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JobHunting版 - 滴滴和 uber 合并,老美生气了 (转载)
Uber在San Carlos真的有office吗?烙印太牛了。。。
Uber Advanced Technology Center是啥Opening: Software Engineer @Maryland
提供Uber新team内推[续]看看Google IO就知道印度人占领Google了 (转载)
求大公司的offer letter! 愿付报酬ICC (Let It Be)
uber start to charge what customer willing to pay[合集] Aequor Technologies, Inc.
请各位大侠给小女子指点迷津有人知道Morgan Stanley Technology information session吗?
求教如何申到暴雪的interview。。请问有人面过credit suisse Technology analyst的吗?
C++除了写code 如何继续提高Fwd: GE China Technology Center Job opportunities -- Experienced Hiring
话题: predicted话题: western话题: happen话题: didn话题: last
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3226
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: capcase (gotmail), 信区: Military
标 题: 滴滴和 uber 合并,老美生气了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 4 02:03:44 2016, 美东)
The west's critical flaw is that it believes its own propaganda.
The "Washington Consensus" believed that no country could develop or resist
the temptations of the "superior" culture and understanding of the western
financial system and industry. That the countries that they were moving into
were hopeless without their intelligence and guidance and would quickly
fall in line and become dependent and helpless without their western
overlords. They believed that they would always have a military advantage,
that they would always get to set the rules. The financial crash, predicted
for the last 10 years, didn't happen. The political transformation,
predicted for the last 10 years, didn't happen. The internet liberalization,
predicted for the last 10 years, didn't happen. Now the Chinese are
catching up technologically and them actually getting ahead of us which,
from a socio/political perspective, is akin to negative interest rates. It's
a discontinuous transformation that inverts all the equations of
western thinking.
1 (共1页)
Fwd: GE China Technology Center Job opportunities -- Experienced Hiringuber start to charge what customer willing to pay
发两个intern openings. Location: Seattle, WA求教如何申到暴雪的interview。。
.Net developer positionC++除了写code 如何继续提高
Uber在San Carlos真的有office吗?烙印太牛了。。。
Uber Advanced Technology Center是啥Opening: Software Engineer @Maryland
提供Uber新team内推[续]看看Google IO就知道印度人占领Google了 (转载)
求大公司的offer letter! 愿付报酬ICC (Let It Be)
话题: predicted话题: western话题: happen话题: didn话题: last