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JobMarket版 - Ph.D student wanted at UF
财富500公司 上海研发位置美国统计遗传(statistical genetics)博士后招聘
Job Openings in Genscript (2011)Internal Sales工作机会—南加州Irvine-待遇不错
Fermentation/Biochemical Engineer-Position Available at SyntheZyme LLC工作机会—南加州Irivne
JD for Technical Account Manager position打个招生的广告: 计算与应用数学Numerical PDE方向
化工PhD 毕业欲在湾区找工作费城/新泽西地区招聘暑假音乐老师
Open Position: Research Scientist – Metabolic EngineeringA food company in LA is hiring plant supervisor
I lose my fellowship and want to find a jobMaster Graduate Assistantship in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality
RA position ($1,800/month) for PhD students in power/energy systems areaVirginia .NET Developer 机会
话题: bacteria话题: rumen话题: usda话题: fermenter话题: nifa
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18160
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: mountin2010 (我很丑但是我很温柔), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Ph.D student wanted at UF
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 30 11:29:55 2018, 美东)
Our lab is seeking a PhD graduate research assistant to begin in Fall 2018.
The assistant willcomplete work funded by a USDA-NIFA grant, which seeks to
determine why rumen microbes grow with such poor efficiency. Experiments
will involve fermenter trials with mixed rumen bacteria, omasal sampling of
cannulated cows, and biochemical experiments with pure cultures of bacteria.
Additionally, the assistant will help other students complete work funded by
a second USDA-NIFA grant,which uses fluorescent carbohydrates to identify
uncultured bacteria and the feed carbohydrates they consume.
An MS in Animal Sciences, Microbiology, Nutrition, or related field is
required. Experience with continuous culture fermenter systems and one or
more publications in a journal with international stature are preferred.
A basic stipend of $20,000/yr is guaranteed. A stipend of up to $36,000/yr
may be achieved by wellqualified students in university fellowship
More information on the Hackmann and Faciola labs can be found at
hackmannlab.org and faciola.com.
To apply or for more information, please send your CV to [email protected]
1 (共1页)
Virginia .NET Developer 机会化工PhD 毕业欲在湾区找工作
有感兴趣的吗?Open Position: Research Scientist – Metabolic Engineering
[@@@招.net developer@@@]I lose my fellowship and want to find a job
Civil Engineer, PE W/ 5 years experienceRA position ($1,800/month) for PhD students in power/energy systems area
财富500公司 上海研发位置美国统计遗传(statistical genetics)博士后招聘
Job Openings in Genscript (2011)Internal Sales工作机会—南加州Irvine-待遇不错
Fermentation/Biochemical Engineer-Position Available at SyntheZyme LLC工作机会—南加州Irivne
JD for Technical Account Manager position打个招生的广告: 计算与应用数学Numerical PDE方向
话题: bacteria话题: rumen话题: usda话题: fermenter话题: nifa