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Java版 - Beginner's Q
求java tutor一枚(付费,可网络交流)Eclipse不能保存UTF-8文件?
java后端开发my demo: Javascript? applet? servelet?
[转载] 请推荐关于Servlet和JSP编程的书一个java servelet 的问题
interview求助Java 做网站
这个是JSP的什么技术Re: Custom Tag: embedding tag inside tag
jsp和j2ee什么关系?where is my j2ee.jar file
JavaServer Pages入门篇Please recommend a good JSTL book
[合集] Are JSPs Dead?struts 问题
话题: java话题: beginner话题: jsp话题: class话题: html
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 493
How can one integrate a java class into a HTML page? Are Applet ,Servelet and
JSP the only ways to use a Java class in a HTML page? If I simply put a java
class with a form such as "Action=1.class", is the java intepretor going to
run it? In another word, can I run a java class with the way I run a
javascript or VBScript program?
发帖数: 67
JSP is the closest to what you need.
You can put your java code directly inside <% %>.
However, it is never a good way to put java code directly inside JSP page,
unless the project is very simple.
The java code should belong to backend. You can use JSTL for basic logic on
the JSP page.


【在 s******e 的大作中提到】
: How can one integrate a java class into a HTML page? Are Applet ,Servelet and
: JSP the only ways to use a Java class in a HTML page? If I simply put a java
: class with a form such as "Action=1.class", is the java intepretor going to
: run it? In another word, can I run a java class with the way I run a
: javascript or VBScript program?
: Thanks,

1 (共1页)
struts 问题这个是JSP的什么技术
我土,怎么得到context root的完整url?jsp和j2ee什么关系?
javascript or jstl?JavaServer Pages入门篇
Any body uses wicket framework for web development?[合集] Are JSPs Dead?
求java tutor一枚(付费,可网络交流)Eclipse不能保存UTF-8文件?
java后端开发my demo: Javascript? applet? servelet?
[转载] 请推荐关于Servlet和JSP编程的书一个java servelet 的问题
interview求助Java 做网站
话题: java话题: beginner话题: jsp话题: class话题: html