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JLU版 - How many guys whose major is Materials
fdxfywhy no one respond to me?
[公告] JLU 板的投票结果PAPER HELP with link
paper help有人做partical-reinforced composite的吗?
Re: my liquid crystal problem请教一些金融的学术问题
有人知道吗?诚聘接受过良好molecular dynamics simulation专业训练的博士后
这里有没有材料系的啊?请推荐 Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation用的PC
New student from JLUMolecular Dynamics Simulation就业会不会很惨 '_‘
话题: materials话题: what话题: my话题: molecular话题: kaogu
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 389
My major now is Computational Materials Science. My project is about the
molecular dynamic simulations of Liquid Crystal with nano-particles inside.
Does anyone has similiar research?
发帖数: 144
I did some simulation and computation 4 years ago.
The old brother in my lab (4 years ago) worked on CH4 inside nano tube.
What methods are you using? First principal calculation or molecular dynamic
simulation? Are you familiar with density functional theory?
Now I am working on alloys. (experimental)
Where are you now? Which university?

【在 x****t 的大作中提到】
: My major now is Computational Materials Science. My project is about the
: molecular dynamic simulations of Liquid Crystal with nano-particles inside.
: Does anyone has similiar research?

发帖数: 389
I use molecular dynamic simulation to do that
Because I came to the USA this semester, I haven't been familiar with the
research. I asked questions here to find someone whose research is similiar
with mine. Maybe it will be useful. hehe
I am in the Department of Materials Science of Univeristy of Utah, in utah
What about you?


【在 p*t 的大作中提到】
: I did some simulation and computation 4 years ago.
: The old brother in my lab (4 years ago) worked on CH4 inside nano tube.
: What methods are you using? First principal calculation or molecular dynamic
: simulation? Are you familiar with density functional theory?
: Now I am working on alloys. (experimental)
: Where are you now? Which university?

发帖数: 144
Not far from me. I visited several national parks in Utah 2 years ago.
Arch, Zion, Bryce. I like Arch very much. I ask you kaogu kaogu, then
you know where I am.
Be familiar with the programs your advisor askes you to use. Usually
you don't need to write these programs by yourself. They are commercial
software package. I wrote some simple programs before, using the basic
physics principal: F=ma.

【在 x****t 的大作中提到】
: I use molecular dynamic simulation to do that
: Because I came to the USA this semester, I haven't been familiar with the
: research. I asked questions here to find someone whose research is similiar
: with mine. Maybe it will be useful. hehe
: I am in the Department of Materials Science of Univeristy of Utah, in utah
: state.
: What about you?
: dynamic
: inside.

发帖数: 389

Sorry, I don't know what "kaogu kaogu" means? Could you tell me details?
As for the research, actually, we have some codes in Fortran written by
someone in our group. I don't need to worry about that. Just try to know what
the codes mean and in what aspect can I use them.
My problem is I feel difficult to understand some basic knowledge of Molecular
Dynamic simulations. I don't know where so many equations and formulas come
from. I am reading the book so slowly

【在 p*t 的大作中提到】
: Not far from me. I visited several national parks in Utah 2 years ago.
: Arch, Zion, Bryce. I like Arch very much. I ask you kaogu kaogu, then
: you know where I am.
: Be familiar with the programs your advisor askes you to use. Usually
: you don't need to write these programs by yourself. They are commercial
: software package. I wrote some simple programs before, using the basic
: physics principal: F=ma.

发帖数: 144
Take it easy. You need take some classes first.
Read some corresponding papers. Ask your officemate, your
advisor the questions.
It seems that you had no research experience before.
Anyway, you can't understand all in a short time.
Slowly, you will know what is "Kao3 Gu3". :-)


【在 x****t 的大作中提到】
: Sorry, I don't know what "kaogu kaogu" means? Could you tell me details?
: As for the research, actually, we have some codes in Fortran written by
: someone in our group. I don't need to worry about that. Just try to know what
: the codes mean and in what aspect can I use them.
: My problem is I feel difficult to understand some basic knowledge of Molecular
: Dynamic simulations. I don't know where so many equations and formulas come
: from. I am reading the book so slowly

发帖数: 236
So, what LC r u using? Do u mean some nano-particals disperse inside the LCs?

【在 x****t 的大作中提到】
: My major now is Computational Materials Science. My project is about the
: molecular dynamic simulations of Liquid Crystal with nano-particles inside.
: Does anyone has similiar research?

发帖数: 389

Sorry, I don't know what "kaogu kaogu" means? Could you tell me details?
As for the research, actually, we have some codes in Fortran written by
someone in our group. I don't need to worry about that. Just try to know what
the codes mean and in what aspect can I use them.
My problem is I feel difficult to understand some basic knowledge of Molecular
Dynamic simulations. I don't know where so many equations and formulas come
from. I am reading the book so slowly

【在 p*t 的大作中提到】
: Not far from me. I visited several national parks in Utah 2 years ago.
: Arch, Zion, Bryce. I like Arch very much. I ask you kaogu kaogu, then
: you know where I am.
: Be familiar with the programs your advisor askes you to use. Usually
: you don't need to write these programs by yourself. They are commercial
: software package. I wrote some simple programs before, using the basic
: physics principal: F=ma.

发帖数: 236
So, what LC r u using? Do u mean some nano-particals disperse inside the LCs?

【在 x****t 的大作中提到】
: My major now is Computational Materials Science. My project is about the
: molecular dynamic simulations of Liquid Crystal with nano-particles inside.
: Does anyone has similiar research?

发帖数: 389
Yes, actually, someone in our group has done much about this. What I should
continure to do is to find how nano-particals disperse inside the nematic LCs.


【在 k********e 的大作中提到】
: So, what LC r u using? Do u mean some nano-particals disperse inside the LCs?
1 (共1页)
Molecular Dynamics Simulation就业会不会很惨 '_‘Re: my liquid crystal problem
有做Molecular Simulation的牛人吗有人知道吗?
审稿机会 方向是Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Character (转载)这里有没有材料系的啊?
长期求审稿New student from JLU
fdxfywhy no one respond to me?
[公告] JLU 板的投票结果PAPER HELP with link
paper help有人做partical-reinforced composite的吗?
话题: materials话题: what话题: my话题: molecular话题: kaogu