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JobHunting版 - SQL Server DBA is needed (转载)
职位信息  .net and SQL Server Developer公司招人:System Administrator
招聘SQL SERVER DBAa sql analyst position (转载)
请问,要招senior SQL Server DBA是在这里发帖还是去哪里?苦逼的Oracle学员面试回忆录和录音,绝对真实!供想入行Oracle的朋友参考
青山博士 "我的MS SQL Server DBA之路" 网上交流会 周六晚9点,不见不散!求内推 sql server developer/DBA (转载)
初学者求前辈指导SQL学习资料求建议,intern offer 二选一
CINAOUG 2012年1月数据库讲座 (转载)Looking for a SQL Server 2005 DBA in KOP, PA
Oracle GoldneGate Support is hiring in Colorado Spring and OrlandoWe are hiring (Software developer, SQL Server DBA)
同胞帮你:ORACLE DBA Jersey City NJ (转载)报一个offer
话题: dba话题: sql话题: server话题: needed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 588
【 以下文字转载自 Database 讨论区 】
发信人: mirthcyy (百无聊赖), 信区: Database
标 题: SQL Server DBA is needed
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 5 16:11:48 2014, 美东)
We are hiring a strong DBA with at least 5 years of SQL Server
administration experiences. He/She should be very good at performance tuning
and have experiences with maintenance, backup, replication, mirror and
other hardware knowledge like SAN. Location is Austin TX. If interested,
please drop a message to me and I will email you with more information.
发帖数: 85
Email 是啥?


【在 m******y 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Database 讨论区 】
: 发信人: mirthcyy (百无聊赖), 信区: Database
: 标 题: SQL Server DBA is needed
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 5 16:11:48 2014, 美东)
: We are hiring a strong DBA with at least 5 years of SQL Server
: administration experiences. He/She should be very good at performance tuning
: and have experiences with maintenance, backup, replication, mirror and
: other hardware knowledge like SAN. Location is Austin TX. If interested,
: please drop a message to me and I will email you with more information.

1 (共1页)
中部一公司在招SQL DBA,有人感兴趣吗? (转载)CINAOUG 2012年1月数据库讲座 (转载)
web developer 这种职业前景怎么样?Oracle GoldneGate Support is hiring in Colorado Spring and Orlando
电面结束,心里空荡荡的,求祝福同胞帮你:ORACLE DBA Jersey City NJ (转载)
职位信息  .net and SQL Server Developer公司招人:System Administrator
招聘SQL SERVER DBAa sql analyst position (转载)
请问,要招senior SQL Server DBA是在这里发帖还是去哪里?苦逼的Oracle学员面试回忆录和录音,绝对真实!供想入行Oracle的朋友参考
青山博士 "我的MS SQL Server DBA之路" 网上交流会 周六晚9点,不见不散!求内推 sql server developer/DBA (转载)
话题: dba话题: sql话题: server话题: needed