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JobHunting版 - Internship interview (Medical Imaging)
请问搞medical imaging数学算法的适合什么类型的工作呢T面经一题
请教一下,做medical image processing 方向的有啥公司方向可以找啊为什么大家都要刷题。那些题在工作中都用的到吗
Technical Phone interview (EE) this morning.medical imaging physics 就业前景如何
给理想的OFFER排个名(medical imaging)做 medical imaging的公司都有哪些呢?
医学图象处理硕士找工求建议Medical Imaging Research Scientist, Siemens Beijing, China.
Image Algorithm Development: Senior/Staff Engineer有没有博士找工作不用presentation的?
Software Engineers for GE Healthcare, Waukesha WI请教做”Medical Imaging, Pattern Recognition“的职位和公司
EE2013暑期实习 求推荐counting quickperm algorithm
话题: algorithms话题: imaging话题: interview话题: medical话题: projection
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 239
Sorry. Cannot input Chinese.
I was interviewed by GE Global yesterday. Feel bad and summarize something
I searched the background of the Hiring Manager --- more than 60
publications and 90 patents! During the interview, four questions were
1. Asked the persons / researchers in my research field. I told him some
researchers working in companies because I know them from the conference.
These researchers are managers in the opponent companies:) However, HM doesn
't know the guys.
2.Asked whether the algorithms used in my paper already exist. I said I didn
't develop totally new algorithms. Although they exist, I developed and
improved them. I gave two examples. But sounds he was disappointed. This is
the worst answer I think. It came from my habit. When I talk with other guys
, I often say there is no big research with me, no original contribution. I
did some trick algorithms and compared to the classic, sure, my trick
algorithms are nothing. I don't know how you guys answer this kind of
question. Any suggestion?
3.Ask the back-projection procedure in statistical reconstruction algorithm.
In general, I don't call the procedure of calculating attenuation
coefficients as back projection. So I described the difference between BP
and statistical algorithms. After the HM pointed out the iteratively update
of statistical algorithms was back projection, I had to say "another
explanation". There is no standard definition here.
4. Ask the algorithm of simulating projection images from CT reconstructed
data. I gave the equations and told that you could calculate in the grid by
ray-tracing method after you got the the positions of the starting point and
end point for the projection line. Next step will be very detailed, so I
asked him " Do you want to more details", he said "No". I did program for
this problem quite a lot, but at that time, I really thought the information
was enough.
I think this interview from GE Global put emphasis on "Creative". They
always asked questions about my paper and algorithm details --- I gave them
one copy of my paper before the interview. (The details are not related to "copy right" or "confidential" issues, just test what I did)
I experienced interviews from other companies (Siemens CR, Phillips, Abbott)
, but perhaps because of the departments and managers, they asked many
questions about general image processing algorithms, programming and
operating systems. Phillips Ultrasound even sent codes and let me do
exercise by phone ( the codes are much easier than the questions in MITBBS).
The interview for software development of medical imaging is quite different
from research-oriented interview. This is the first time. I know I need
more publications and creative ideas.
Hope my message can help the guys who are interested in medical imaging jobs
. Please bless me and let me get GE's intern offer. Thanks.
发帖数: 34
Big bless!
发帖数: 173
Big bless!
发帖数: 424


【在 a******u 的大作中提到】
: Sorry. Cannot input Chinese.
: I was interviewed by GE Global yesterday. Feel bad and summarize something
: here.
: I searched the background of the Hiring Manager --- more than 60
: publications and 90 patents! During the interview, four questions were
: impressive:
: 1. Asked the persons / researchers in my research field. I told him some
: researchers working in companies because I know them from the conference.
: These researchers are managers in the opponent companies:) However, HM doesn
: 't know the guys.

发帖数: 45
bless you and me


【在 a******u 的大作中提到】
: Sorry. Cannot input Chinese.
: I was interviewed by GE Global yesterday. Feel bad and summarize something
: here.
: I searched the background of the Hiring Manager --- more than 60
: publications and 90 patents! During the interview, four questions were
: impressive:
: 1. Asked the persons / researchers in my research field. I told him some
: researchers working in companies because I know them from the conference.
: These researchers are managers in the opponent companies:) However, HM doesn
: 't know the guys.

发帖数: 1444
where did you find the internship information? Thanks!
PS: which direction of medical imaging, MRI? CT? PET? Ultra Sound?
发帖数: 254


【在 a******u 的大作中提到】
: Sorry. Cannot input Chinese.
: I was interviewed by GE Global yesterday. Feel bad and summarize something
: here.
: I searched the background of the Hiring Manager --- more than 60
: publications and 90 patents! During the interview, four questions were
: impressive:
: 1. Asked the persons / researchers in my research field. I told him some
: researchers working in companies because I know them from the conference.
: These researchers are managers in the opponent companies:) However, HM doesn
: 't know the guys.

发帖数: 88
发帖数: 535
don't worry, you will be fine


【在 a******u 的大作中提到】
: Sorry. Cannot input Chinese.
: I was interviewed by GE Global yesterday. Feel bad and summarize something
: here.
: I searched the background of the Hiring Manager --- more than 60
: publications and 90 patents! During the interview, four questions were
: impressive:
: 1. Asked the persons / researchers in my research field. I told him some
: researchers working in companies because I know them from the conference.
: These researchers are managers in the opponent companies:) However, HM doesn
: 't know the guys.

发帖数: 44
and Thanks
发帖数: 236
There are rarely posts about imaging interviews. That's very kind of you,
sharing so much information with us. Although I do not deal with software
development, it is still quite useful.
Thanks for sharing and all the best wishes!
发帖数: 19373
发帖数: 239
got rejected:)
Hope it won't hurt the application of the full-time position
1 (共1页)
counting quickperm algorithm医学图象处理硕士找工求建议
EE PhD image processing 方向求内推!Image Algorithm Development: Senior/Staff Engineer
Internship: User Interface DevelopmentSoftware Engineers for GE Healthcare, Waukesha WI
Android, iOS, and Google Glass developer internshipEE2013暑期实习 求推荐
请问搞medical imaging数学算法的适合什么类型的工作呢T面经一题
请教一下,做medical image processing 方向的有啥公司方向可以找啊为什么大家都要刷题。那些题在工作中都用的到吗
Technical Phone interview (EE) this morning.medical imaging physics 就业前景如何
给理想的OFFER排个名(medical imaging)做 medical imaging的公司都有哪些呢?
话题: algorithms话题: imaging话题: interview话题: medical话题: projection