

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Java版 - java 学到什么程度可以找工作呢?
怎样让java 程序运行快?大家考Sun那个Programmer证书吗?
对于Senior Java developer,哪些方面的能力是比较重要的?考一个sun certified programmer 310-035 大约需要多久?
Java 8 stream 可以 代替 do while loop吗?怎么写请推荐一本Web-Based Applications with java的书
java 程序中的实时控制start up tomcat problem
如何用java在DB2里创建一个新的database要准备java面试, 看什么书比较好?
Re: java里怎么判断一个文件存在不存在?How to implement pushing data from database to user?
what book is better for Java database想考个java认证
Career Path move? Good or bad?请教,Java里有没有range函数功能?
话题: java话题: section话题: method话题: methods话题: variables
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3217
1.那二十多个design pattern 要不要学会
2.反射,装饰,多态,序列化,泛型,这些要不要.. 感觉像围棋手筋..
This free Home and Learn course is for those wishing to learn the Java
programming language. It is aimed at complete beginners to the subject, and
no knowledge is assumed. The software you need to do the course is set out
below, in the "What you need to get started" link. Once you have downloaded
everything you need, you can make start by following the links on this page.
Good luck!
Section One: Getting Started with Java
1. What you need to get started
2. The Netbeans Software
3. Java Comments
4. The Structure of Java Code
5. How to Run your Java Programmes
6. Printing to the Output Window
7. Sharing your programmes with others
Section 2: Variables
1. Integer Variables in Java
2. Double Variables
3. Short and Float
4. Operator_Precedence
5. Java String Variables
6. Getting Input from the User
7. Option Panes
Section 3: Control Flow
1. If Statements in Java
2. If Else Statements
3. Boolean Values
4. Switch Statements
5. Java for Loops
6. Java While Loops
Section 4: Arrays in Java
1. Java Arrays
2. Arrays and Loops
3. Sorting Arrays
4. Arrays and Strings
5. Multi-Dimensional Arrays
6. Array Lists
Section 5: Java String Methods
1. Java and Strings
2. Upper and LowerCase
3. The compare Method
4. The indexOf Method
5. The substring Method
6. The equals Method
7. The charAt Method
8. The replace Method
9. Printing Formatted Strings
Section 6: Java Methods
1. Java Methods
2. Calling your Java Methods
3. Passing Values to Methods
4. Mutliple Method Parameters
Section 7: Java Classes
1. Writing your own Java Classes
2. Field Variables
3. The Java Class Constructor
4. Accessing Class Variables
5. More on Java Class Methods
6. Java and Inheritance
Section 8: Java Error Handling
1. Error Handling and Excpetions
2. Stack Trace
3. Handling Logic Errors in Java
Section 9; Dealing with Text Files in Java
1. Open and Read a Text File in Java
2. Write to a Text File in Java
Section 10: A Java Calculator Project
1. Java Forms
2. The Different Form Views in NetBeans
3. Add a Text Box to a Java Form
4. Add a Button to the Form
5. Button Properties
6. Java Form Events
7. Coding for the Plus Button
8. Coding for the Equals Button
9. Coding for the Clear Button
10. Subtract, Divide, Multiply Buttons
Section 11: More Java Form Controls
1. Java and Combo Boxes
2. Java Check Boxes
3. Radio Buttons
4. Adding Menus to a Java Form
5. Open File Dialogue Boxes
6. Opening Files
7. Save File Dialogue Boxes
Section 12: Java and Databases
1. Java and Databases
2. Creating a Database with Java
3. Adding Records to Table
4. SQL Commands
5. Connect to a Database with Java code
6. Connecting to the Table
Section 13: Databases and Java Forms
1. Databases and Java Forms
2. Database Scrolling Buttons
3. Move Back Through the Database
4. Move to the First and Last Records
5. Update a Record
6. Add a New Record
7. Save a New Record
8. Delete a Record from a Database
发帖数: 9224
web dev的知识,比如说。
发帖数: 9224
另外,上面没看到java threading?threading是个重要概念,应该掌握的。
发帖数: 1285

【在 b******y 的大作中提到】
: 另外,上面没看到java threading?threading是个重要概念,应该掌握的。
1 (共1页)
怎么报名SCJP认证考试?Re: java里怎么判断一个文件存在不存在?
请教java证书what book is better for Java database
java se 6 programmer需要看哪些书Career Path move? Good or bad?
怎样让java 程序运行快?大家考Sun那个Programmer证书吗?
对于Senior Java developer,哪些方面的能力是比较重要的?考一个sun certified programmer 310-035 大约需要多久?
Java 8 stream 可以 代替 do while loop吗?怎么写请推荐一本Web-Based Applications with java的书
java 程序中的实时控制start up tomcat problem
话题: java话题: section话题: method话题: methods话题: variables