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JobHunting版 - 大家也帮我分析下,到底是不是很有希望?
HR recuriter 是什么意思?求职遇到非常怪事, 又是烙印黑??请高手指点
大家看看,俺还有没有戏了?Amazon SDE I Offer,还值得去Negotiate吗
刚结束一个phone screen,稍微谈谈linkedin上的recruiter需要当真吗?
面试应该提及薪水问题吗?也报个offer,随便谈谈失业后找工经验和background check
Amazon onsite 部分面经Hiring Manager没回Interview Thank You email是不是基本很悲剧了……
Need help with a unique situation面中国同胞用中文好不好?
Cerner这个公司怎么样?onsite面完了 thanks letter写给谁?
湾区好多小公司啊-老话题:关于回Amazon 1st phone interview time and days email
话题: hr话题: push话题: move话题: them
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 150
I am a career changer.
8/11(Thursday), the HR recuiter from a big insurnace company contacted me,
8/12, phone interview with a hiring manager;
8/16, on-site interview with 3 mangers(they all said they were hiring
manager because there were openings in their team) and 2 potential coworkers;
8/22, sent an follow up email to the HR recuriter and below is his respons:
"We are still interviewing other candidates at this time, but I did receive
favorable feedback from your interviewees. I will keep you informed as we
move through our recruitment process. "
刚面试完,还信心满满, 现在有点儿烦躁了,毕竟这是 my dream job.
明天就面试后两个星期了,是不是再给HR 联系一下? 真不想给HR有PUSH 的感觉.
发帖数: 252
发帖数: 483
有希望. Just need to wait. If you want to take some risk, you can tell them:
1. You excited about the potential opportunity
2. but you would like to know whether they are still interested your
qualification before you move on
If they are between "Yes: or "No", you will push them to make decision.
However, you need to be prepared to hear "No".
I have tried this strategy, and got the offer.
发帖数: 483
有希望. Just need to wait. If you want to take some risk, you can tell them:
1. You excited about the potential opportunity
2. but you would like to know whether they are still interested your
qualification before you move on
If they are between "Yes: or "No", you will push them to make decision.
However, you need to be prepared to hear "No".
I have tried this strategy, and got the offer.
发帖数: 810
It is a little bit risky!


【在 P***A 的大作中提到】
: 有希望. Just need to wait. If you want to take some risk, you can tell them:
: 1. You excited about the potential opportunity
: 2. but you would like to know whether they are still interested your
: qualification before you move on
: If they are between "Yes: or "No", you will push them to make decision.
: However, you need to be prepared to hear "No".
: I have tried this strategy, and got the offer.

发帖数: 483
You are correct. You have to be mentally prepared to lost the opportunity.
Actually, when the company is interviewing you are interviewing them as
well. If you are the right person they want, they need to let you know
their decision on timely manner. Otherwise, you have to move on.
Personally, if they don't give me an verbal offer within two weeks, I will
give a push - only if I really think it is a great opportunity. Otherwise,
I will move on.

【在 o*******y 的大作中提到】
: It is a little bit risky!
: them:

1 (共1页)
老话题:关于回Amazon 1st phone interview time and days emailAmazon onsite 部分面经
5555面试官这么说是不是没有希望了。。。。。。Need help with a unique situation
我的Yahoo InterviewCerner这个公司怎么样?
问一下,google 面试湾区好多小公司啊-
HR recuriter 是什么意思?求职遇到非常怪事, 又是烙印黑??请高手指点
大家看看,俺还有没有戏了?Amazon SDE I Offer,还值得去Negotiate吗
刚结束一个phone screen,稍微谈谈linkedin上的recruiter需要当真吗?
面试应该提及薪水问题吗?也报个offer,随便谈谈失业后找工经验和background check
话题: hr话题: push话题: move话题: them