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Java版 - Ruby on Rails hype
JEE 6 看起来不错
为什么国内现在做网站都是ASP.NET 呢? (转载)
[合集] java方面的工作工资都比较高些
光学Java Standard 本身是不是永远不够?
打算quit enterprise Java了
Everyone hate java now? (转载)
Any good book recommendation for EJB?
话题: ruby话题: do话题: rails话题: ror话题: way
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34805
Lately I've heard a lot of hype of Ruby on Rails.
One even claimed it's 10 times faster to develop a web application.
I am not a big fan of dynamic lanagugae after being painful
with perl in old days.
But I do feel JEE of today is too complicated, and simplicity is
the trend as JEE5 tries to do. If RoR is really 1/10 of dev cost,
with only little sacrifice on performance and scaling well, I do
see JEE takes its toll in 10 years.
Any comment?
发帖数: 12
If you are talking about the development cycles, then you
are right, Ruby is a pure-OO language and much easier to use
and expand. But if you are talking about the performance
issues(like speed), no way it can be better than Perl.

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: Lately I've heard a lot of hype of Ruby on Rails.
: One even claimed it's 10 times faster to develop a web application.
: I am not a big fan of dynamic lanagugae after being painful
: with perl in old days.
: But I do feel JEE of today is too complicated, and simplicity is
: the trend as JEE5 tries to do. If RoR is really 1/10 of dev cost,
: with only little sacrifice on performance and scaling well, I do
: see JEE takes its toll in 10 years.
: Any comment?

发帖数: 12
In fact, I'd suggest you do a research at: google-groups
with proper keywords. There are tons of issues about the
performace comparaion between languages. But be careful
not to involve into such flame-prone topics. hehe :-)

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: Lately I've heard a lot of hype of Ruby on Rails.
: One even claimed it's 10 times faster to develop a web application.
: I am not a big fan of dynamic lanagugae after being painful
: with perl in old days.
: But I do feel JEE of today is too complicated, and simplicity is
: the trend as JEE5 tries to do. If RoR is really 1/10 of dev cost,
: with only little sacrifice on performance and scaling well, I do
: see JEE takes its toll in 10 years.
: Any comment?

发帖数: 2416
Well, industry wise, I'd say RoR is for real. It makes things a lot easier
for the developers.
On the other hand, I for one still prefer strong-typed languages with run-
time reflection support - oddly Java just came across my mind as a good
example 8-).
发帖数: 836

I agree with you. I _hate_ those non-strong-typed languages. If one day I am
forced to use them to work, I might as well quit working in IT industry and
be a stay home dad :-)

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: Well, industry wise, I'd say RoR is for real. It makes things a lot easier
: for the developers.
: On the other hand, I for one still prefer strong-typed languages with run-
: time reflection support - oddly Java just came across my mind as a good
: example 8-).

发帖数: 3760
What's your bad dreams with perl? ":-)

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: Lately I've heard a lot of hype of Ruby on Rails.
: One even claimed it's 10 times faster to develop a web application.
: I am not a big fan of dynamic lanagugae after being painful
: with perl in old days.
: But I do feel JEE of today is too complicated, and simplicity is
: the trend as JEE5 tries to do. If RoR is really 1/10 of dev cost,
: with only little sacrifice on performance and scaling well, I do
: see JEE takes its toll in 10 years.
: Any comment?

发帖数: 3760
Our company used to invite a key developer for RoR to demonstrate how it
works. It was inseed quite impressive. Didn't mention about performance

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: Lately I've heard a lot of hype of Ruby on Rails.
: One even claimed it's 10 times faster to develop a web application.
: I am not a big fan of dynamic lanagugae after being painful
: with perl in old days.
: But I do feel JEE of today is too complicated, and simplicity is
: the trend as JEE5 tries to do. If RoR is really 1/10 of dev cost,
: with only little sacrifice on performance and scaling well, I do
: see JEE takes its toll in 10 years.
: Any comment?

发帖数: 2744
like MySQL, only experts can tune it up.

【在 g******e 的大作中提到】
: Our company used to invite a key developer for RoR to demonstrate how it
: works. It was inseed quite impressive. Didn't mention about performance
: though.

发帖数: 34805
I hate their slogan from day 1, I can't even imagine any
programmer would like it.
"There’s more than one way to do it."
Last time I check, programming isn't a fashion, do I need to say more?

【在 g******e 的大作中提到】
: What's your bad dreams with perl? ":-)
发帖数: 3760
I do find quite a few decent programmer like perl. "There’s more than one
way to do it." may be the reason they like it. Some people don't like to
code the same way other peeple do.

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: I hate their slogan from day 1, I can't even imagine any
: programmer would like it.
: "There’s more than one way to do it."
: Last time I check, programming isn't a fashion, do I need to say more?

为什么国内现在做网站都是ASP.NET 呢? (转载)
[合集] java方面的工作工资都比较高些
光学Java Standard 本身是不是永远不够?
打算quit enterprise Java了
发帖数: 34805
1. Code is written to be shared and undertood by programmers without
elaborate comments. More than one way is like learning English for
Chinese students, it's already hard, and you throw Br. accent and
Am. accent into the mix.
2. If there's one good way to do it, make sure everyone follows and
best make it in compilation level. C++ can be pure OOP language but
more often than not programers tend to abuse it in creative way. It
would have been a lot better in some sense if it weren't designed

【在 g******e 的大作中提到】
: I do find quite a few decent programmer like perl. "There’s more than one
: way to do it." may be the reason they like it. Some people don't like to
: code the same way other peeple do.

发帖数: 2330
快速开发很重要啊, 老板(甚至你自己) 想搞一个什么东西, 你是愿意等 2 天用 Ruby
完成呢, 还是愿意等 20 天用其它(Java?) 工具完成? 显然是前者.
除非有什么 Java 能实现而 Ruby 不能实现.
一点性能差别不算什么, 差 50% 都不算什么, 只要在人可以忍受的范围内, 一秒跟三
秒差不多, 机器快点, 多放俩机器, 就可以了.
虽然我不懂 Ruby.

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: Lately I've heard a lot of hype of Ruby on Rails.
: One even claimed it's 10 times faster to develop a web application.
: I am not a big fan of dynamic lanagugae after being painful
: with perl in old days.
: But I do feel JEE of today is too complicated, and simplicity is
: the trend as JEE5 tries to do. If RoR is really 1/10 of dev cost,
: with only little sacrifice on performance and scaling well, I do
: see JEE takes its toll in 10 years.
: Any comment?

发帖数: 34805


【在 y***d 的大作中提到】
: 快速开发很重要啊, 老板(甚至你自己) 想搞一个什么东西, 你是愿意等 2 天用 Ruby
: 完成呢, 还是愿意等 20 天用其它(Java?) 工具完成? 显然是前者.
: 除非有什么 Java 能实现而 Ruby 不能实现.
: 一点性能差别不算什么, 差 50% 都不算什么, 只要在人可以忍受的范围内, 一秒跟三
: 秒差不多, 机器快点, 多放俩机器, 就可以了.
: 虽然我不懂 Ruby.

发帖数: 474
I don't like that either...In Java, I even want to enforce checkstyle.
How do we maintain ruby code? hehe

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: I hate their slogan from day 1, I can't even imagine any
: programmer would like it.
: "There’s more than one way to do it."
: Last time I check, programming isn't a fashion, do I need to say more?

发帖数: 474
I think ruby/rails fits startup companies very well. They need a prototype
quickly enough to get the next funding.


【在 y***d 的大作中提到】
: 快速开发很重要啊, 老板(甚至你自己) 想搞一个什么东西, 你是愿意等 2 天用 Ruby
: 完成呢, 还是愿意等 20 天用其它(Java?) 工具完成? 显然是前者.
: 除非有什么 Java 能实现而 Ruby 不能实现.
: 一点性能差别不算什么, 差 50% 都不算什么, 只要在人可以忍受的范围内, 一秒跟三
: 秒差不多, 机器快点, 多放俩机器, 就可以了.
: 虽然我不懂 Ruby.

发帖数: 2416

Well, it also depends on how long that "thing" needs to stay operational,
and how critical its functionality is.
If we are just hacking together a prototype to get some funding (like
someone else pointed out), yeah, I woudn't mind taking the quickest route
and probably rewrite it in a more maintainable way once we get the money.
On the other hand, I sure wouldn't want to shoot a shuttle into the space,
with the control software written in some language in which the first time I
know about

【在 y***d 的大作中提到】
: 快速开发很重要啊, 老板(甚至你自己) 想搞一个什么东西, 你是愿意等 2 天用 Ruby
: 完成呢, 还是愿意等 20 天用其它(Java?) 工具完成? 显然是前者.
: 除非有什么 Java 能实现而 Ruby 不能实现.
: 一点性能差别不算什么, 差 50% 都不算什么, 只要在人可以忍受的范围内, 一秒跟三
: 秒差不多, 机器快点, 多放俩机器, 就可以了.
: 虽然我不懂 Ruby.

发帖数: 706
它这么新怎么可能?没有那些component开发速度怎么能比的上熟练的jee programmer?

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: 这说得是没错的,应用开发从C++转到Java上来也是同样道理,
: 如果真的开发速度是10倍,哪怕3倍,而同样的功能都能达到,
: RoR取代Java只是时间问题。
: Ruby

1 (共1页)
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