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JobHunting版 - opt/ead (转载)
HELP, HELP! I cannot apply for OPT!新的h1不去老的还能继续用么
如果今年的H1B用完了Apply for H1b in Company A, Company A will be closed
[合集] 工作签证办下来了怎样回复HM的negotiate email阿
Apply for H1B and OPT at the same timequestion about h1b
Epic怎么这样急问OPT的start date和EAD issue date时间差
if I can get the offer and my H1b can be applied successfully. 100baoziCan a pregnant woman find a job?
Epic耍我啊?part-time cpt 的要求是什么?
话题: date话题: ead话题: opt话题: her话题: visa
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 50
【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: yhht (xxdd), 信区: EB23
标 题: opt/ead
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 6 16:55:08 2011, 美东)
My friend is finishing her master degree and applying for opt/ead.
Her last entry date on l-94 is this January.
But the date on the most recent visa is this august
as she mailed her passport to a friend in China to get the visa.
So the last entry date is before the last visa date.
Will that affect the application of opt/ead?
1 (共1页)
part-time cpt 的要求是什么?Epic怎么这样
Amazon的offer比微软受欢迎么?if I can get the offer and my H1b can be applied successfully. 100baozi
does H1B application affect OPT application大家一天投几个简历?
Jobseekings doing in Holiday (zz)Epic耍我啊?
HELP, HELP! I cannot apply for OPT!新的h1不去老的还能继续用么
如果今年的H1B用完了Apply for H1b in Company A, Company A will be closed
[合集] 工作签证办下来了怎样回复HM的negotiate email阿
Apply for H1B and OPT at the same timequestion about h1b
话题: date话题: ead话题: opt话题: her话题: visa