VWO to the point that you feel
发帖数: 678
Emerging Market中国占26%很合理吧,要不还怎么算emerging market啊?其实这都是
因为中国投资有管制,所以份额少了。你觉得害怕emerging market出问题,少配置一
些在这个EM ETF上不就好了。


【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: 想买一个EM 的 ETF. 这个貌似是费用最低的 但是亚洲的比重占63.99!!中国占了26.
: 1% 我怎么觉得一点也不diversify啊 另外这个包含A 股 我本来觉得是好事 毕竟多了
: 一个exposure 但国内股市manipulation 太严重 没有合理的disclosure 和market
: regulation. 买一点点buy and hold 没啥问题 但是这个etf 那么集中在中国还是很害怕
: 大家怎么看 能推荐一个个更好的em etf吗?

1 (共1页)
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500伪币求指导:最近想拿出闲钱的一部分来买Vanguard ETFs~~Share your current asset allocation plan?
这两支International ETF是不是接近完美?大家帮忙评价Wealthfront给出的Investment Mix
ETF股票指数基金介绍 (转载)谁知道为啥最近VEA跌那么厉害?
菜鸟问一下fidelity Roth Ira 买什么那位能推荐两个vanguard的etf
话题: em话题: exposure话题: etf话题: vwo话题: china