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JobHunting版 - Good job market or not...?
[合集] 关于jobless claim (失业救济金)的几个问题OPT的unemployment的问题,谢谢
Econometrician 是个什么专业?请教!OPT employment/unemployment 状态查询
急问OPT的90天unemployment day到底是什么意思???请教:opt期间若失去工作, 身份还能自动维持吗?
OPT 90 unemployment到了就得回国吗?简历上三年的unemployment对面试影响大吗? (转载)
opt unemployment 从甚末时候开始算?OPT期间如何去法国参加培训再返回美国
为啥OPT比H1B的好?是不是毕业内60天拿不到EAD卡就out of status了
H1B (转载)OPT延期申请 unemployed 挂成 Personal Research Assistant
话题: november话题: jobs话题: 000话题: rate
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 168
然后看了眼MSN news
Nation’s jobless rate jumps to a seven-month high
WASHINGTON — The nation’s unemployment rate climbed to 9.8 percent in
November, a seven-month high, as hiring slowed sharply, the government’s
monthly employment report showed Friday.
Overall, U.S. employers added just 39,000 jobs last month, a sharp decline
from the 172,000 created in October, the Labor Department reported. The
weakness was widespread, as retailers, factories, construction companies,
financial firms and the government all cut jobs.
Paul Dales, U.S. economist for Capital Economics, called the November jobs
report “a painful reality check for those hoping that a meaningful
acceleration in economic activity was underway.”
“The truth is that the economy is going nowhere at a time when companies
are not willing to boost hiring,” he said.
..Government jobs fell by 11,000 last month, but private employers — the
backbone of the economy — managed to rev up hiring a little in November,
adding some 50,000 jobs. That was down significantly from the 160,000
private-sector jobs created in October and was the smallest gain since
And those job gains were not enough to drive down the unemployment rate, now
at 9.8 percent. It marks the 19th straight month that the jobless rate has
remained above 9 percent, the longest stretch on records going back to 1948.
The previous record stretch was set in the early 1980s.
Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, said he expects the
nation’s unemployment rate to soon move above 10 percent.
“If it’s not in December, it’s early next year, but I don’t see how we’
re not going to get into double digits,” he told CNBC Friday.
The economy would need to consistently add 200,000 to 300,000 a month to
make a noticeable dent in the unemployment rate, analysts say. It could take
until near the end of this decade to drop the unemployment rate to a more
normal 6 percent, they say.
Friday’s jobs report was a disappointment to economists, many of whom had
predicted the addition of nearly 150,000 jobs in November.
Economists have said the economy is moving in the right direction. After a
sharp slowdown in the spring and a tepid rebound in the summer and fall, the
economy is flashing signs of stronger growth in the final months of the
year. That was evident in economic reports out earlier this week.
Factories are producing more. Auto sales are rising. A private report
earlier this week showed the strongest private-sector job gains in three
years. And applications for initial unemployment benefits hit a two-year low
in November.
But these reports didn’t translate into mass hiring in November.
发帖数: 185
It seems not getting better!
发帖数: 29
pat! 继续努力!
1 (共1页)
OPT延期申请 unemployed 挂成 Personal Research Assistantopt unemployment 从甚末时候开始算?
unemployment benefit为啥OPT比H1B的好?
公司要求出具 90天没有 unemployment 的证明90天unemployment的问题
Private sector job growth 'rip-roaring' in May: ADP (转载)H1B (转载)
[合集] 关于jobless claim (失业救济金)的几个问题OPT的unemployment的问题,谢谢
Econometrician 是个什么专业?请教!OPT employment/unemployment 状态查询
急问OPT的90天unemployment day到底是什么意思???请教:opt期间若失去工作, 身份还能自动维持吗?
OPT 90 unemployment到了就得回国吗?简历上三年的unemployment对面试影响大吗? (转载)
话题: november话题: jobs话题: 000话题: rate