

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Java版 - socket and simple web browser
Socket Connection refused in high-loaded servers新手问题
why it does not work?? :(((server push & tomcat comet
Re: Client-Server and actionPerformedDart platform
one question什么是application server
如何让两个socket并行执行threadwhat kind of machine should I buy
socket programing server-server怎么通讯?一个socket相关的问题
[合集] 有点糊涂了,一个程序能不能开多个server socket服务?Java.Net初学: 我的简单问题, 寻求简单方案
弱问sockethow to read from a non-return socket stream?
话题: browser话题: server话题: web话题: simple话题: socket
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18
I have a question on simple Java web browser. After building a simple web
browser, the browser can retrieve a webpage from a server. Now I need to
calculate round trip time from the browser to the server by sending a 100-byte
message to the server and waiting for the server to send the message back to
the browser. Is there a way to do that using web browser? Currently the web
browser can only read from the server and not able to send message to the
发帖数: 90
Why don't you just write your own client?
Which just news a socket,
connects to the server then
send what ever the server accepts
(you have the server's code) then waits for the
I saw serveral of your questions on this board.
And I guess you are now in deep water. May
I suggest you experiment with "Thread" and "Socket"
seperatly before you gain some idea about what
they do by their own?
Also, Computer Science department in most schools
offer courses on Java. Sit through one of them

【在 g****n 的大作中提到】
: Hello,
: I have a question on simple Java web browser. After building a simple web
: browser, the browser can retrieve a webpage from a server. Now I need to
: calculate round trip time from the browser to the server by sending a 100-byte
: message to the server and waiting for the server to send the message back to
: the browser. Is there a way to do that using web browser? Currently the web
: browser can only read from the server and not able to send message to the
: server.
: Thanks!!!

1 (共1页)
how to read from a non-return socket stream?如何让两个socket并行执行thread
How to compute round-trip time to websersocket programing server-server怎么通讯?
question on single thread & multithread[合集] 有点糊涂了,一个程序能不能开多个server socket服务?
Socket created/called in Servlet timed out弱问socket
Socket Connection refused in high-loaded servers新手问题
why it does not work?? :(((server push & tomcat comet
Re: Client-Server and actionPerformedDart platform
one question什么是application server
话题: browser话题: server话题: web话题: simple话题: socket