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JobHunting版 - LCA多久有结果
没经验,大家帮忙看看NON-CAP H1B transfer to CAP H1B【求助】自己办H1b在iCERT注册的时候选employer还是attorney?
6月1号交的LCA,现在还in process,求指导急问提交 form 9141 prevailing wage determination
请问现在做LCA前是否需要网上申请PWD请问网上查询LCA certify和收到Approval email有delay吗?
现在h1b transfer到底要不要做PWD啊?新的 LCA 申请系统延误H-1B申请的提交
LCA 有receipt吗?LCA 申请
今年DIY 申请LCA?!!!求助h1b status
【H1B问题】HR给我个ETA 9035E,接下来还要怎么整现在申请LCA过程中FEIN还是个大问题吗?
话题: lca话题: system话题: icert话题: form话题: department
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 33
发帖数: 2653
7 working days
In accordance with Federal regulations at 20 C.F.R. 655.740(a), where all
required items on the ETA Form 9035E have been completed and the form does
not contain obvious inaccuracies, the Department is required to make a
determination to certify or not certify the form within 7 working days of
the date it is received by the Department [INA 212(t)(2)(C); 8 U.S.C. 1182(t
)(2)(C)]. If you have not received a final determination by email within 7
working days, you may check the status of your Labor Condition Application
by logging onto the iCERT System at http://iCERT.doleta.gov. You may also check the status of your application at any time after submission by accessing your account on the iCERT System. If you cannot obtain status of your LCA from the iCERT System, please contact the LCA Help Desk at L*********[email protected].
发帖数: 33


【在 s*********y 的大作中提到】
: 7 working days
: In accordance with Federal regulations at 20 C.F.R. 655.740(a), where all
: required items on the ETA Form 9035E have been completed and the form does
: not contain obvious inaccuracies, the Department is required to make a
: determination to certify or not certify the form within 7 working days of
: the date it is received by the Department [INA 212(t)(2)(C); 8 U.S.C. 1182(t
: )(2)(C)]. If you have not received a final determination by email within 7
: working days, you may check the status of your Labor Condition Application
: by logging onto the iCERT System at http://iCERT.doleta.gov. You may also check the status of your application at any time after submission by accessing your account on the iCERT System. If you cannot obtain status of your LCA from the iCERT System, please contact the LCA Help Desk at L*********[email protected].

1 (共1页)
现在申请LCA过程中FEIN还是个大问题吗?LCA 有receipt吗?
请问这个 iCERT LCA 是什么?今年DIY 申请LCA?!!!
新老学校都把H1b的材料寄给Department of Labor了。今年h1会坚持一段时间吧?
填写H1b的LCA时Period of intended employment 的begin date填几号啊?【H1B问题】HR给我个ETA 9035E,接下来还要怎么整
没经验,大家帮忙看看NON-CAP H1B transfer to CAP H1B【求助】自己办H1b在iCERT注册的时候选employer还是attorney?
6月1号交的LCA,现在还in process,求指导急问提交 form 9141 prevailing wage determination
请问现在做LCA前是否需要网上申请PWD请问网上查询LCA certify和收到Approval email有delay吗?
现在h1b transfer到底要不要做PWD啊?新的 LCA 申请系统延误H-1B申请的提交
话题: lca话题: system话题: icert话题: form话题: department