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JobHunting版 - 请问"legally able to work in the US" 什么意思?
请问“must be able to demonstrate the legal right to work in the United States"的意思on-site后follow up收到这样的回信,还有希望吗
[合集] 急求帮助:Layoff了,身份出问题了 H1---->F2Are all jobs posted at USAjobs.gov for citizen only?
请教:同一个公司,不同工作,有的不给sponsorship, 有的没有提?困惑中!must be able to work as W2 employee
OPT Post Decision Activity 后多长时间能收到EAD卡在线等,是什么意思: What do you have to do with the government to be legal/
Wow! Post的一个岗位收到了1000+applicationsam I able to change my job in OPT?
关于OPT的小白问题How to get my application reviewed by Ge ?
Google Withdraw Application because I have accepted an offer?job opening - DSP Applications Engineer (转载)
[合集] 报一个offer - Bay area Biotech,顺便请教求助:on-site之后
话题: us话题: legally话题: able
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6
看到 Job Posting上写着: it is preferred that successful applicants be
legally able to work in the US. 这是在暗示不会sponsor H1B 吗?
发帖数: 2458

【在 y****g 的大作中提到】
: 看到 Job Posting上写着: it is preferred that successful applicants be
: legally able to work in the US. 这是在暗示不会sponsor H1B 吗?

1 (共1页)
求助:on-site之后Wow! Post的一个岗位收到了1000+applications
Must be able to demonstrate eligibility to work in the USA关于OPT的小白问题
请教,找工作时候,被问在美国工作是否legal,该怎么回答Google Withdraw Application because I have accepted an offer?
h1b占坑(貌似USCIS收到材料后2天就占到了)[合集] 报一个offer - Bay area Biotech,顺便请教
请问“must be able to demonstrate the legal right to work in the United States"的意思on-site后follow up收到这样的回信,还有希望吗
[合集] 急求帮助:Layoff了,身份出问题了 H1---->F2Are all jobs posted at USAjobs.gov for citizen only?
请教:同一个公司,不同工作,有的不给sponsorship, 有的没有提?困惑中!must be able to work as W2 employee
OPT Post Decision Activity 后多长时间能收到EAD卡在线等,是什么意思: What do you have to do with the government to be legal/
话题: us话题: legally话题: able