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Java版 - [转载] help please on Java
Windows 下 Java console application 的问题问一个特别土的问题
JAVA DOC 的问题interface和implementation class
一个event model的概念级的问题jvm是怎么implement monitor的?
Sun要开源Java了final static constants easy get cached?
如何比较C, C++ 和JAVA???How does a client find and connect to a specific
Re: Java Tip: ConstantRe: Can create a Interface object, why?
can applet implements runnable?问题征解
话题: java话题: difficult话题: programs话题: makes话题: could
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1879
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
【 原文由 coconut 所发表 】
I was doing private tutoring on programming. My student's professor
gave some odd questions: Name one feature of java that
i. makes the programs difficult to read
ii. makes the programs difficult to write
iii. makes programs inefficient
iv. that is not orthogonal
For the first one, it just such a bad question. Anyone could make
anything difficult. I don't really know what to say about it.
Same thing for the second one. I could think of enumera
发帖数: 34805
When you are talking about easy/difficult, you assume a
comparison. Suppose we compare Java with C/C++.
i. No operator overload, A+B is easier to read
than A.add(B)
ii. No multiple inheritance support, and introduce interface
(not really, we should accredit the concept of interface to
M$). Multiple inhertance is easier to understand and write
supposely, although it will cause many problem.
iii. Way too much, another may be fixed length of primitives disable
optimization on all platforms.
iv. No

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 coconut 所发表 】
: I was doing private tutoring on programming. My student's professor
: gave some odd questions: Name one feature of java that
: i. makes the programs difficult to read
: ii. makes the programs difficult to write
: iii. makes programs inefficient
: iv. that is not orthogonal
: For the first one, it just such a bad question. Anyone could make
: anything difficult. I don't really know what to say about it.

发帖数: 17532

Implementing more than one interfaces that has nothing more than
constant definations, and use those constants by directly calling
their variable names without the names of defining interfaces.
Don't know.
Using dynamic method invocation instead of directly calling.
Unnecessary I/O and relying on I/O.

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 coconut 所发表 】
: I was doing private tutoring on programming. My student's professor
: gave some odd questions: Name one feature of java that
: i. makes the programs difficult to read
: ii. makes the programs difficult to write
: iii. makes programs inefficient
: iv. that is not orthogonal
: For the first one, it just such a bad question. Anyone could make
: anything difficult. I don't really know what to say about it.

1 (共1页)
java 1.4 直接处理 http?如何比较C, C++ 和JAVA???
这个方法到底如何调用的?Re: Java Tip: Constant
问一个版权的问题 (转载)can applet implements runnable?
Windows 下 Java console application 的问题问一个特别土的问题
JAVA DOC 的问题interface和implementation class
一个event model的概念级的问题jvm是怎么implement monitor的?
话题: java话题: difficult话题: programs话题: makes话题: could