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JobHunting版 - RA positiion available @ECE of Michigan State University (转载)
RA positiion available @ECE of Michigan State University (转载)Q about salary expectation
RA position available in ECE@MSU for May 2012‏ (转载)T电话完feed back positive但是仍然不move forward
RA Position Available for Spring 2013 in ECE @ MSU‏ ( (转载)面试题讨论
Looking for Phd student @ Michigan State UniversityBloomberg 最新onsite 面经 【PASS】
User Interface Software EngineerOPT找工作怎样证明是相关工作
刚被拒:(Advanced Design指什么?
背景调查有discrepancy一般怎么办?Job Opening in cardiovascular pharmacology or physiology (U (转载)
物理,计算机,求问前程Histology technician needed ASAP
话题: our话题: state话题: michigan话题: university话题: degree
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 168
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: leguan (leguan), 信区: EE
标 题: RA positiion available @ECE of Michigan State University
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 5 20:55:54 2012, 美东)
Hi there,
I am posting this ad for my advisor. Our Physiologic Signal Processing &
Modeling Laboratory is directed by Dr. Ramakrishna Mukkamala within the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan State
University. Our mission is to decipher the hidden information in biomedical
measurements through signal processing and modeling in order to advance the
basic understanding of physiology and establish improved patient monitoring
systems. Our current focus is to develop and experimentally validate new
physiologic-based signal processing techniques for monitoring cardiovascular
Research Assistant position in our lab is now available for Fall Semester
2012. Qualified candidates should have a Bachelor’s or Master’s (preferred
) degree in electrical/electronic/biomedical engineering from a top Chinese
university with a good GPA/standing, are interested in biomedical signal
processing, and would like to pursue a Ph.D. degree. My advisor is an
associate professor with great enthusiasm in research. He has a good vision
for his students and is always helpful in directing them. Ph.D. students
from our lab usually graduate in 3~4 years (with Master’s Degree) or 4~5
years (with Bachelor’s Degree).
Our lab website is www.egr.msu.edu/pspml if you need more information.
Interested candidates should send his/her resume/CV and transcript to Mingwu
Gao (g******[email protected]). Selected candidates will receive a phone interview
from Dr. Mukkamala.
Good luck!
1 (共1页)
Histology technician needed ASAPUser Interface Software Engineer
Job Opening for Mechanical Engineering PhD or MS (转载)背景调查有discrepancy一般怎么办?
RA positiion available @ECE of Michigan State University (转载)Q about salary expectation
RA position available in ECE@MSU for May 2012‏ (转载)T电话完feed back positive但是仍然不move forward
RA Position Available for Spring 2013 in ECE @ MSU‏ ( (转载)面试题讨论
Looking for Phd student @ Michigan State UniversityBloomberg 最新onsite 面经 【PASS】
话题: our话题: state话题: michigan话题: university话题: degree