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JobMarket版 - job: chemistry/pharmaceutical (转载)
RA Openning on Computational Lung Aerosol Dynamics at Oklahoma State University2 openings in CA(Web Architect,C++/Java Engineer)
Openings in Philips Research Asia – ShanghaiPAY, 20RMB hourly + bonus(20%)of the money you earn!( 仅限大陆地区)
Openings in Philips Research Asia – Shanghaianyone can help me take a look this contract job?anything tricky?
万华化学招聘启事-帮忙转发,大家根据兴趣联系performance review-advise needed!
Postdoctoral Research Associate: Aerosol Transport ModelingNYC midtown company is looking for a full time Administrati
Financial Engineer or Analyst?Position Open: Sr. Network Engineer (in Silicon Valley)
Piano, Guzheng, Chinese, Video production at Red & Blue Arts Center急问,新东家要做reference check,老东家会说我坏话吗
Performance Developer/Tester Position in BeijingCustoms Operation Manager
话题: chemistry话题: strong话题: job话题: major
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 406
【 以下文字转载自 Boston 讨论区 】
发信人: Ambers (绿手), 信区: Boston
标 题: job: chemistry/pharmaceutical
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 27 13:35:07 2008)
High Performer is Needed
Armstrong is a strong competitor in aerosol pharmaceutical market,
specializing in Metered-Dose Inhalers (MDI) and Nasal products. It offers
challenging positions in R&D for talented and scientifically strong
candidates who are great performers with strong team spirit.
Major responsibilities
• Perform many technical a
1 (共1页)
Customs Operation ManagerPostdoctoral Research Associate: Aerosol Transport Modeling
Full-time Office JobFinancial Engineer or Analyst?
Opening! Risk Analyst-FINANCIAL ANALYSTPiano, Guzheng, Chinese, Video production at Red & Blue Arts Center
银行招聘 credit analyst (洛杉矶 CA 90036)Performance Developer/Tester Position in Beijing
RA Openning on Computational Lung Aerosol Dynamics at Oklahoma State University2 openings in CA(Web Architect,C++/Java Engineer)
Openings in Philips Research Asia – ShanghaiPAY, 20RMB hourly + bonus(20%)of the money you earn!( 仅限大陆地区)
Openings in Philips Research Asia – Shanghaianyone can help me take a look this contract job?anything tricky?
万华化学招聘启事-帮忙转发,大家根据兴趣联系performance review-advise needed!
话题: chemistry话题: strong话题: job话题: major