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Java版 - what kind of machine should I buy
Tomcat和什么一起作Application Server?socket and simple web browser
separate Web server application serverj2ee启动时, 启动了tomcat吗?
新手上路,请多指教[合集] 现在最好的免费和不免费的application server都是什么?
A question on application server想试试Jboss,下乃个?
Jetty, Tomcat, JBoss comparisonJBoss Monitoring Software/Tools
请教:jboss 的startup 和 shutdownj2ee web 方向的职业规划
问个J2EE server跟Apache Web Server的问题?真的还有人用那么heavy的web sphere,jboss么?
什么是application server请问各位(巨,大,中,小,微,不)牛
话题: server话题: machine话题: users话题: servers话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 21
My boss ask me to buy some machine for our business application, I have no
experience, there is no budge limit. Our application config is:
The machine mainly is for LAN use, about 80 employees will use this system,
and about 100 users out of LAN. what kind of mahcine i can use? and how much
would it cost?
My current thought may use 4 physical servers, one for apache server, two for
jboss servers, one for
oracle servers, an
发帖数: 214
买我的机器吧,绝对物美价廉 :D 。就是重了点。


【在 a****a 的大作中提到】
: My boss ask me to buy some machine for our business application, I have no
: experience, there is no budge limit. Our application config is:
: server: JBOSS+ORACLE 10g+APACHE,
: Hardware:????
: The machine mainly is for LAN use, about 80 employees will use this system,
: and about 100 users out of LAN. what kind of mahcine i can use? and how much
: would it cost?
: My current thought may use 4 physical servers, one for apache server, two for
: jboss servers, one for

发帖数: 2416

180 total users? Just host it on your laptop. 8-)

【在 a****a 的大作中提到】
: My boss ask me to buy some machine for our business application, I have no
: experience, there is no budge limit. Our application config is:
: server: JBOSS+ORACLE 10g+APACHE,
: Hardware:????
: The machine mainly is for LAN use, about 80 employees will use this system,
: and about 100 users out of LAN. what kind of mahcine i can use? and how much
: would it cost?
: My current thought may use 4 physical servers, one for apache server, two for
: jboss servers, one for

发帖数: 34805
Depends how many will be on line at the same,
100 simulateous users are good enough to crash
an average Server.

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: 180 total users? Just host it on your laptop. 8-)
: for

发帖数: 2416

Sure, there is always rush hours, but even when there are 100 users
(unlikely for a total number of 180 users) online at the same time,
not all of them would be making requests at the same time,
not all the requests end up in the database which would be
the most expensive type of operation,
not all the database operations are inserts/updates/complex joins
which are the most expensive operations of the most expensive
operation, and finally most users can endure and understand a couple
of extra s

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: Depends how many will be on line at the same,
: 100 simulateous users are good enough to crash
: an average Server.

发帖数: 34805
You lappy server proposal is still not probable or at least
not ecomonic. I try to run WSAD5.0+Websphere App Server 5.1 + DB28.2
on my lappy, and failed miserably with 512MB. It's all swapping and
the 4200 round disk wouldn't do it fast.
I think 2G memory will do it, and slow. Then again 2G lappy memory
is good enough to buy a cheap D3ll server.

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: Sure, there is always rush hours, but even when there are 100 users
: (unlikely for a total number of 180 users) online at the same time,
: not all of them would be making requests at the same time,
: not all the requests end up in the database which would be
: the most expensive type of operation,
: not all the database operations are inserts/updates/complex joins
: which are the most expensive operations of the most expensive
: operation, and finally most users can endure and understand a couple
: of extra s

发帖数: 2416

Since when sarcasm became "proposal"? 8-)
I hear you, man. WSAD (or any decent IDE for that matter) probably
takes up twice of the resources as any app server does.
Speaking of that, Sun's working on a multi-tasking virtual machine
that supposedly will support running multiple applications within one
VM. I guess that'll help.

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: You lappy server proposal is still not probable or at least
: not ecomonic. I try to run WSAD5.0+Websphere App Server 5.1 + DB28.2
: on my lappy, and failed miserably with 512MB. It's all swapping and
: the 4200 round disk wouldn't do it fast.
: I think 2G memory will do it, and slow. Then again 2G lappy memory
: is good enough to buy a cheap D3ll server.

1 (共1页)
请问各位(巨,大,中,小,微,不)牛Jetty, Tomcat, JBoss comparison
请教framework请教:jboss 的startup 和 shutdown
[转载] Re: 觉得自己很笨问个J2EE server跟Apache Web Server的问题?
SSL Termination什么是application server
Tomcat和什么一起作Application Server?socket and simple web browser
separate Web server application serverj2ee启动时, 启动了tomcat吗?
新手上路,请多指教[合集] 现在最好的免费和不免费的application server都是什么?
A question on application server想试试Jboss,下乃个?
话题: server话题: machine话题: users话题: servers话题: my