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an Array question[合集] 问一下这个cast在java里是怎么work的
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[合集] Is there any free java PDF viewer?magicfat, goodbug 要不要换工作啊?
话题: well话题: problem话题: california话题: manager话题: thread
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2416
【 以下文字转载自 magicfat 的信箱 】
【 原文由 xt 所发表 】
我们一共一三个R&D的地方.California, Utah,
发帖数: 2416
【 以下文字转载自 magicfat 的信箱 】
【 原文由 xt 所发表 】
Appearantly that means job security. haha
hm... CE major, if well equiped with the mathematical ideas from CS, should be
idea for programming. I hate those CS people who have absolutely no idea of
standardization. Those people who think MMDDYYYY is good date format, for
example. hehe
BTW, I pushed the wrong button, that's why it went to your mailbox. :)
发帖数: 1422
if what you said is true, then it's manager's problem.
if manager is really good (and company has a very rigid standard),
programmer's job is very easy, just coding (unfortunately after while,
programmer will become dumb in this situation)
In most cases, programmer/developer are dumb anyway (I am not sure yet if I
belong to this category)
don't get me wrong - actually, having the luxury to be dumb is happiness.



【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 magicfat 的信箱 】
: 【 原文由 xt 所发表 】
: 量很
: .结
: 果出来的东西整天crash.最后连时间也成了泡影.到是我这写地没那么快的总能赶上deadl
: Appearantly that means job security. haha
: 说我
: hm... CE major, if well equiped with the mathematical ideas from CS, should be
: idea for programming. I hate those CS people who have absolutely no idea of
: standardization. Those people who think MMDDYYYY is good date format, for

发帖数: 17532

反正他早晨7点开conference call是家常便饭.他的要求就是快.
我一向不喜欢别人塞给我一份活然后说就这么干,要让我干先给我个big picture.

【在 w******t 的大作中提到】
: if what you said is true, then it's manager's problem.
: if manager is really good (and company has a very rigid standard),
: programmer's job is very easy, just coding (unfortunately after while,
: programmer will become dumb in this situation)
: In most cases, programmer/developer are dumb anyway (I am not sure yet if I
: belong to this category)
: don't get me wrong - actually, having the luxury to be dumb is happiness.
: code.
: 很

发帖数: 2416

that's what a *programmer* is supposed to do, man. Change your job
to "architect" if you want to know the big picture. 8-)

【在 xt 的大作中提到】
: California的头是我们主管技术的VP.整个一工作狂,听说每天工作至少16小时.
: 反正他早晨7点开conference call是家常便饭.他的要求就是快.
: 做一个合格的programmer不是象一头蒙着黑布的驴一样让你望哪走就往哪走.
: 我一向不喜欢别人塞给我一份活然后说就这么干,要让我干先给我个big picture.

发帖数: 17532

I usually do very bad on this type working styles. Actually I generally refuse
to do anything unless they show me what the idea is.

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: that's what a *programmer* is supposed to do, man. Change your job
: to "architect" if you want to know the big picture. 8-)

发帖数: 1422
well, seems you've established yourself in your company (good for you).
if you worked in many different companies (say you're a conslutant), and
you're hired simply as a coder for short term - many times, no one will bother
to tell you the "big picture", even you asked. - if you refuse to do the work,
they're going to call your stuffing manager and mark you as bad team player.
think it this way, if you're the manager, and you're confident of yourself
(i.e. you think you know the big picture well

【在 xt 的大作中提到】
: I usually do very bad on this type working styles. Actually I generally refuse
: to do anything unless they show me what the idea is.

发帖数: 17532

I am very junior in the company, only 3 years so far. I think it is really up
to the corperate culture as well as the management. Also we are a software
house not a consulting company. Software projects are different from business
projects in that it has to be universally correct, or more strictly,
mathematically correct. Business projects only need to be locally correct to
the company who pay for it. We also have a good manager here, who can stand up
for us - f

【在 w******t 的大作中提到】
: well, seems you've established yourself in your company (good for you).
: if you worked in many different companies (say you're a conslutant), and
: you're hired simply as a coder for short term - many times, no one will bother
: to tell you the "big picture", even you asked. - if you refuse to do the work,
: they're going to call your stuffing manager and mark you as bad team player.
: think it this way, if you're the manager, and you're confident of yourself
: (i.e. you think you know the big picture well

发帖数: 2416

not that I don't agree with you, I'm sure though the sense of "superiority"
you were insinuating would be disturbing to a lot of people. Having been
in both consulting and development, I'd say they are just different
requirements. A solution working the best for the given requirements
is the perfect solution.
Well there is a reason we call them "deadlines" - if they can move, they
are not dead. 8-)

【在 xt 的大作中提到】
: bother
: work,
: each
: different
: tell
: I am very junior in the company, only 3 years so far. I think it is really up
: to the corperate culture as well as the management. Also we are a software
: house not a consulting company. Software projects are different from business
: projects in that it has to be universally correct, or more strictly,

发帖数: 17532

Well, this is true to a lot of people, including some major consulting
companies. Business projects usually have very tight time lines. With that
kind of time requirement it is hard to do it perfect.
The problem is not how "dead" is the line. It is where you set the deadline.
California people usually set it too tight with given resources. For us, it is
usually 150% the time you think you can finish, and it works pretty well. For
them, they like to ask you "How long do you think you can finish?

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: not that I don't agree with you, I'm sure though the sense of "superiority"
: you were insinuating would be disturbing to a lot of people. Having been
: in both consulting and development, I'd say they are just different
: requirements. A solution working the best for the given requirements
: is the perfect solution.
: Well there is a reason we call them "deadlines" - if they can move, they
: are not dead. 8-)

发帖数: 1685
it depends on the manager, some can listen, some dont... not to mention
the politics and powre struggle...

【在 w******t 的大作中提到】
: well, seems you've established yourself in your company (good for you).
: if you worked in many different companies (say you're a conslutant), and
: you're hired simply as a coder for short term - many times, no one will bother
: to tell you the "big picture", even you asked. - if you refuse to do the work,
: they're going to call your stuffing manager and mark you as bad team player.
: think it this way, if you're the manager, and you're confident of yourself
: (i.e. you think you know the big picture well

发帖数: 2416

no, you missed my point - in the real world, a solution makes the most
sense to the given requirements *is* the perfect solution.
remember the time/cost constraints are also part of the requirements.
(even in software development you cannot avoid these constraints)

【在 xt 的大作中提到】
: Well, this is true to a lot of people, including some major consulting
: companies. Business projects usually have very tight time lines. With that
: kind of time requirement it is hard to do it perfect.
: The problem is not how "dead" is the line. It is where you set the deadline.
: California people usually set it too tight with given resources. For us, it is
: usually 150% the time you think you can finish, and it works pretty well. For
: them, they like to ask you "How long do you think you can finish?

发帖数: 39
Magicfat's words make sense.

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: no, you missed my point - in the real world, a solution makes the most
: sense to the given requirements *is* the perfect solution.
: remember the time/cost constraints are also part of the requirements.
: (even in software development you cannot avoid these constraints)

1 (共1页)
magicfat, goodbug 要不要换工作啊?[合集] How to check whether a file is locked?
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英汉翻译求教[合集] Is there any free java PDF viewer?
an Array question[合集] 问一下这个cast在java里是怎么work的
How would clear a BufferedImage?How do I declare a transaction among 2 spring service calls
Question on JSP EL问个可能比较奇怪的弱问题
[合集] Web Service Java 客户端的问题https certificate??
话题: well话题: problem话题: california话题: manager话题: thread