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JobMarket版 - Interview Question
【招聘】Job Openings in Pikeville, Kentucky for Coal Mining CompanyCE找实习,paid or unpaid都可以
Announcements of the 2007 Nobel PrizesSoftware Engineer –Packet Forwarding
Software engineer and intern opening (San Jose)蒸530个包子发给大家,欢迎来签名来顶帖支持!
Job opening at iDirect (Software engineer etc)Host Family close to Englewood needed
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software engineer open -juniper networks(sunnyvale, CA)工作机会 - 软件工程师 - 湾区 - Drawbridge
话题: door话题: question话题: host话题: interview话题: coal
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11
Can anyone tell me how to answer the following question? Thanks!
You are on a game show. There are three doors, behind one of which is a
prize and the other two is a chunk of coal, and the host knows which door
holds the prize. You choose door #1. Before it is opened, the host opens
door #3 and reveals a lump of coal. You have the choice to stick with the
door you chose originally or switch to door #2. What do you do?
发帖数: 277
you need switch.
发帖数: 135
why or why not switch?
can you ask more hint?
发帖数: 1197
看看决胜21点, 再google一下,有很多资料讲的很详细
发帖数: 341
depends on if the host wants you to get the prize, which is why host opens
this door.

【在 j*****z 的大作中提到】
: Can anyone tell me how to answer the following question? Thanks!
: You are on a game show. There are three doors, behind one of which is a
: prize and the other two is a chunk of coal, and the host knows which door
: holds the prize. You choose door #1. Before it is opened, the host opens
: door #3 and reveals a lump of coal. You have the choice to stick with the
: door you chose originally or switch to door #2. What do you do?

发帖数: 186
of coz switch. consider the following case:
there are 1000 doors, behind 999 of which is coal, only 1 has prize. you
randomly select 1, then the host open 998 doors and reveals coal behind each
of them, will you switch?

【在 j*****z 的大作中提到】
: Can anyone tell me how to answer the following question? Thanks!
: You are on a game show. There are three doors, behind one of which is a
: prize and the other two is a chunk of coal, and the host knows which door
: holds the prize. You choose door #1. Before it is opened, the host opens
: door #3 and reveals a lump of coal. You have the choice to stick with the
: door you chose originally or switch to door #2. What do you do?

1 (共1页)
工作机会 - 软件工程师 - 湾区 - Drawbridge国内小学副校长暑假可在纽约做中文家庭辅导,兼照看孩子
拜求 literature英美文学 访问学者HOSTSandisk firmware opening (内推) (转载)
Sr. Application Engineer Openingfinancial associates
IDC Customer Service 客服software engineer open -juniper networks(sunnyvale, CA)
【招聘】Job Openings in Pikeville, Kentucky for Coal Mining CompanyCE找实习,paid or unpaid都可以
Announcements of the 2007 Nobel PrizesSoftware Engineer –Packet Forwarding
Software engineer and intern opening (San Jose)蒸530个包子发给大家,欢迎来签名来顶帖支持!
Job opening at iDirect (Software engineer etc)Host Family close to Englewood needed
话题: door话题: question话题: host话题: interview话题: coal