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JobMarket版 - Job openings in Viral Immunology
生物职位招聘信息Good opportunity - Research Position in Beijing, China
招聘细菌学科研骨干looking for resume editing service
Postdoctoral position available年薪6-7万的technician职位 (转载)
诚聘海外杰出青年人才: 生态遥感方向Research Position in Grassland Remote Sensing【招聘】武汉大学
Research Position in Grassland Remote SensingRecruiting Biologist
博士后招聘收到一个的position open的email
话题: 61548话题: research话题: veterinary话题: chinese话题: immunity
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
Founded in 1957, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute http://www.chvst.com/English_web/Index.aspx, or http://www.chvst.com), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (LVRI, CAAS) is one of the most outstanding institutes in the field of preventive veterinary medicine in China. The research of our institute is mainly focusing on infectious diseases (viral and bacterial) and parasitic diseases of veterinary science, and zoonosis, specific to diagnosis, vaccinology, immunology, and preventive and control strategies against infectious diseases. Animal Virus Molecular Ecology Team is a newly established and well-funded team belongs to LVRI, CAAS since 2014. This vigorous steam includes several research groups focusing on innate immunity, mucosal immunity, and vaccine development for avian viruses and swine intestinal viruses.
Our team is now seeking for the Investigators at all levels in the field of
viral immunology of veterinary science. The responsibilities of opened
positions are focusing on 1) innate immunity of avian influenza, and 2)
mucosal immunity or pathogen-host interactions of swine viruses causing
Required Qualifications:
 DVM or PhD in Virology, Immunology, Preventive Veterinary
Medicine or closely relevant research fields
 Strong track record of publications in peer reviewed journals
 Three years of research experience in related fields
 Excellent written and verbal communication skills
 Ability to collaborate and team work
Preferred Qualifications:
 Experience and expertise with avian viruses or swine virus
 3+ years postdoctoral training experience in innate or mucosal
 Ability to supervise graduate students and assume leadership
 Research experience in animal work
 Theoretical insight and problem-solving ability in immunology,
virology, pathology, and related multi-disciplinary
The salary will be commensurate with the candidate's qualifications and
experience. In additional, comprehensive benefit package will be provided.
Special Notes:
Applicants who meet the requirements of “Youth Talent Plan” of Chinese
Academy of Agricultural Sciences or “National 1000 Talents Plan (Youth)”
of China are particularly encouraged to apply. An additional salary
increment is promised if applicants are selected by any of these talent
programs. In addition, an attractive start-up package will also be provided.
For details of these talent programs, please see the following links: http://www.caas.cn/en/scientists/talent_program/index.shtml
http://www.caas.net.cn/kjcxgczl/rcjs/237535.shtml (in Chinese)
http://www.1000plan.org/ (in Chinese)
Application Procedure
For consideration, please send your CV, names and addresses of three
references, an up to 2 pages statement of research interest, and a cover
letter that describes how the applicant fits the positions to:
Search Committee
Animal Molecular Virology Team
Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Administration Building, Room 209
1 Xujiaping, Yanchangbu, Chengguan District
Lanzhou, GS 730046, China
You may also e-mail your application package in one PDF file to:
[email protected]
/* */ or [email protected]
/* */ .
Positions keep open until being filled.
发帖数: 8
Founded in 1957, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute http://www.chvst.com/English_web/Index.aspx, or http://www.chvst.com), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (LVRI, CAAS) is one of the most outstanding institutes in the field of preventive veterinary medicine in China. The research of our institute is mainly focusing on infectious diseases (viral and bacterial) and parasitic diseases of veterinary science, and zoonosis, specific to diagnosis, vaccinology, immunology, and preventive and control strategies against infectious diseases. Animal Virus Molecular Ecology Team is a newly established and well-funded team belongs to LVRI, CAAS since 2014. This vigorous steam includes several research groups focusing on innate immunity, mucosal immunity, and vaccine development for avian viruses and swine intestinal viruses.
Our team is now seeking for the Investigators at all levels in the field of
viral immunology of veterinary science. The responsibilities of opened
positions are focusing on 1) innate immunity of avian influenza, and 2)
mucosal immunity or pathogen-host interactions of swine viruses causing
Required Qualifications:
 DVM or PhD in Virology, Immunology, Preventive Veterinary
Medicine or closely relevant research fields
 Strong track record of publications in peer reviewed journals
 Three years of research experience in related fields
 Excellent written and verbal communication skills
 Ability to collaborate and team work
Preferred Qualifications:
 Experience and expertise with avian viruses or swine virus
 3+ years postdoctoral training experience in innate or mucosal
 Ability to supervise graduate students and assume leadership
 Research experience in animal work
 Theoretical insight and problem-solving ability in immunology,
virology, pathology, and related multi-disciplinary
The salary will be commensurate with the candidate's qualifications and
experience. In additional, comprehensive benefit package will be provided.
Special Notes:
Applicants who meet the requirements of “Youth Talent Plan” of Chinese
Academy of Agricultural Sciences or “National 1000 Talents Plan (Youth)”
of China are particularly encouraged to apply. An additional salary
increment is promised if applicants are selected by any of these talent
programs. In addition, an attractive start-up package will also be provided.
For details of these talent programs, please see the following links: http://www.caas.cn/en/scientists/talent_program/index.shtml
http://www.caas.net.cn/kjcxgczl/rcjs/237535.shtml (in Chinese)
http://www.1000plan.org/ (in Chinese)
Application Procedure
For consideration, please send your CV, names and addresses of three
references, an up to 2 pages statement of research interest, and a cover
letter that describes how the applicant fits the positions to:
Search Committee
Animal Molecular Virology Team
Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Administration Building, Room 209
1 Xujiaping, Yanchangbu, Chengguan District
Lanzhou, GS 730046, China
You may also e-mail your application package in one PDF file to:
[email protected]
/* */ or [email protected]
/* */ .
Positions keep open until being filled.
发帖数: 789
1 (共1页)
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生物职位招聘信息Good opportunity - Research Position in Beijing, China
招聘细菌学科研骨干looking for resume editing service
Postdoctoral position available年薪6-7万的technician职位 (转载)
诚聘海外杰出青年人才: 生态遥感方向Research Position in Grassland Remote Sensing【招聘】武汉大学
话题: 61548话题: research话题: veterinary话题: chinese话题: immunity