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JobHunting版 - Uber Engineering Manager 才14万 Base?
BlackBerry Acquisition of Good Technology storyuber drivers are employees now
offer 条款求助Evernote是不是快完了?
过去几个月Layoff的,和即将来的更多的...90% unicorns 最后会破产.
巴黎恐怖袭击与Uber、Airbnb的发展什么是【执行offer】 executive offer?
大家不要对uber china幸灾乐祸了拿到一个Offer,问一个问题。
话题: good话题: employees话题: company话题: wyatt话题: stock
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4413
05/21/2015 09/26/2015 CERTIFIED
发帖数: 205
Engineering Manager只要去年加入工作满一年就有希望当上了,base自然高不了。


【在 z****0 的大作中提到】
: 05/21/2015 09/26/2015 CERTIFIED

发帖数: 4745
你一定是看错了,16万起的。。。PREVAILING WAGE不是薪水,你要看FROM 和 TO
发帖数: 2042
没有from和to,只有start date和submit date啊,PREVAILING WAGE和薪水什么关系呢
?如果是from to那岂不是有些10月11月加入的就只有万把块了?也没看到啊?

【在 f****D 的大作中提到】
: 你一定是看错了,16万起的。。。PREVAILING WAGE不是薪水,你要看FROM 和 TO
发帖数: 63
发帖数: 26
Senior 不也是14w么,很正常啊
发帖数: 3211
发帖数: 367
On Sept. 4, employees of Good Technology, a mobile security start-up in
Sunnyvale, Calif., awoke to discover that their company was being sold to
BlackBerry, the mobile device and software maker.
Some workers immediately began trying to figure out what it meant for Good
to abandon its long-anticipated plan to go public — a move that would have
potentially turned their shares in the start-up into gold. They didn't get
firm answers that day, but the prospects did not look great.
Around 9 a.m., hundreds of employees filed into a conference room or started
up videoconference software to watch Good's chief executive, Christy Wyatt,
discuss the sale. Ms. Wyatt introduced BlackBerry's chief, John S. Chen,
who winkingly apologized for how his deal makers had driven Good's final
sale price down to $425 million, less than half of the company's $1.1
billion private valuation.
Just how punishing that price was became clear in late September. In an
investor document about the sale that was distributed to shareholders,
employees discovered their Good stock was valued at 44 cents a share, down
from $4.32 a year earlier. In contrast, preferred stock owned by Good's
venture capitalists was worth almost seven times as much, more than $3 a
share. The paperwork also showed that Good's board had turned down an $825
million cash offer just six months earlier, in March.
For some employees, it meant that their shares were practically worthless.
Even worse, they had paid taxes on the stock based on the higher value.
A few nights after the investor document went around, a glass conference
room wall at Good's headquarters was broken, according to an incident report
. At a subsequent company meeting, Ms. Wyatt told employees that counselors
were available to talk to people who needed to vent.
"Many employees may not recover what they've lost," said Matthew Parks, Good
's director of cloud products, who has worked at the company since 2006. His
Good shares are now worth a fraction of the six-figure tax bill that he
paid for the stock allotted to him before the company was sold.
What Good's employees experienced is an example of who loses out when a
company backed by venture capital goes south. While plenty of people —
including founders, top executives and investors — are involved in the rise
of a start-up, those hit the hardest during a company's fall are the rank-
and-file employees.
Investors and executives generally get protections in a start-up that
employees do not. Many investors have preferred stock, a class of shares
that can come with a guaranteed payout. Executives frequently get special
bonuses so they will not leave during deal talks.
In Good's case, the six investors on the board had preferred shares worth a
combined $125 million. After the sale to BlackBerry, Ms. Wyatt, who has
since left the company, took home $4 million, as well as a $1.9 million
severance payment, according to investor documents.
In contrast, start-up employees generally own common stock, whose payout
comes only after those who hold preferred shares get their money. In Good's
case, the board's preferred stock was worth almost the same as all 227
million common shares outstanding.
Missing out on the upside of the sale was bad enough, but that wasn't the
half of it. Some Good employees actually lost money when BlackBerry bought
the company. Good was a "unicorn," that is, a private company with a
valuation of more than $1 billion. The high valuation increased the paper
value of employee shares — and thus the income tax bills levied on their
stock when they received the stock grants, or when they bought and sold
shares. To pay those taxes, some employees emptied savings accounts and
borrowed money.
Some of Good's common shareholders have sued most of the board for a breach
of fiduciary duty, asserting that directors looked only after the interests
of preferred shareholders.
"It's not unusual for employees to be wiped out while venture capitalists
make money," said Dennis J. White, a partner in Boston at the law firm
Verrill Dana, who has studied deals like Good's.
Through their lawyers, Ms. Wyatt and Good's board declined to comment.
BlackBerry also declined to comment.
With the number of unicorn companies estimated at more than 140 today, the
situation of Good's employees may befall other Silicon Valley workers as
more start-ups begin to show signs of wobbling. Many unicorns have raised
hundreds of millions — if not billions — of dollars. Most of those dollars
must first be repaid to investors and other preferred shareholders before
employees see a dime.
The odds that the unicorns will all reap riches if they are sold or go
public are slim. Over the past five years, at least 22 companies backed by
venture capital sold for the same amount as or less than what they had
raised from investors, according to a data company, Mattermark. This means
investors did not reap many returns — but there was even less left over for
employees. Last year, the flash sale company Ideeli was sold to Groupon for
$43 million after raising $107 million from investors. Fisker Automotive,
the maker of hybrid electric vehicles, sold for $149 million after raising
more than $1 billion.
Good Technology in its current form came into being in 2009. That was when
the mobile software start-up Visto bought Motorola's mobile messaging and
security business, called Good Technology. The merged company was rebranded
Good and eventually shifted its focus to selling mobile-security software to
big companies and governments.
Ms. Wyatt, a former Motorola executive who joined Good in 2013, planned to
expand by selling more software to existing customers and to midsize
companies. She hired more sales employees and acquired three companies.
In early 2014, Good was valued at more than $1 billion by investors
including Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Oak Investment Partners, according to
the research firm VC Experts. In total, the company raised about $300
million in equity and debt after Visto bought Good, according to VC Experts.
Good, like most start-ups, used stock options and equity grants to woo
employees. The options allowed employees to purchase stock at low prices,
even if the stock had a much higher value. Top sales employees were awarded
with annual bonuses of 20,000 shares of common stock. When Good purchased
start-ups, those employees got stock as well.
The company, which had about 800 employees, began working on an initial
public offering in 2013. It filed to go public in May 2014.
For a while, the dream of employee riches appeared intact. In March, Good
executives filmed a video presentation for an investor roadshow for an I.P.O
. The company, whose revenue grew 32 percent to $212 million in 2014,
projected 17 percent revenue growth in 2015. Executives expected Good's cash
to last through the year, according to the company's prospectus.
The board and Ms. Wyatt appeared so confident that Good would be valued at
around $1 billion when it went public that they rejected an $825 million
acquisition offer from CA Technologies in March. CA declined to comment.
Yet three days after Good rebuffed CA's bid, bankers recommended that Good
delay the I.P.O. for a month. Several tech companies had gone public for
less than their private valuations. When the stock of MobileIron, a publicly
traded rival, sank in April, bankers recommended that Good further postpone
the offering.
At the same time, Ms. Wyatt's growth plan wasn't working. Good missed its
quarterly forecast for billings, a proxy for new business. Starting in April
, the board discussed the "continued strong pressures" on the balance sheet,
and management continually lowered financial forecasts, according to
investor documents.
Good began discussing options with potential buyers and investors. It got a
$650 million written offer from Thoma Bravo, a private equity firm, but did
not proceed. Thoma Bravo declined to comment. Good also elicited interest
from BlackBerry at an unspecified price, according to investor documents.
Employees were told little about the struggles. At a May company meeting, Ms
. Wyatt said the company missed financial projections and addressed an email
from a competitor that said Good would soon run out of cash, using the risk
disclosures in I.P.O. registration documents that addressed Good's spending
as proof. In a video of the meeting, she is seen telling employees not to
worry. She compared the risk section to "commercials for some new
pharmaceutical product and it's like 15 seconds about the product and then
there's like 45 seconds of the 15 different ways it can kill you."
At an all-hands company meeting in June, Ms. Wyatt again said Good was
spending responsibly. Thanks to the cash from a recent $26 million legal
settlement, she added, the company had "a ton of options," including an I.P.
O., according to a video of the gathering.
"We were under the impression that Good was doing well, that there was
nothing wrong with cash flow and that we had a lot of options," said Igor
Makarenko, Good's chief information security officer, who has been an
employee since 1997.
Companies that buy employee shares offered some Good workers about $3 a
share for their stock in the first half of the year. But based on their
belief in the company's robust health, the employees refused. Others bought
Good common stock in August, when it was valued at $3.34 a share, according
to individual employee tax documents reviewed by The New York Times.
Employees had little idea that an outside appraisal firm had valued Good at
$434 million and the common stock at about 88 cents a share as of June 30,
according to investor documents and legal filings.
The Internal Revenue Service levied taxes on some employees when their Good
stock was still considered a valuable asset and worth multiples of what they
actually received. One person's tax bill came to more than $80,000, while
another paid more than $150,000, according to interviews with current and
former employees, who asked not to be named because the finances are private.
By late July, the board knew that Good would run out of cash in 30 to 60
days, according to investor documents. Good raced to close a deal with
BlackBerry, from which it was forced to borrow $40 million during the
After announcing the deal with BlackBerry in September, some employees said
they were angry that Ms. Wyatt did not stay around. She went on a preplanned
trip to China, where she gave advice on staying innovative at a World
Economic Forum gathering, and to London for business. She subsequently left
Back in the United States, Good's common shareholders were pushing back. In
October, Brian Bogosian, a former Good C.E.O. and a significant shareholder,
along with two institutions that own common shares, said the board was not
looking after the interests of common stockholders and sued in Delaware
Chancery Court. They are seeking unspecified damages and fees.
Randall J. Baron, the lawyer representing Mr. Bogosian and the institutions,
said that "managers and controlling shareholders may not put their
interests ahead of the minority owners of the company."
In a legal response, Good's board wrote that the lawsuit was "a case of
Monday-morning quarterbacking by former Good insiders with axes to grind and
nothing to lose."
Last month, 110 separate common stockholders exercised their shareholder
right to contest the payout amount, according to Mr. Baron. Together, the
stockholders own about 32 million of the 75 million common shares that are
eligible for that action.
Mr. Makarenko and Mr. Parks, who remain Good employees, said they still
believed in the company, but their views on management and venture investors
have changed. They are among those contesting the payout.
"We listened to these executives and, in the end, incurred huge tax bills
because we trusted them," Mr. Parks said. "Employees essentially ended up
paying to work for the company."
发帖数: 3641
“ For some employees, it meant that their shares were practically worthless
Even worse, they had paid taxes on the stock based on the higher value.”
不可能,没有go public的不用pay tax啊
发帖数: 367
i think it's possible. U can google it. i think it depends on whether they
execercised the option...


【在 N*D 的大作中提到】
: “ For some employees, it meant that their shares were practically worthless
: .
: Even worse, they had paid taxes on the stock based on the higher value.”
: 不可能,没有go public的不用pay tax啊

发帖数: 4527
公司按10元一股, 给你4元一股, 你就得按 6 元报税, 如果的excersise 了.
当时没有卖掉, 就他妈的惨了, 现在 0.4 元


【在 N*D 的大作中提到】
: “ For some employees, it meant that their shares were practically worthless
: .
: Even worse, they had paid taxes on the stock based on the higher value.”
: 不可能,没有go public的不用pay tax啊

发帖数: 1055
If the company is already public, you should always do same day sell to at
least cover tax, if the company is yet to go public, and for whatever reason
you have to resign,then you are facing a very difficult situation, you can
choose to walk away but you may want to excercise the options that are
vested for the sake of your time you spent on the company, now suppose your
option price is $1 per share, current market value is $10 per share, you
will have to pay tax on your paper gain of $9 per share, if eventually the
company goes under, you will be totally screwed.

【在 t**8 的大作中提到】
: 取决于公司怎么报税
: 公司按10元一股, 给你4元一股, 你就得按 6 元报税, 如果的excersise 了.
: 当时没有卖掉, 就他妈的惨了, 现在 0.4 元
: worthless

发帖数: 2482
They bet against the casino and lost. Nothing new here. No sympathy.

/* */) 的大作中提到: 】

【在 f********a 的大作中提到】
: i think it's possible. U can google it. i think it depends on whether they
: execercised the option...
: worthless

发帖数: 122
its very likely given good is founded around 13 years ago.
IRS usually make a deal with startup so they can collect tax on RSU/options
after a certain years.
If the startup does not go public before the pre-determinted years, you will
have to pay tax on your RSU.
You are screwed. I believe a majority of startup employees do not even look
at those terms.


【在 N*D 的大作中提到】
: “ For some employees, it meant that their shares were practically worthless
: .
: Even worse, they had paid taxes on the stock based on the higher value.”
: 不可能,没有go public的不用pay tax啊

1 (共1页)
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西雅图跟湾区比 优势不要太多。黑西雅图的看来都是心里不正常大家不要对uber china幸灾乐祸了
BlackBerry Acquisition of Good Technology storyuber drivers are employees now
offer 条款求助Evernote是不是快完了?
过去几个月Layoff的,和即将来的更多的...90% unicorns 最后会破产.
话题: good话题: employees话题: company话题: wyatt话题: stock