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Java版 - HTTP Status 404 The requested resource (/abc/index.jsp) is not available.
请教一个maven 管理项目的问题Question about Tomcat
Run Servlet with Tomcatwhere to execute java program?
J2EE: why is my .jsp not refreshed?愣是笨到家----整不明白applet的path
请问JSP里这个怎么设The requested resource is not available.
Tomcat Hot deploymentjboss hot deployment in eclipse
tomcat连接mysql求助今天一天时间把tomcat 调明白了
有没有人熟悉tomcat?急!j2ee启动时, 启动了tomcat吗?
URL 的问题怎么解决?tomcat作server,jsp访问的文件必须在webapps/ROOT/?
话题: tomcat话题: abc话题: resource话题: webapps话题: war
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 207
各位,我有一个war file,在local machine tomcat 上没有任何问题。
可是我把它上传到 unix server 上后,就总是出这个错误:
say, the war file name is abc.war, when I restart tomcat server, I got the
the requested resource /abc/index.jsp is not available.
NO any useful log is generated.
Any help is really appreciated!! Thanks!!!
发帖数: 1550
what does the tomcat server say in its log?
or when you deploy it?

【在 l****o 的大作中提到】
: 各位,我有一个war file,在local machine tomcat 上没有任何问题。
: 可是我把它上传到 unix server 上后,就总是出这个错误:
: say, the war file name is abc.war, when I restart tomcat server, I got the
: error
: the requested resource /abc/index.jsp is not available.
: NO any useful log is generated.
: Any help is really appreciated!! Thanks!!!

发帖数: 207
well..actually I have figured out how, but I could not explain why.
I usually deploy the war file in this way: stop tomcat, clean all previous
version directory and file in both webapps and work directories, copy the
new version war file into webapps and restart tomcat.
While I deploied abc.war as described, it has the error of http 404 complaining that the resource is not available. I have noticed that the "org/apache/.." directory was not created under work/Catalina/localhost/abc as well.
发帖数: 34805
You better remove all your old deployment before you
do new ones.

complaining that the resource is not available. I have noticed that the "org
/apache/.." directory was not created under work/Catalina/localhost/abc as

【在 l****o 的大作中提到】
: well..actually I have figured out how, but I could not explain why.
: I usually deploy the war file in this way: stop tomcat, clean all previous
: version directory and file in both webapps and work directories, copy the
: new version war file into webapps and restart tomcat.
: While I deploied abc.war as described, it has the error of http 404 complaining that the resource is not available. I have noticed that the "org/apache/.." directory was not created under work/Catalina/localhost/abc as well.
: Late

发帖数: 207
请问 “remove all old deployment" 指的是什么?in webapps or work folder or
As I have said, I have deleted the directory abc and file abc.war from both directories.
What else I should remove?

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: You better remove all your old deployment before you
: do new ones.
: complaining that the resource is not available. I have noticed that the "org
: /apache/.." directory was not created under work/Catalina/localhost/abc as
: well.
: is

发帖数: 34805
That should be enough most of the time, sometimes working directory
will cache your jsp though.

both directories.

【在 l****o 的大作中提到】
: 请问 “remove all old deployment" 指的是什么?in webapps or work folder or
: both?
: As I have said, I have deleted the directory abc and file abc.war from both directories.
: What else I should remove?
: Thanks

发帖数: 1550
do you say you have both abc.war and abc folder under webapps?

complaining that the resource is not available. I have noticed that the "org
/apache/.." directory was not created under work/Catalina/localhost/abc as

【在 l****o 的大作中提到】
: well..actually I have figured out how, but I could not explain why.
: I usually deploy the war file in this way: stop tomcat, clean all previous
: version directory and file in both webapps and work directories, copy the
: new version war file into webapps and restart tomcat.
: While I deploied abc.war as described, it has the error of http 404 complaining that the resource is not available. I have noticed that the "org/apache/.." directory was not created under work/Catalina/localhost/abc as well.
: Late

发帖数: 207
Right. I copied the abc.war file under webapps, and then start the tomcat,
and the war will be unzipped to directory abc. That is how we deploy a war
file, isn't it?


【在 A**o 的大作中提到】
: do you say you have both abc.war and abc folder under webapps?
: complaining that the resource is not available. I have noticed that the "org
: /apache/.." directory was not created under work/Catalina/localhost/abc as
: well.
: is

发帖数: 2416

I don't recall tomcat would explode a war right in webapps itself. It
usually does that in tmp (or work?).
Also, unless you are running an extremely old tomcat version, you shouldn't
have to manually delete the files or restart tomcat. Just dropping the war
into webapps with the tomcat running should cause the webapp to be

【在 l****o 的大作中提到】
: Right. I copied the abc.war file under webapps, and then start the tomcat,
: and the war will be unzipped to directory abc. That is how we deploy a war
: file, isn't it?
: org

发帖数: 207

Thanks for the help~~~~~!

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: I don't recall tomcat would explode a war right in webapps itself. It
: usually does that in tmp (or work?).
: Also, unless you are running an extremely old tomcat version, you shouldn't
: have to manually delete the files or restart tomcat. Just dropping the war
: into webapps with the tomcat running should cause the webapp to be
: redeployed.

1 (共1页)
tomcat作server,jsp访问的文件必须在webapps/ROOT/?Tomcat Hot deployment
Re: tomcat作server,jsp访问的文件必须在webapps/ROOtomcat连接mysql求助
still web.xml questionURL 的问题怎么解决?
请教一个maven 管理项目的问题Question about Tomcat
Run Servlet with Tomcatwhere to execute java program?
J2EE: why is my .jsp not refreshed?愣是笨到家----整不明白applet的path
请问JSP里这个怎么设The requested resource is not available.
话题: tomcat话题: abc话题: resource话题: webapps话题: war