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Moutain view 一公司的面试题求解答:Find multiple missing numbers
话题: know话题: abel话题: don话题: hats话题: numbers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 923
There are 3 people Abel,Bill and Clark.Three of them have numbers written on
their hats.One can only see the numbers written on others hats and can not
see the number written on his own hat. Sum of numbers on any two 2 hats is
equal to the number on the third hat.Now the following event occurs
1. Abel was asked about the number on his hat.He replied "Don't Know"
2. Bill was asked about the number on his hat.He also replied "Don't Know"
3. Clark was asked about the number on his hat.He also replied "Don't Know"a
4. Abel was asked again ,to which he repplied "50"
Now the question is how did he know it.And what are the numbers on other
people's hats.
发帖数: 2282
Sum of numbers on any two 2 hats is equal to the number on the third hat.


【在 f****e 的大作中提到】
: There are 3 people Abel,Bill and Clark.Three of them have numbers written on
: their hats.One can only see the numbers written on others hats and can not
: see the number written on his own hat. Sum of numbers on any two 2 hats is
: equal to the number on the third hat.Now the following event occurs
: 1. Abel was asked about the number on his hat.He replied "Don't Know"
: 2. Bill was asked about the number on his hat.He also replied "Don't Know"
: 3. Clark was asked about the number on his hat.He also replied "Don't Know"a
: 4. Abel was asked again ,to which he repplied "50"
: Now the question is how did he know it.And what are the numbers on other
: people's hats.

发帖数: 177

【在 r****7 的大作中提到】
: 你确信这个条件是对的?
: Sum of numbers on any two 2 hats is equal to the number on the third hat.
: on
: not
: "a

1 (共1页)
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问个面试题Moutain view 一公司的面试题
Pairwise Sum 算法follow up我也来贡献几个面试题
find subset that sum up to given number问一道面试题
[合集] 一道Google面试题Ask a google interview question
话题: know话题: abel话题: don话题: hats话题: numbers