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JobHunting版 - Two positions for Sr. Java Developer in Freddie Mac (转载)
Two positions for Sr. Java Developer in Freddie Mac (转载)有人有Freddie Mac Mclean的面经吗
Developers in Freddie Mac2个offer如何选, 大家帮帮忙
[Opening] Freddie Mac 的 IT development 机会/东部NoVa两道面试题: 概率和逻辑
我招两位 experienced Java developers 和 两位QA[Job Opening] Financial Developer/Programmer Position
Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac 现在怎么样?Software developer position available in NC
请问Freddie Mac 怎么样?LA senior java developer/architect等 position
Freddie Mac到底如何?Open Position - Web developer @ CA
请问Freddie Mac是e verify吗?Various positions opened in our team, software development
话题: developer话题: java话题: two话题: freddie话题: sr
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8232
【 以下文字转载自 Java 讨论区 】
发信人: Shiloh (Shiloh), 信区: Java
标 题: Two positions for Sr. Java Developer in Freddie Mac
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 27 20:01:54 2014, 美东)
Both in my team. The job is not too busy. Pay is all right for DC area. The
work itself is not as cutting-edge as those in big software shops but can
be quite interesting from time to time. Overall, you need to have some
experience or with an advanced degree.
1 (共1页)
Various positions opened in our team, software developmentFannie Mae / Freddie Mac 现在怎么样?
请问关于Amazon的SDE position请问Freddie Mac 怎么样?
Development positions in Boston areaFreddie Mac到底如何?
微软 oncampus interview请问Freddie Mac是e verify吗?
Two positions for Sr. Java Developer in Freddie Mac (转载)有人有Freddie Mac Mclean的面经吗
Developers in Freddie Mac2个offer如何选, 大家帮帮忙
[Opening] Freddie Mac 的 IT development 机会/东部NoVa两道面试题: 概率和逻辑
我招两位 experienced Java developers 和 两位QA[Job Opening] Financial Developer/Programmer Position
话题: developer话题: java话题: two话题: freddie话题: sr