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JobMarket版 - 新奥集团-同济大学清洁能源高等研究院招聘启事
part time editor/writer positions in Medjaden Biosciences Limited新奥集团—新奥科技发展有限公司招聘信息
Part-time editor and writer positions in Medjaden, a bioem中国矿业大学诚聘低碳能源研究院及电力工程学院院长
Part-time editors for Medjaden, in ophthalmology,cardiology, renology, and other fieldsCipher Green Energy 寻找合作创业者 (不是招工)
Part-time editor positions in a biomedical editing company南开大学材料科学与工程学院招聘 (转载)
上海交通大学医学院免疫所招聘 研究助理 博士后电子科技大学能源科学与工程学院招聘信息
话题: energy话题: pi话题: research话题: sci话题: tongji
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
截止日期:2011-9-30 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 最低学历:博士
薪酬:首席研究员PI (40-80万人民币),高级研究员(15-25万人民币), 研究员(
沿性的研究,一类是实践�缘难芯浚笠低瓿煽蒲心烟狻� 首席研究员需要尊重理
一、 招聘岗位
序号 职位名称 研究方向 所需专业招聘条件
1 PI(首席研究员) 建筑能效
1) 具有博士学位,年龄一般不超过45岁,特别优秀的不超过50岁;
2) 应聘人需要有建筑技术科学,热能类的专业技术背景。拥有博士学历,英文和
3) 已经或者有实力在第一聘期内获得国家杰出青年基金资助或申请“长江学者”
4) 拥有国际背景和国际视野,在相关国际学术机构和期刊部门里担任职位。
2 高级研究员 建筑能效
1) 国外知名高校或者国内“985”高校博士毕业,或在具有国际知名研究�箍蒲型哦哟邮驴蒲泄ぷ鞯木哂胁┦垦唬炅湟话悴怀�40岁;
2) 应聘人需要有建筑技术科学,热能类的专业技术背景,英文和中文流利。具有5
3) 在学科内有一定的学术影响力,具体指发表过行业内有影响力SCI源论文,或申
3 研究员 建筑能效
1) 国外知名高校或者国内“985”高校博士毕业,
2) 应聘人需要有建筑技术科学,热能类的专业技术背景,英文和中文流利;
3) 在学科内有一定的学术影响力,具体指发表过行业内有影响
4 PI(首席研究员) 工业节能
1) 具有博士学位,年龄一般不超过45岁,特别优秀的不超过50岁;
2) 应聘人应长期从事高效清洁燃烧技术领域研究,学术造诣高、科研成绩显著、
3) 已经或者有实力在第一聘期内获得国家杰出青年基金资助或申请“长江学者”
4) 拥有国际背景和国际视野,在相关国际学术机构和期刊部门里担任职位。
5 高级研究员 工业节能
1) 国外知名高校或者国内“985”高校博士毕业,或在具有国际知名研究机构团队从事科研工作的经历,具有博士学位,年龄一般不超过40岁;
2) 应聘者应具有3年以上的从事工业节能技术研发和工程实践经验。在本学科的某
3) 在学科内有一定的学术影响力,具体指发表过行业内有影响力SCI源论文,或申
6 研究员 工业节能
1) 国外知名高校或者国内“985”高校博士毕业,
2) 研究方向或研究经历应与工业节能方向密切相关。
3) 在学科内有一定的学术影响力,具体指发表过行业内有影响SCI或EI源论文。
7 PI(首席研究员) 生物质能源
5) 拥有国际背景和国际视野,在相关国际学术机构和期刊部门里担任职位。
8 高级研究员 生物质能源
9 研究员 生物质能源
1) 国外知名高校或者国内“985”高校博士毕业,年龄一般不超过35岁;
2) 研究方向或研究经历为与生物质能源有关生态学中的湿地生态系统、环境科工
3) 在学科内有一定的学术影响力,具体指发表过行业内有影响力SCI或EI源论文。
10 PI(首席研究员) 低碳能源区域规划
1) 具有博士学位,年龄一般不超过45岁,特别别优秀的不超过50岁;
2) 应聘人应长期从事低碳能源区域规划领域研究,学术造诣高、科研成绩显著、
3) 已经或者有实力在第一聘期内获得国家杰出青年基金资助或申请“长江学者”
11 高级研究员 低碳能源区域规划
1) 国外知名高校或者国内“985”高校博士毕业,或在具有国际知名
2) 应聘人需要有低碳能源,建筑节能的专业技术背景,英文和中文流利。具有3年
3) 在学科内有一定的学术影响力,具体指发表过行业内有影响力SCI源论文,或申
12 研究员 低碳能源区域规划
1) 国外知名高校或者国内“985”高校博士毕业,年龄一般不超过35
2) 应聘人需要有低碳能源,建筑节能的专业技术背景,英文和中文流利;
3) 在学科内有一定的学术影响力,具体指发表过行业内有影响力SCI或EI源论文。
二、 岗位待遇
首席研究员PI (40-80万人民币),高级研究员(15-25万人民币), 研究员(10-20
万)。待遇分固定工资和津贴补助两个部分。 由同济大学和新奥集团共同承担,研究
院将提供给首席研究员180万人民币的启动科研经费。 其他待遇,根据同济大学高等研
三、 应聘材料
Email:x****[email protected]
ENN - Tongji Institute for Advanced Clean Energy Technologies
Job Description
CORPORATE NAME: ENN - Tongji Institute for Advanced Clean Energy
INDUSTRY: Universities / Research Institutions
CORPORATE SCALE: 100-499 employees
Deadline: 2011 -9-30 Working Experiences: not
Recruiting number: several Education: Ph.D. and above
Salaries (yearly)
Principal Investigator (PI) -------- 400,000~800,000 RMB;
Senior Scientist ------------------150,000~250,000 RMB
Research Associate ---------------------100,000~200,000 RMB;
Location: Shanghai
Considering the industry demand of ENN for clean energy technology research
and development, energy distribution, energy services, etc., and the R&D
advantages of Tongji University, the “ENN-Tongji Institute for Advanced
Clean Energy Technologies” is organized according to the agreement by both
sides. Referring to the research directions and subject advantages of Tongji
University, several research sub-directions are set up to continue
promoting and strengthening the comprehensive cooperation of ENN and Tongji
University. “ENN-Tongji Institute for Advanced Clean Energy Technologies”,
is fully supported by ENN as part of the core technology innovation system.
Meanwhile, it is brought into the special research field of Tongji
University and enjoys all related specific policies.
“ENN-Tongji Institute for Advanced Clean Energy Technologies”, is
recruiting principal investigators (PI) worldwide. It is supported by Tongji
University, providing human, materials and financial resources. ENN has its
own teaching posts in Tongji University and establishes funding for the
teaching posts, research, and necessary PI residential subsidies. It is also
actively seeking funding support from state and local governments to ensure
its daily operation.
Job Description:
Mainly facing the low-carbon energy utilization, recyclable energy and
coupled integration of energy, focusing on energy saving, emission reduction
and recyclable water usage, the “ENN-Tongji Institute for Advanced Clean
Energy Technologies” provides technological support and resolving solutions
for the development of non-oil-dependent green low-carbon energy and
chemical industry. Major research directions are planned as follows:
building energy efficiency, industrial energy efficiency, bio-energy
research, regional planning for low-carbon energy, etc.,
The primary work for the future PI is to do the research in both theory and
practical field, sorting and publishing scientific papers, attending and
presenting his own research results. In the meantime, the PI would also be
responsible for leading the team organized with students and assistants
while control and use the research budget. There are two kinds of research
activities to attend. The first one is the basic and advanced research and
another is the practical research, assisting companies with their research
difficulties. It is required that PI has to respect the research direction
and plan determined by the council and completes academic tasks in this
framework. Meanwhile, the PI also has to handle coordinative works with
project managers. Project managers are responsible for the inviting and
evaluating of tenders for external researches, providing research funding
and evaluating working procedures.
1. Recruiting Positions
1) Principal investigator Building energy efficiency
1.Ph.D; aged below 45; if extraordinarily excellent then below 50;
2. The candidates need to have education background related to
construction technology or thermal energy; having Ph.D.’s degree and fluent
in English and Chinese; published a number of documents in international
journals; working in famous foreign universities or institutes is preferred;
organized research project independently and played as PI;
3. Already got or able to get the National Outstanding Youth Fund within
the first duration of employment or already is or able to apply for the "
Changjiang Scholar" Chair Professor within the first duration of employment
is a plus;
4. Have international background and view; have a position in related
international research institutes and journal departments;
2) Senior scientist Building energy efficiency
1.Ph.D degree from famous foreign universities or "985"
universities in China; working experiences in famous international research
teams; aged under 40;
2. The candidates need to have education background of construction
technology or thermal energy; fluent in English and Chinese; 5 years
working experiences or more;
3. Having certain academic impact, referring to the publishment of
influential SCI papers within the industry or the application of influential
intellectual property rights such as patent technology.
3) Researcher associate Building energy efficiency
1. Ph.D. degree from famous foreign universities or "985"
universities in China; aged under 35;
2. The candidates need to have education background of construction
technology or thermal energy; fluent in English and Chinese;
3. Having certain academic impact, referring to the publishment of SCI
or EI papers;
4) PI Industrial energy efficiency
1.Ph.D; aged below 45; if extraordinarily excellent then below 50;
2. The candidates need to have long worked in the efficient and clean
combustion technology research field, with high academic attainments,
remarkable achievements in scientific research, great development potential
and excellent creating abilities, and able to set up teams or combine other
teams to apply for primary national projects;
3. Already got or able to get the National Outstanding Youth Fund
within the first duration of employment or already is or able to apply for
the "Changjiang Scholar" Chair Professor within the first duration of
employment is a plus;
4. Have international background and view; have a position in related
international research institutes and journal departments;
5) Senior scientist Industrial energy efficiency
1.Ph.D degree from famous foreign universities or "985"
universities in China; working experiences in famous international research
teams; aged under 40;
2. The candidates need to have 3 years or more working experiences in
industrial energy efficiency technology research and practical engineering
experiences; having comprehensive and creative researches in one of this
industrial fields; have published scientific papers or books with high
academic value, or great social impact, or excellent economic profits; have
published a number of scientific papers in international journals;
3. Having certain academic impact, referring to the publishment of
influential SCI papers within the industry or the application of influential
intellectual property rights such as patent technology.
6) Researcher associate Industrial energy efficiency
1. Ph.D. degree from famous foreign universities or "985"
universities in China; aged under 35;
2.Research direction or research experiences related to the industrial
energy efficiency
3. Having certain academic impact, referring to the publishment of SCI
or EI papers;
7) PI Bio-energy research
1. Ph.D. degree from famous foreign universities or "985"
universities in China; or having experiences of leading research teams in
famous international institutes; experts or scholars with professor
positions or equivalent; aged under 45;
2. Research direction or research experience in bio-energy related
ecology of the wetland ecosystem, environment branch project anaerobic
biological treatment, microalgae culture, engineering fluid mechanics,
engineering thermodynamics, etc.,
3. Having certain academic impact in the industry, referring to the
publishment of influential SCI papers, or application of influential
intellectual property rights such as patent technology, or experience in
taking charge of industrial scientific rewards domestic or international;
4. Able to take charge of research subjects independently and lead
reach team to carry out academic research, referring to experiences in
taking charge of national academic research subjects domestic or abroad;
5. Have international background and view; having position in relative
global academic institute and journal departments;
8) Senior scientist Bio-energy research
1.Ph.D degree from famous foreign universities or "985"
universities in China; working experiences in famous international research
teams; aged under 40;
2. Research direction or research experience in bio-energy related
ecology of the wetland ecosystem, environment branch project anaerobic
biological treatment, microalgae culture, engineering fluid mechanics,
engineering thermodynamics, etc.,
3. Having certain academic impact, referring to the publishment of
influential SCI papers within the industry or the application of influential
intellectual property rights such as patent technology.
9) Researcher associate Bio-energy research
1. Ph.D. degree from famous foreign universities or "985"
universities in China; aged under 35;
2. Research direction or research experience in bio-energy related
ecology of the wetland ecosystem, environment branch project anaerobic
biological treatment, microalgae culture, engineering fluid mechanics,
engineering thermodynamics, etc.,
3. Having certain academic impact, referring to the publishment of SCI
or EI papers;
10) PI Regional planning for low-carbon energy
1.Ph.D; aged below 45; if extraordinarily excellent then below 50;
2. The candidates need to have long worked in the regional planning of
low-carbon energy field, with high academic attainments, remarkable
achievements in scientific research, great development potential and
excellent creating abilities; having certain global academic impact; able to
lead academic team and carry out academic forefront and primary academic
and research according to significant national needs and able to set up
teams or combine other teams to apply for primary national projects;
3. Already got or able to get the National Outstanding Youth Fund within
the first duration of employment or already is or able to apply for the "
Changjiang Scholar" Chair Professor within the first duration of employment
is a plus;
11) Senior scientist Regional planning for low-carbon energy
1.Ph.D degree from famous foreign universities or "985"
universities in China; working experiences of leading academic group in
famous international research institutes; aged under 45;
2.The candidates need to have education background of low-carbon energy
or construction energy efficient; fluent in English and Chinese; 3 years
working experiences or more;
3. Having certain academic impact, referring to the publishment of
influential SCI papers within the industry or the application of influential
intellectual property rights such as patent technology.
12) Researcher associate Regional planning for low-carbon energy
1. Ph.D. degree from famous foreign universities or "985" universities in
China; aged under 35;
2.The candidates need to have academic background of low-carbon energy
or construction energy efficient; fluent in English and Chinese;
3. Having certain academic impact, referring to the publishment of SCI
or EI papers;
2. Package
PI (400,000—800,000 RMB); Senior scientist (150,000—250,000 RMB);
Researcher associate (100,000—200,000 RMB);
The payment is made up by fixed wage subsidies and allowances. Shared by
Tongji and ENN, the “ENN-Tongji Institute for Advanced Clean Energy
Technologies”, would be provided with a fund of 180,000 RMB at the start.
Other employment package would be determined according to the advanced study
of Tongji University and the qualification standards of the applicants.
From the first day of employment, employees would enjoy all corresponding
treatments as official national staff, take place of corresponding
professional and technical positions according to academic levels and enjoy
corresponding school post allowances.
3. Application Materials
1) Fill out the “application form” and the “high-level professional
and technical posts audit table”;
2) Copies of resume, ID card, education, degree certificates and English
3) Copies of professional titles, qualification certificates, award
certificates and other relevant certificates;
Contacting Method:
Please e-mail all application materials to the following address, and please
indicate the name of the candidates and the applying position on the e-mail
subject line.
Contact: Peng Xu
Email: x****[email protected]
1 (共1页)
电子科技大学能源科学与工程学院招聘信息Part-time editor and writer positions in Medjaden, a bioem
安徽农业大学生物质分子工程中心高层次人才招聘Part-time editors for Medjaden, in ophthalmology,cardiology, renology, and other fields
TONGJI UNIVERSITY DEANSHIPS & FACULTY POSITIONSPart-time editor positions in a biomedical editing company
2008年同济大学生命科学与技术学院诚聘教授启事上海交通大学医学院免疫所招聘 研究助理 博士后
part time editor/writer positions in Medjaden Biosciences Limited新奥集团—新奥科技发展有限公司招聘信息
话题: energy话题: pi话题: research话题: sci话题: tongji