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JobMarket版 - Research associate
Research associate诚聘住家或通勤保姆 - Lexington, MA
Hedge Fund Seeks Quant Researcher华中科技大学管理学院财政金融管理系招聘教师
Job Opening (Managing Editor, Boston)招中文辅导班老师/助教!兼职皆可
Two open faculty positions at Dalian Medical UniversityFamily daycare !(Irvine 地区)
Lam Research, OR, 我们这边开了好几个Sr. Mechanical Engineer的职位,可内推招聘--纽约 平面设计师 PARTIME
Senior Healthcare Data Analyst JOBID 543147 (转载)(曼哈顿)纽约信用卡服务公司急招三名实习生(可转正,办h1b
诚聘通勤保姆 Vienna VA招聘保姆
新泽西 中餐馆 招聘 服务员,小工,有身份,需报税麻省剑桥市中文学校下午课后班诚聘中文教师
话题: research话题: associate话题: university话题: parseint话题: computer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
The University of North Dakota is seeking a research associate to conduct
scientific research in the area of information systems and computer science.
The start date is flexible but we prefer to start in December 2014 or
January 2015.
Salary is between $2,500 – $4,500/month depending on experience. Benefits
such as health insurance and retirement will be provided according to the
University standards.
The candidates should have a master or Ph.D. (preferred) in computer science
, information systems, engineering, statistics, mathematics, or related
fields. Have expertise in at least one of the following areas: (1) computer
security; (2) programming languages; (3) theoretical analysis; (4)
information management, and (5) system architecture. Demonstrated skills in
using one high-level programming language are required.
This is a full time position, initially for up to one year. Renewal is
possible depending on availability of funding and mutual interests. To apply
, visit:
Search for JobID 1016. You must apply on the university human resource web
For any question, send email to [email protected]
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Please mention the
position of "Research associate".
1 (共1页)
麻省剑桥市中文学校下午课后班诚聘中文教师Lam Research, OR, 我们这边开了好几个Sr. Mechanical Engineer的职位,可内推
波士顿 求一个opt工作Senior Healthcare Data Analyst JOBID 543147 (转载)
part time job(不限地区不限时间单笔结算,收入理想)诚聘通勤保姆 Vienna VA
[招聘] 诚聘住家保姆 (芝加哥西郊)新泽西 中餐馆 招聘 服务员,小工,有身份,需报税
Research associate诚聘住家或通勤保姆 - Lexington, MA
Hedge Fund Seeks Quant Researcher华中科技大学管理学院财政金融管理系招聘教师
Job Opening (Managing Editor, Boston)招中文辅导班老师/助教!兼职皆可
Two open faculty positions at Dalian Medical UniversityFamily daycare !(Irvine 地区)
话题: research话题: associate话题: university话题: parseint话题: computer